Uncapped Spells

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Not to be confused with Epic Spells which are epic spells gained from artifacts or quests.


SPL features a number of spells (primarily buffs and wards) which scale higher than the vanilla NWN limits, making powerful spellcasters, especially spellcasters of epic renown able to aid themselves and their allies in much stronger ways. These spells tend to be much more potent than their item counterparts from the loot pool, which encourages cooperation and careful planning, as well as a diverse party of all classes to be able to get the highest possible strength.

Criteria of Uncapped Spells

Each spell follows its own individual criteria for what uncaps the spell, but they tend to be tied to:

  • Character Level
    • The total sum of your character classes if cross-classing
    • This limit cannot be bypassed, you must have enough character levels.
  • Specific Number of Class Levels
    • Some buffs won't go above a certain bonus without enough class levels for the specific spell (eg. 6 levels of Cleric)
    • This limit cannot be bypassed, you must have enough class levels if the spell requires it.
  • Caster Level
    • The sum of your class levels that grant you the spell.
    • This number is modifiable with caster level modifying consumables and Practiced Caster. This practically means that some caps are achievable using only consumables without even attaining epic levels.

Only the class that actually gets the spell from their spellbook can uncap the spell.

Note: Racial Hit Dice (RHD), associated with Monstrous/Non-Standard Races, add to both Divine and Arcane caster levels at a rate of 1/RHD level. These RHD levels also count toward Class Levels in the calculations.

List of Uncapped Spells

Each uncapped spell page has its own criteria written out for raising the cap. The current list of uncapped spells are the following: