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Revision as of 20:06, 27 March 2013

Pantheon: Faerûnian
AoC: Beauty, love,
Symbol: Face of ivory-
skinned maiden
with red hair
Home P/L/R: Arborea/Olympus/

Sune Firehair is one of the vainest creatures in the multiverse, though she vies for that honor with Aphrodite of the Olympians. She shares the pool Evergold - the Fountain of Youth and Beauty - with Aphrodite, Hanali Celanil, Freya, and other goddesses of glamour. Sune, naturally, considers herself more beautiful than the rest, who in turn see her as a backwater power with delusions of grandeur. For the most part, however, the deities get along fairly well.

Sune is also one of the most passionate powers in the cosmos, and she convinces herself that her interests run deep - and they do, for however long as the basher continues to prove enticing - and then she loses interest, seeking new and exciting pastures. She doesn't forget her enemies, however. Among them she counts Talona (goddess of disease), Talos (god of storms), and any who'd ruin beauty for the joy of destruction.

Fact is, Sune's beauty inspires many, and artists and lovers alike seek her favor. She gives writers the ability to produce excellent works quickly, painters sudden flashes of brilliant composition, and sculptors the sense of perfection in the human form. To lovers she grants desire and passion, and to her other worshippers she simply makes the blood race - that's enough for most folk.

She shares her realm on Arborea with two other major powers: Tymora (goddess of good fortune) and Lliira (goddess of joyful dance and festivals). One of the newest realms on the planes, Brightwater is also one of the most exciting. There, a body can find almost any diversion imaginable. It's a place of constant movement and action, and many are the bashers who've wished they could remain in Brightwater for the rest of their lives.