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Female Tiefling
Player: Lethara
General Information
Full Name: Aria
Age: 23
Deity: Malar
Faction/Rank: Free League
Place of Birth:
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'7"
Physical Build: Lithe, Endurant
Physical Features:
Equipment and Items

Aria is a tiefling with quite the mouth and a knack for both psionic powers and for the occasional sneaking around. Few who meet her would be likely to categorize her as dull; abrasive, tactless, loud, obnoxious, strong-willed, stubborn, and tenacious might come to mind. While her command over the Common language is tenuous and tends to slip through a myriad of varied pronunciations, listening to her voice is difficult enough. She is a competent hunter, and a potentially dangerous "spoon-bender." Since her arrival and continued time in Ironridge, she seems to have softened from the hard, cold creature she was. What this means for her future and attitudes is uncertain even to her.

It's well-known she prefers forests to cities, as well as eating fresh hearts from her kill. Better known for her mind powers, she is a tracker, sneak, brawler, and all-around survivalist. She's been known to use her psionic powers from everything to pranks to mass murder, and many things between like reading imprints, scanning minds, controlling her metabolism, and boiling her father from the inside out for laughs.


She stands at a rather average 5 feet and 7 inches, with ebony hair that is bound in various ties and clips which seem to be hand-made from bone, leather strips, and shiny stones. It is rare that she lets it out of the twin binds, and two small, off-white horns christen the top of her skull. Her eyes stand out as a vivid grass green with an intense focus to them that not only meets the gaze of others, but can even seem to compellingly draw eyes to either keep to hers or lower in deference (though few do the latter).

Her face can be described as having "character" for the more polite, and homely for those of more honest nature. While her eyes are large and lovely, her facial structure is characterized by a strong, broad jaw and large cheekbones that lend her cheeks to a more gaunt look beneath them. Her ears bear some crude piercings, and are pointed slightly at their ends. The bridge of her nose looks different than it might have in her youth, but is now characterized with a crooked bent down the bridge with a wide bulge from being broken on a number of occasion. At least she has kept her teeth very healthy, and they seem shining, white, and fierce when displayed in a grin or a growl between full lips, one of the few more feminized features of her visage.

In terms of body, Aria is more likely to stand out. Sleekly-muscled and toned, she might be mistaken for a dancer. Finesse does mark her fighting style when she engages in physical combat. Her shape is curved appealingly, if one likes larger breasts and broader hips with long legs. It's evident she keeps well-fed from the lack of willow-thin waist and meatier form. Long fingers can perform many dexterous tasks, and her range of flexibility is great. The overall tone of her skin is slightly bronzed and usually marred with dirt. Two stunning wings of emerald green protrude from her back covered over in rough scales, complimented with a matching scaled, prehensile tail bumped with small ridges and ending in a flexible cartilage tip of a triangular wedge shape. She switched from her dull leathers to a green, brown, and blue outfit that was made by Shaori. Her compliment of clothing has grown, but her tendency to get out of something other than her protective gear remains mostly undiminished.


Aria's mother Vella is where the story begins, though few would recount her original tale anymore, especially not her daughter. She was a farmer's daughter, one who dreamed with starry eyes of a life of adventure and fun beyond planting and milking. When she finally left her father's home, it was on poor terms; he called her a devil child, just like her dead mother, full of idealism and aspirations that he believed would leave her destitute. She moved to Selgaunt's poorer district to work as a barmaid. This is where she met Calabask Danacia-Black, who regaled the simple woman with tales of adventure while they both drank heavily, and subsequently procreated upstairs in an inn room and produced Aria.

What happened between that moment and where she is now, Aria is not very descriptive on. By the time she was having memories she still keeps as an adult, she remembers her mother as a bitter woman who attempted to and reminds her of an attempt to leave her to die in her infancy. In fact, it doesn't seem that her mother had any affections for her and the feeling was mutual. Finally when she grew some strange new appendages around her fifth birthday (horns, wings, tail), Vella threw her daughter out into the streets to fend for herself.

