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(Created page with "Category:Character_Profiles {{CharacterBox | name = Elzar Koshi | gender = Male | race = Human | player = BestBardNA | image = | fullname = Elzar Simon Koshi | ni...")
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[[Jessamine Tockenspire]]- The two seem to travel together plenty, but they've butt heads on magical theory once or twice.
[[Jessamine Tockenspire]]- The two seem to travel together plenty, but they've butt heads on magical theory once or twice.

[[Kaelin]]- Mister Koshi seems to have a healthy dose of respect for the master archer, even if 'e   
[[Kaelin Val'aeus]]- Mister Koshi seems to have a healthy dose of respect for the master archer, even if 'e   

[[Onthea]]- The wrinkly old prune's seemed to take a liking to the strange bein' what don' poop, despite (or mayhaps because of) 'er naivity.
[[Onthea]]- The wrinkly old prune's seemed to take a liking to the strange bein' what don' poop, despite (or mayhaps because of) 'er naivity.

[[Orphne]]- Koshi's fond of good music and good food, so the pair seem t' bond over those subjects.
[[Orphne]]- Koshi's fond of good music and good food, so the pair seem t' bond over those subjects.

=What's the chant from other bloods?=
=What's the chant from other bloods?=

Revision as of 09:06, 12 April 2020

Elzar Koshi
Male Human
Player: BestBardNA
General Information
Full Name: Elzar Simon Koshi
Nicknames: Mister Koshi
Age: 83
Deity: Ita the Mother, Ve the End
Occupation: Gravetender
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Blackrock Isle, (Prime World: Yuslaf)
Physical Attributes
Height: 1.67 meters stooped, 1.77 meters straight backed
Weight: 87.5 kg
Eyes: Bright blue
Hair: Bald, presumably white
Complexion: Tanned and wrinkled, like old cracked leather
Physical Build: Although stooped, Mister Koshi boasts a considerably athletic frame
Physical Features: Leans heavily on an ornate looking metal cane wherever he goes. Seems to suffer from a variety of age-induced ills.
Appears to be an expert in arcane matters, and allegedly not too bad with a knife.
Equipment and Items
A cane, a knife, a crossbow and bolts, spellbooks and spell components, and whatever other tricks he pulls out of his bags of holding

"Get down from there before you break your neck."- Mr. Koshi to some basher or another.

Who is Mister Koshi?

That's the fifty-jink question isn't it, cutter? 'E don't go rattling his bone-box off about 'isself, that's for sure. A mention of some grandkids 'ere, a favourite food there (Chant says it's sandwiches, by the by), but for the most part, folk don't really know much about 'im.

What? First name? 'Ells if I know. I've asked around, and no one knows it. 'It the blinds face first on that one. Folk's just call 'im Mister Koshi. Some folk call 'im Koshi, but they're apt to get corrected on that. 'E don't seem to give a jinkskirt's virtue about who 'e corrects on it, neither. Clueless or Planar, Berk or Blood, don't matter. It's Mister Koshi or nothin' at all.

I know 'e's from some backwater prime no one's 'eard of. To 'ear 'im tell it, it's no picnic. Lotta shamblers and rattlers down that way. Hrm? You know. Deaders. Corpses what are brought back to eat the livin'. By the powers yer addle-coved, aren't ya?

Anyway, this spiv's old as dust. Hobbles around on a cane, but I've 'eard that's a peel. Cane looks odd too, love to get my mitts on it, see what the dark of it is.

From what I've seen, 'e looks to be a finger-wiggler of some stripe, probably a wizard. Always readin', always writin'. Unless 'e's eatin' a sandwich or tellin' an unlucky cutter one o' 'is barmy stories or "life lessons".

Why is he here?

Best I can figure it from askin' around, is that 'e's here doing research. Spell research or summat. Apparently the arcane libraries back 'ome were overrun by the dead, so they been gettin' by on scraps for the past few hundred years. I 'ear 'e's got 'isself a research assistant too, some big basher named Mister Ewan. 'E don't look too bright, but I've been fooled before.

Anything else?

There's rumours, yeah. Nothin' concrete. Chant says 'e's been visiting the Gymnasium frequent-like. Been talkin' to a lot of folk what seem down on their luck or down on 'emselves. Just hobbles on up, gives 'em a sandwich and let's 'em just gab at 'im til they feel better or figure it out. Where's 'e getting all them sandwiches anyway? Never seem 'im go shopping. Never seen 'im buy any. Just -always- 'as 'em.

And he's writin' all the time. Just sits at the fulcrum some days and writes for hours. Oh sure, 'e'll talk to anyone what comes up to 'im, but 'e just scribbles away in some script or other. Peeked over 'is shoulder once, couldn't make 'eads or tails o' it. Maybe they're spells. Maybe 'e's writin' home to his family.

Now iffin' there's one odd thing about 'im, it's that 'e seems to loathe elves. Not drow, mind. Just plain jane ol' fashioned High Elves.

He friendly to anyone?

Oh yeah, 'e's friendly to everyone it seems. There's a few folk what 'e talks to more 'n others, though.

Brigur Hadriel Anduin- Saw these two munchin' down on sandwiches in the park not long ago. Old fart seems keen on callin' 'im Mister Riegon for whatever reason.

Cay'Norn Kaeless- This blood don't need no introduction. 'Im an' the old fella seem to get along like Guvners and permits.

Crispin Shallows- The halflin' and the old man are comfortable enough tha' Mister Koshi doesn't seem to mind 'im callin' 'im Koshi. The two needle eachother with friendly insults, but no one's gotten any 'urt feelin's over it.

Hadush Uskada- I dunno iffin' I'd call 'em friends, but seem cordial enough to eachother. Dark is that Hadush beat the old man into the dirt during one 'o' his frenzies. Deeper Dark says that Hadush reminds 'im o' his Granddaughter.

Jarel Towe- The ol' timer seems to be able to talk 'im down every once in a while, which is good, cause I'm sure mos' folk don' like 'earin' 'im scream all the time.

Jessamine Tockenspire- The two seem to travel together plenty, but they've butt heads on magical theory once or twice.

Kaelin Val'aeus- Mister Koshi seems to have a healthy dose of respect for the master archer, even if 'e

Onthea- The wrinkly old prune's seemed to take a liking to the strange bein' what don' poop, despite (or mayhaps because of) 'er naivity.

Orphne- Koshi's fond of good music and good food, so the pair seem t' bond over those subjects.

What's the chant from other bloods?

"Koshi? Aye 'e's keen fer'a codgah, but don' get'm dolin' out screed 'n stratagem an'the like, 'less y'feel like fallin'sleep 'n'yer sandwich."- Crispin

((If you have anything to say about Mister Koshi, just shoot me a message on Discord. I'll be more than happy to put it up here whether it's friendly or not.))