Tristle Lyonsbane
Tristle Lyonsbane | |||||||
Female Human | |||||||
Player: Lucifershex | |||||||
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General Information | ||||||||||
Full Name: | Tristle Lyonsbane | |||||||||
Nicknames: | ||||||||||
Age: | Unknown | |||||||||
Deity: | ||||||||||
Alignment: |
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Occupation: | ||||||||||
Faction/Rank: | ||||||||||
Place of Birth: | Unknown | |||||||||
Physical Attributes | ||||||||||
Height: | 5' 9" | |||||||||
Weight: | 139 | |||||||||
Eyes: | Sapphire Green that seem to have a purplish hue to them | |||||||||
Hair: | Golden | |||||||||
Complexion: | Milky with a hint of sun touch | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Petite yet solid | |||||||||
Physical Features: | ||||||||||
Skills | ||||||||||
Equipment and Items | ||||||||||
The Lore and Myth
Looking upon Tristle, (IF you ever catch her without her trademark shadowed hood)she is average in the looks department. Her slightly milky complexion shows a very light bit of sunkiss but not much at all. Her golden shoulder length mane frames her face and is only outdone by her emerald green eyes that seem to have a purplish hue to them.
Being tall for her race she stands 5'9" and while looking petite and soft in her monk robes she carries her solid 135 lbs, you sense different. An eerie confidence and danger is the feeling you get, even though her actions and movements say otherwise. Because watching her, it seems her movements are somewhat bordering clumsy and uncoordinated. To the very keen of eye though, it is noticed that her movements are deliberate and precise. Her muscles are tight and corded from training and ready to be unleashed with trained and devastating strength within less than a blink of a fairy's eye.
Personality and General Information
Tends to be a hot head, she seldom smiles, but tends to grin a lot. If you are ever allowed into her "friend" category you will find she is fiercely loyal. She tends to be brash and abrasive in manner especially towards men. She is hard on herself with any mistakes she makes. If you don't know her she tends to appear somewhat shy and quiet but you can feel her eyes measuring you and your character from beneath her hood. If you hurt or offend someone she is close to or likes she will let you know that eventually you and her will have a run in where others can not be a witness against her, and that is if she doesn't attempt to break your nose right there. You may not know Calandra but if you use her name in any manner other than what she considers in a good light, you had best have your will written and your family hidden.
The Story of Tristle Lyonsbane
OOC except for DM USE and only Calandra Quindiniar, Celestia Planeswalker, know the full background IC'ly also a work in progress
She was found in a bundle of cold, wet blankets, just off the dirt road in the thick brush. It was obvious that she had rolled into the brush from being dropped from what was a dead human servant girl. The girl had 3 well place arrows, grouped tightly in her back. Each remarkable arrow having pierced her heart from the back. The black ebony arrows were engraved with a long snake heading down the shaft to the tip of the arrows in glittering red ruby dust. The homes that were raided and razed were about 100 yard from the servant girl, who was obviously charged with escaping with the precious package. The odd thing was no bodies were ever found except for the servant girls, and no sign of anyone coming any closer than 90 yard to her body so the arrows had been shot from a great distance.
She was discovered by an elven monk from a distance away named Istion Lyonsbane. Who found her wrapped very carefully in 3 very expensive fabric blankets, that were soaked from storms that had passed the area. Unwrapping her he found the 3rd blanket was embroidered in the corner with the name Tristle. Discarding the other two he wrapped the infant known as Tristle in some warm robes and set her down to investigate quickly knowing that she was nearly dead from being in the cold and elements for who knows how long. He quickly realized the arrows would be important somehow so removed them and buried the poor young servant girl with proper rights. Wrapping the arrows up in her blanket, he than moved back to Tristle taking her with care yet in a hurry to a cleric for healing. Intending to come back and check out the grisly scene for answers that he knew would come later from this babe.
Upon arrival his order had rules against keeping children, so it was with deep sympathies he had once Tristle was healthy enough to find a family to raise her in the nearest township or village.
