RP Skills
In order to allow more nuanced, complex characters without harming mechanical capabilities of Planeswalkers, SPL has a Roleplay Skills System. Essentially, after character creation, a PC can give themself skills in parallel with leveling with just using a chat command called /skills. The restrictions, however, still follow the normal rules of levelling, and that is that your skills cannot go over your HD (Hit Die) by more than 3 points (eg. level 1 - 4, level 20 -23). The selection of skills is primarily orientated towards Roleplay, meaning knowledge, IC professions, traits and so on.
Everyone gets enough to level out two skills, and each point of Intelligence modifier grants you 1.5 skill points. The modifications are hard rank modifications just like an actual level up and do contribute for Prestige Class requirements.
These skills are primarily used in Roleplay, especially in DM-run events, but a few of them (namely Knowledge: Planes, Wilderness Lore and Streetwise) help in navigation around the Planes.
Additionally, the Profession skills grant your Character gold while Roleplaying (so called "RP Tick"). This gold gain is limited by Skill rank, the more you have it the more you get, however they are capped to approximately one to two Skill ranks and you are expected to roleplay your professions, meaning you shouldn't take all of them (unless your Character is somehow juggling 4 professions) and you won't get any mechanical benefit from taking a lot of them.
How to Obtain Them
Use /skills to see your RP skills.
To add a skill, do:
/skill [name of skill] [amount to add].
Eg. for Knowledge: Planes, do:
/skill planes 4
Some skills have long complex names, so use the list as a reference if confused or unsure.
Skills cannot be reset normally and relevelling doesn't reset RP skills, you will need a DM to assist you with resetting your RP skills.
The List
* Bluff * Diplomacy * Disguise * Escape Artist * Intimidate * Investigation * Knowledge: Arcane * Knowledge: Planar Creatures (planarcreatures) * Knowledge: Engineer * Knowledge: Factions * Knowledge: Nature * Knowledge: The Planes (planes) * Knowledge: Psionics * Knowledge: Religion * Knowledge: Warfare * Lore * Persuade * Profession: Apothecary * Profession: Arbitrator * Profession: Artist * Profession: Chef * Profession: Legist * Profession: Mercenary * Profession: Merchant * Profession: Outlaw * Profession: Sailor * Profession: Scribe * Profession: Tout * Sense Motive * Sleight of Hand * Streetwise * Tracking * Wilderness Lore (wilder) (Don't do wildernesslore as you might get Lore added instead)