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Female Drow
Player: Darien
General Information
Full Name: Shi'Naynee of Lolth
Nicknames: Seer, Ears and eyes of the Queen
Age: Unknown
Deity: Lolth
Occupation: Seer, tool of Lolth
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Broken Reach
Physical Attributes
Height: Around 5'
Weight: 38 kg
Eyes: Amber eyes, upon closer inspection you notice that the irises are fractured, like a shattered mirror
Hair: Probably white
Complexion: Dark
Physical Build: Petite, boyish
Physical Features: None are visible, she is ALWAYS covered head to toe in several layers of cloth.
Shi'Naynee is rather skilled at removing and setting traps and at opening locks
Equipment and Items
Nothing special

This drow female could almost be mistaken for a male, if not for the missing broader shoulders. Her silken skin around her eyes and the eyes themselves quickly remove the image of her being a boy, though. At times, she moves a bit like a stalking cat or snake. Two short swords are strapped to her back, one slightly curved, the other looking like the mandible of a giant spider. Her belt and the bags on it seem to contain all sorts of wires and odd and tiny contraptions. Except for the area around her eyes, every inch of skin is covered by cloth, mostly in very dark blue or black hues of colour. Of her hair little is seen, due to the fact that she hides it beneath her hood, only occasional some wisps of white escape the protective garnment.

Personality Traits

Shi'Naynee is a very soft-spoken and often strange person. Her voice sounds broaken and hoarse and when she speaks, her voice barely gets louder than a whisper. Occasionly, she suffers from muscle spasms in her arms, legs or even neck. If these get too violent, she usually sticks a knife in the place (not the neck, though. Not if she doesn't have to). If she is bleeding, her blood is blac-red and sluggish, more like syrup. Along with her blood, dozens of tiny spiders exit her body if she gets cut. These swarm her body and set out to weave webs over the wounds, effectively healing them over time.

Talking to Shi'Naynee is more often than not a strange encounter. It seems like her mind is fractured, maybe even damaged a bit. She often speaks in spoken pictures, prattling about a River, colours, and things she sees in her visions (or delusions, depends on how seriously you take her).


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Known Goals

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Known Achievements

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