Slaadi Lords

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Primus' exact opposites rule on the plane of Limbo. There, in the swirling soup of elemental matter, live the slaadi powers; the Lords of Chaos.

Few consider these bloods true deities. From what little's been wrung from the slaadi, it seems that the Lords of Chaos are more like the great heroes of their race. Chant is they're really death slaadi that've managed to move up another rung on the ladder of power. By exploring the sheer possibilities available to them as the children of Limbo's chaos, they've discovered secrets that some think might have been better left hidden.

They've come away with great abilities, but they've also established themselves as individuals, not only in their own minds but also in the minds of bashers across the planes. Each lord seeks an expression of chaos that's beyond what the slaadi form offers, and each embodies a unique flavor of that primal force.

Only four Lords of Chaos are known to exist. The oldest by far is Ssendam, the Lady of Insanity. It's said she's a great golden amoeba, a mass of oozing chaos, and any mortal sod who looks upon her supposedly goes barmy. Ssendam's also said to have developed mental powers that let her crush minds and drive folks mad - the better to promote chaos.

The second of the four is Ygorl, the Lord of Entropy. Some say he rules Limbo (insofar as a basher can control the plane of ultimate disorder) and actually created the slaadi Spawning Stone. Ygorl takes the form of a charred, winged shaadi skeleton, and his great scythe can cut through any living flesh. He tries to perpetuate the race by sending masses of slaadi across the planes to plant their eggs in host bodies.

The third lord is Chourst the Unpredictable, a 20-foot-tall slaad of purest white. He cares for nothing but himself and takes whatever actions strike him from moment to moment. More than any other lord, Chourst is ruled by impulse. some think he's whimsy incarnate. He's also totally insane and goes on rampages of random destruction - until something else catches his eye.

The fourth of the bunch is an artistic slaad known as Rennbuu, Lord of Colors. He wears a mane of shockingly white hair that contrasts starkly with the ever-shifting colors of his scales, and he loves to change the colors of people and objects. To the slaadi, though, he's more than a nuisance. It's said that by changing the color of a slaad, Rennbuu can actually turn the creature into a different type of Slaad. In effect, Rennbuu grants promotions and demotions at his whim.