In the local town a few miles away he found a couple that had just lost their baby
to a miscarriage. The woman, Lora was a very sweet lass who seemed to be a bit
clumsy, but very loving. The husband, Dean seemed to be gone working a lot to provide,
and Istion figured this family could use this precious bundle. So he sat down with
the two of them and made sure they knew the stipulations. One being they can not
change her first name but her last would be their families if they wanted. The
second being that on her 8th birthday she would begin traveling every morning by
sun rise to begin studies with him at the Monk Order. And third that they would
treat her as if she was born their own. They all agreed and oaths were sworn.
Little did Istion know that the miscarriage was due to abuse from Dean, which was what was passed off by Lora as clumsiness.
Tristle's years were long and hard. Growing she bore witness to Dean's beating of her mother. And the dark and shadowy people that always seemed to be coming and going. It seemed as soon as Tristle could walk and talk she was made to go with some of those dark and shadowy people. Dean told her she was perfect and needed to earn her keep to help support her family. Which was really to pad his comfort since her mom and her never saw any of the earnings. But anytime she refused to do as he or the guild told her, Lora would get worse beatings. So to keep her mother who was loving and totally nurturing and the only light in Tristle's young existence from getting beat she worked and actually became one of the guilds best. She also learned how to turn Dean's ire upon herself instead of her mother taking it. The pain could not trump the satisfaction that her mother very rarely bore the brunt of his anger and hatred.
The day before her 8th birthday she was pulled aside by Dean and held by the throat off the ground, his face mere inches from hers. His breath stinking of putrid ale as he spoke. "You ever mention any of what goes on ere ya little bitch to any o' them there robed fellas yer goin ta play with I'll fix yer stinkin whore of a mom wit a good ole beatin and don't be thinking I won't torture an kill anything ye hold dear even dem dere robed fellas. So make suren ye keep yer little mouth shut..and yer still gonna work fer us when ye get home every night. And don't test me, ye know I ain't lyin."
At which point her dropped her gasping to the floor. The next morning she was up and running to get to her training knowing she didn't want to be late. Her first meeting with Istion Lyonsbane, she found him not at all what she expected. And the first day, which was her birthday,(not really since no one knew it. Was her adoption day really) she was given a set of initiates robes, boots, gloves and Kamas. It was a relaxing day where she talked to Istion and learned a lot about him and the order. It was a strange change of pace from what she had come from. The next day was different REAL TRAINING had begun and the NICE MR.Istion was no longer there. Well until the last 20 minutes where he seemed to come back and the softness and smile would creep back into his eyes as he looked at her. She would occasionally hear whispers around and think she heard talk of how surprised others were with how fast and adept she learned. But shook her head usually thinking her hearing things and getting a big head. Which she had to remember humbleness not pride nor boastfulness. Istion would look on her in disappointment, which seemed to be the most hurtful thing to her which she couldn't understand, any time she seemed proud or prideful in doing something. And he always told her, "You can do better, don't think you are doing good or anything special. (Although she did not know it Istion was beaming inside at how amazing she was and how fast she was learning her studies. Very surprised was he at how quick she mastered elven, and other languages she needed to travel with.) She enjoyed her training long and rigorous as it was, and how she dreaded going home after. Dean seemed to be growing more angry and hateful, but meditation during the beatings and such made it seem like nothing. And she seemed able to at least heal the bruises and cuts so as to not alarm Istion and have him ask questions.
Years flew by and training and working for the guild seemed to fly and become ritual.
Around her 16th birthday she woke early and ran to training. In her mind Istion was her
father and she so enjoyed her time with him, even if he was strict for most the day
and she now learned to read behind his facade, although she never let on that she
could so easily see how proud he was of her. The harder he critiqued also showed her
that he was only fighting himself NOT to let out how proud and surprised he was with
her progress. BUT today when she walked in something was very different, the air even
seemed turbulent and heavy. She bounced in with a smile but saw him at his desk and
suddenly saw the look on his face and her smile turned solemn. It was as if someone
had just died.
All he said was "SIT" in a commanding solemn tone that she had not ever heard. She
did as she was told her thoughts whirling thinking maybe he had found out about her
working for the thieves guild. What had she done to so upset him. Her mind panicking
yet her face and body a calm ocean surface. Scared that the only Man that wasn't a pig
or a brute was mad at her or even worse disappointed was killing her. All this torture in
her mind and in reality was a 5 second span. Would he just talk already tell her what was
going on!!!
