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Machis is a prime material plane populated mainly by Humans, Gnolls, Centaurs, Giants, Goblinoids, Minotaurs and various fey-creaturs, various ruins on it show that it was once also home to the Earthkin races but over the centuries of war it has become extinct.

The plane consists of a single continent surrounded by the ocean with small islands around its coasts, in the corners of the continent there are Seven city-states called Polis, of which two were destroyed by war and only ruins remain, The Polis are mainly populated by humans but each has a different administration and internal politics, the only thing they have in common is the warmonger spirit.

Legends tells that the humans on the plane were once slaves to giants who used them for food and entertainment, the arrival of a fiend-blooded planeswalker known as "The One", champion of Ares, changed everything, freeing humans from slavery in exchange for complete devotion to the god of war, the slaves accepted and their eyes are blood-colored ever since that choice.

After a violent war of liberation, humans took control of the continent by driving the giants off the coasts where their cities were located and pushing them towards the center of the land. Even now the giants live in terror of their former prisoners who never stopped hunting them.

The one did not stayed to rule the prime and left the humans now with the might of the giant empire to rule themselves, quickly they fought each other for control and split into the Polis that still now , three centuries after the liberation, continue to fight each other.


Trómos: Located on the west coast, this city is ruled by a warlord who must prove capable of killing a giant with his bare hands to take the title. Unlike the other Polis have no particular interest in fighting among other cities and has remained focused on the crusade in killing all the giants from the face of the planet.

Sfagi: The coldest and northernmost of the Polis is ruled by a council of priests, divided into several social classes and in constant conflict with the goblinoid clans, minotaur tribes and the rival city of Fríki

Alysídes: The city of chains, this city prophesies human superiority over other races and has the largest number of slaves in the plane, it is ruled by a queen who is said to be descended from The one although the other polis deny that claim.

Peína: Located in the southernmost corner of the continent, it was once a military fortress devoted to the war against the gnoll tribes, but when the city council abandoned the cult of Ares to worship the goddess Athena, the other Polis joined together to burn the city on the ground,

Fríki: Located to the north-east this city is famous for their arcane art and high number of sorcerers, the city venerates the god Zeus together with Ares and this has brought it into conflict with the most fanatic Polis who however do not dare to mock it to avoid the fury of the father of the gods.

Gynaika: unlike the other Polis this city does not stand on the ruins of a giants city but on the contrary it was built using their bones as a foundation, the inhabitants are necromancers and the wildest of warriors

Xéchasa: Although the position of this city ruins is known, the memory of what destroyed it and how it was is lost from memory, many polis punish even just naming it