She didn't spend much time in the streets before traveling to the Arch Wood, where she carved out a living for herself with difficulty using her hands and mind. Aria dislikes goblins, mostly because of the plaguing role they played in marauding her childhood. When she did pass through cities, it was only briefly for the purposes of trade and some limited interaction that most often involved beating up other young street urchins for their food if she was unable to hunt any for herself. At some point she encountered Malarites in the woods, but she hasn't given any details on that and rarely mentions Malar or the strange tattoos on her body. The Beastlord's aid was invaluable in keeping her alive growing up, however.

Aria was not entirely clear even when she ended up in the Outlands, let alone how, as several unfortunate fights left her barely alive and in places she didn't recognize. She did come walking into Ironridge not terribly long ago, possibly a year (more or less) ago and began looking into a new perspective on life, the Multiverse, and everything.

She is now aware she was brought to the Outlands by a psion she describes as assimilating entire personalities and acting on a vast array of them; he watched Aria to introduce her to her negligent father, often keeping her alive when she was grievously injured or otherwise destitute. Malar has also been abandoned as a deity, but her tattoos remain.


The nature of Aria's relationships with many are often strange and ambiguous affairs. The only clear thing is that she and Cay'Norn Kaeless are in some manner of romantic relationship. This is notable for the fact that both of them tend to be both angry and misanthropic, but perhaps misanthropy loves company on occasion in an ironic twist. Calabask Danacia-Black is her father, but their behavior vacillates widely from playful to angry, which is understandable since she only recently discovered the familial bonds with great discomfort at the concept. Grod Sharptusk is a good friend of hers, and they can often be seen talking or hunting together but occasionally fighting. Shika Mitsu can be called a friend as well, but this is another strange rapport since Aria often yells at her or otherwise seems annoyed; still, she seems to think it's worth continuing to give "advice." Spark and Amrita are her "spoonbender friends", and she seems far less perturbed by them or their strange powers. Aerenxa Therenwanya she refers to as "Sad Doll," though she seems to have some interest in the beautiful dancer. Perhaps it's for similar reasons as her interest in the strange Drow she calls "Shi", but she doesn't speak of what those interests could be. Maur amuses her even if Aria looks down on her drinking; Lysandrana E'len might be adversarial but Aria respects and likes the fierceness of her personality, most especially when she's rebuking the husband Aria finds annoying, Yante Marinsbane. She doesn't tend to get along with the stern Lowar'lith, and seems almost adversarial on occasion with Ashtaroth and Prothen. Serina Daeth is someone she tends to dislike quite a lot, though her impending death seems to have changed her tune at least a little. Serina's former boyfriend Mason gets along well with Aria, as well as the drunken monk Shen Shou Zeng when she isn't making fun of his lack of testicles. Somewhat surprisingly, she also seems to be in good standing and relation with the Athenian paladin Alinda Lasaedra Veles. It's difficult to tell where the relationship between Aria and Vilamen Quirquis stand, sometimes seen enjoying each others company, other times butting heads over the most trivial of things - namely Vilamen's supposed lackofbeinglaid.


  • Aria is disquieted by the actions and beliefs of the city, and tends to be outspoken in her dislike of both the Harmonium and the Mercykillers.
  • Some may know Aria is tangled up with battling against the plague that has spread into Ironridge. She's rumored to be able to detect its presence, and potentially cure it.
  • Her more recent behavior has been leaning more toward a bridge between empathetic compassion and distant heartlessness. What this means to Malar or what He means to her tend to go unanswered.
  • She has occasionally gone by the name Aria Black, as she did at Serina's trial.
  • Some people probably think she's crazy, but Aria never seems to think this of herself.
  • Aria has had unpleasant dealings with Loki and Shar.
  • When Kiros is around, Aria either says nothing or ignores him.
  • Aria claims to be a tiefling of Yugoloth descent, specifically a Nycaloth. Apparently, it was the enigmantic Estrella Diell who discovered this esoteric little fact.
  • Has been sleeping with Vyersil de Lorne, only without very much actual sleeping.