No training went on that day, only a line of questions after questions. Yet not wanting to she evaded and dodged questions giving no answers. And what she didn't know is that those were answers enough to a wise old elven monk. YET finally frustrated Istion slapped his hand on his desk (which was highly uncharacteristic) said. "ENOUGH, don't move out of that seat" and left the office.
He returned a couple of hours later and looked disheveled and pale. And as he talked to her he kept interrupting himself saying how sorry he was. And how he should have known. He seemed to be growing more tired and weak as he talked. Finally he stood and for the first time showing outwardly his sincere love, compassion and how proud he was of her. Clasping her face in his hands he kissed her forehead and told her the day here was done and that she should run home and be ready for training tomorrow.
On her way home, confused befuddled and distracted, not noticing her home door was wide open when she walked in. The home was dark and when she came out of her thoughts she realized her mother was slumped on the floor. She closed the door and went to comfort her mother holding her in her arms, rocking her trying to soothe her. Her mother looked up beaten and bloody her eyes filled with love and full of pride. She uttered "I am so sorry baby girl, so sorry" and than her eyes glossed over and her body went limp.
Tristle put her face into her mothers chest resting on the bloody shirt whimpering. "nothing is your fault momma,I am sorry I didn't protect you better." as she rocked and sobbed talking to her dead mother.
Sadness and anger filled her and she sobbed uncontrollably, and she didn't hear the door open. Dean strolled in uttering cusses to his wife about how she better be cleaned up and ready to be a wife, and wait til that bitch gets home she is gonna get worse. Staggering drunkenly he realized Tristle was there comforting her mom. Not realizing Lora was dead, he smirked and replied to a question not asked.
"She got a good ole beatin for ye ta day. Cause that there nosy ass monk came here an ta the guild askin questions all accusatory an stuff. Now the guild don't there take kindly ta bein questioned specially by no damn petty monk." And he was cut off in mid sentence as Tristle screamed at him.
"YOU KILLED HER, SHE IS DEAD" Throughout her sobbing.
He yelled right back drunkenly "Well suits ye right ya bitch, I telled ye what would happen if'n ye opened that there trap o yers. Her death is yer fault." He was no where near her but acted like he was going to throw a backhand.
Before he knew and even she knew what was going on she had moved to within the range of his backhand. But her instant reaction with her right hand blocking his strike out wide. And from somewhere in her mind subconsciously logged into her memories just from reading a future lesson. Her left hand struck, straight out fingers half curled thumb back palm striking right at the area of the heart. It seemed as if a blue light flashed, and nothing happened other than Tristle's palm was quivering and stung as if repelled. Dean stood eyes wide with shock and slowly narrowing his mouth that hung agape closed into a frown.
Tristle ready to take a step back and roll for fear of what was to come for retribution of trying to strike him. Of all her training and she could not even make him flinch. She prepared herself for the coming onslaught of the guilds second in command.
Suddenly he fell backwards........dead.
Shocked and realizing what she had just done and what it meant, she ran out the door as fast as she could. Heading to see her teacher, confused on what had just happened, she didn't mean to kill him, or did she. But how could one hit kill someone. Her mind a whirl as she ran not stopping for breath or even obstacles. She arrived and flew into his office only to find another monk there.
Things only got bleaker as the other monk explained that Istion was dying. That he had acquired a poison not known to them in his body and that he would be dead in a day or two. Apologizing and explaining they have had every cleric they know come try and help but to no avail. He escorted her to his bedside.
Istion was very glad to see her, but knew she was troubled. So he listened to her and when she finished he asked her to go to the hutch and take out the package wrapped in a white blanket and bring it to him. When he had the package he began from the beginning and explained everything, he unwrapped the blanket and handed her the arrows. And than the blanket with her name on it. He than went on to explain that her strike was way beyond her experience but he was not surprised, and it was a skill called quivering palm. He explained that she should NEVER attempt it again until she is trained because it could very well kill her by taking too much chi energy. He also went on to explain that the Raid was by no means random, and whoever had attacked was very very powerful and rich and pointed to the arrows again. And explained when he and a party went to investigate it was as though there was a barrier stopping them from entering. So they went back to grab a wizard who could unweave such things only to find the place was completely gone. But that those arrows could lead you to your past or future destiny. And that now with the Thieves Guild going to be looking for her she had best leave and never look back. And not ever stop running, that they are the cause of the poison he knows not how but they got him.
He than confided in him that he had always thought of her as a daughter, since he couldn't have one being a monk. And that he was sorry he didn't protect her from the awful things, and he would not ever forgive himself.
As his dying wishes he told her she must leave before the night fell, and that she would take up the quest to find the Kamas of _______ a brother and sister pair and the Robes of ________. That if she finds them she will not ever have need to find any other Robes or Kama because as she grows with experience so will the grow and become stronger. And finally he kissed her and begged for her to leave him and find safety and happiness.
Tristle did not want to but knew she must. It was his last wishes, so as she got to the door way she turned and looked at him one last time.
Her last words to him made him smile bigger than he had ever in his lifetime. "I will take on YOUR last name father. I am to be known forever as Tristle Lyonsbane." And softer out of his hearing she thought. "I will avenge your death by destroying the guild to the last man, when I am ready."
Throughout her travels and running she was dogged by assassins of the guild. She kept on dodging some dispatching others, and she ran further. She ended up in Elysia for a long stint with no signs of the guild she met a lass called Celestia Planeswalker who talked her into joining the Warrior Maidens for a bit. And than something happened and Celestia disappeared.
But fearing staying in one place too long she moved on to Hala where she met a woman who would become her best and only true trusted friend Calandra Quindiniar. The bond was that of family and they had gone through a lot together and traveled far and wide. Tristle was a woman of loyalty, and Cal had disappeared for a bit so Tristle ventured off and found herself in a place called Isles of the Lost. When she came back and found Cal again something was different and the friendship was there but distant. Gods were out to destroy Cal she was becoming powerful. Well being sneaky they finally found a way to get to Cal and kill her without having to do it themselves. Playing games with Tristle's mind. And using the power that only GODS could and tempting her with power and her ultimate desire convinced Tristle all she had to do was Kill Calandra. She agreed and said she would meet where the God in his mortal form would make it a spectical.
The last time Tristle was seen was on that day. The god in his mortal form imbued Tristle with powers far beyond a mortal while Cal was unaware. Than the God smiled and Called to Calandra and explained while standing next to Tristle how she was helpless and going to die. He called for Tristle to Strike...And Strike Tristle did...Surprising everyone striking a deadly and killing blow that would be heard around the realm. As the gods mortal form was DESTROYED by the blow as Tristle Betrayed the god and killed his mortal form.
The last words heard from Tristle before the god could recover and RIP her away to be tortured somewhere in the realm of angry gods. "NEVER TEST MY LOYALTY TO CALANDRA. MY LOYALTY CAN NOT BE CHALLENGED EVEN BY A FOOLISH GOD. I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN CALANDRA BE WELL AND STAY ALIVE."
With that Tristle was gone, taken by an angry god.
Only to reappear here in Sigil a broken husk of herself. Trying to relearn what the God had stripped from her. Her memories remain but her experiences have been stripped. She can be heard saying she has 3 quests to complete. First and foremost is finding Calandra. Everything else is a bonus.
Languages Known
Common,Thieves Cant,Elvish,Dwarven,Halfling
Place of Birth
- Unknown
Theme Song
Personal Effects
Weapons of choice
- Dual Kamas
(Sleeping Dragon) With a handle made of Dragon bone scorched black and in the shape of an old black dragon, The bottom of the handle the dragons tail encrusted with diamond dust. The top its head bent and the mouth holding the Bleach white blade. The eyes sparkling green emeralds that seem to look around on their own when out and ready.
(Tranquil Falls) With a handle made of _____ and shaped like rocks and foaming water, flowing up the hilt to form a Blue hued blade The only jewel on this is a blue sapphire where the foaming water and Blade meet.