Mack Bloodeye
Mack Bloodeye | |||||||
Male Tiefling (Tana'ri) | |||||||
Player: CosmicRay | |||||||
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General Information | ||||||||||
Full Name: | Unknown | |||||||||
Nicknames: | Mack, Big Mack, Mackdaddy, Mad Mack | |||||||||
Age: | Unknown | |||||||||
Deity: | None Known | |||||||||
Alignment: |
| |||||||||
Occupation: | Mercenary | |||||||||
Faction/Rank: | The Ragers | |||||||||
Place of Birth: | Unknown | |||||||||
Physical Attributes | ||||||||||
Height: | 6' 11" | |||||||||
Weight: | 230lbs | |||||||||
Eyes: | Crimson | |||||||||
Hair: | Dusky Purple | |||||||||
Complexion: | Ruddy | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Brick Outhouse | |||||||||
Physical Features: | - | |||||||||
Skills | ||||||||||
Incredible Strength and Stamina. Furious Anger. Prone to Ultraviolent outbursts. Good knowledge of Planar darks | ||||||||||
Equipment and Items | ||||||||||
The Facts
Ask any canny cutter, he might well be able to tell you about the man named Mack. But what might he say?
Where to start..
You’d have to be addled not to figure some sort of Tiefling out of him, given his shaggy-haired paws, ruddy reddish skin, blood-red eyes and purple-tinted dreadlocks. Anyone who’s met the basher would know he seems perpentually het-up; on the brink of snapping, prone to violent outbursts and not likely to take any guff from anyone. It’s a bit of a wonder he’s lasted this long, truth be told.
The Look
At seven feet tall and all muscle he has the look of an ox poured into a suit of armour. Tattoos cover at least his upper body - shaded shapes in a thousand variations of blood-red. Those privy to the dark of it say they’re coloured with the blood of those laid low by the Tiefer’s scraps. His jaw is hard and square, nose flat, and broad. His eyes too, a shade of crimson are beneath his heavy-set brow. When smiling, his teeth are large and irregular, his canines unusually elongated.
Some sort of addle-cove?
A lot'a folk'll tell you Mack's barmy - as barmy as they come. Running around, shouting at the top of his lungs, asking addled questions, it's not an unreasonable conclusion. Especially that vacant grin; more than one basher's caught him drooling on himself, and those inane comments. A brighter sort might say, however, that he's just the product of some bygone era, or took too many blows to the head. Whatever the case, Mack doesn't seem to be your run-of-the-mill loon. Nor would it to be wise to figure Mack a total idiot – he certainly seems to know the dark of the Planes – says there ain’t nowhere he hasn’t fought and won. To hear him talk bears this out, as he seems to know more about what’s what and what’s where than your average Planar denizen.
The Gear
It’s a rare occasion Mack isn’t seen ready for a fight, wearing a bronzed suit of armour that might once have been considered ‘regal’, if not for all the bits missing off it, dents, scraped and bloodstains – even is he’s just trawling the Hive bars or shooting the breeze with other Planeswalkers in the Market Ward. Nor is he ever seen without a huge axe on his back, nearly the size of a man. Mack makes no secret about being extremely well kitted-out, but doesn't like to go on about it.
The Chant
Big men invite tall tales, and there’s no end to the Chant surrounding Mack – some most folks’l swear to be true, some might, and some.. well, that nobody really knows the truth of at all.
The Mack Mart
It’s well-known that Mack carries a small armoury around with him. Sometimes he claims it’s to ‘attract women’, but just as often he’s to be found peddling the ‘spoils of war’ to bashers and all sorts in the Market Ward. It even has its own name, if the Chant is to believed – the Mack Mart.
In Search of Love
Mack’s no cassanova, don’t get me wrong – but that isn’t for lack of trying. Mack’s on the lookout for a ‘meaty woman with wide hips’ and a ‘strong womb’ in order to ‘pass on his mighty seed’. So far, if reports are to be believed, he has been less than successful, but the big lug doesn’t seem to be disheartened.
A Violent Philosophy
No doubt about it, Mack’s a Rager, through and through. Bears out by all accounts – those tattoos commemorating his victories are typical of the Ragers. And, well, nobody’s seem him lamp a berk /just/ for looking at him funny, though he’s come close to it many a time. Nobody’s seen him turn down a challenge either, no matter how obviously painful it’ll end for him.
Heads in the Lower Ward
Sure as the Lady is serene Mack’s behind it – I’d bet my buttons on it. First it was the head of an Infernal princess, then a Gold Dragon, hoisted high up over the half-finished Grand Arena in the Lower Ward – you know, the one the Ragers got to building before they managed to piss of /every/ Faction and were told to take a hike. I’d reckon there’s a message in this – they’re back, and don’t have a problem with taking /anyone/ on. I’d watch out if I were you – things are about to get interesting, not all the spikes are full yet..
Hive Rumbler?
No doubt about it – Mack’s the (half) brain behind the Rumble in the Hive, hosted out of your very own Butchers Block. Sigil's premier perennial No Holds Barred Contest of Champions. Some reckon it’s all just fun and games, but others think Mack’s scoping out the competition, or trying to put together a crew of serious bashers.
Unsubstantiated Half-Truths and Tittle-tattle
Mack is a bull polymorphed into human form. Mack was born without the part of the brain that regulates speech volume. Mack has never been heard referring to himself in anything but the third person. Mack has an obsession with understanding what things 'mean'. Mack once matched Grod Sharptusk in a boxing match. Mack is a pretty canny businessman. Mack has an intense dislike for celestials. Mack once killed everyone in Windglum. Mack once went toe-to-toe with Ilhloth. Mack isn't even that good at fighting. Mack once beat a Mechanus cog like a drum and rode it into the Outlands. Mack was pipped to the post in the Most Desirable Man in Ironridge contest, by Alec (Mack's 'talent' was to drink a keg of ale and break it over his head whilst the crowd threw rocks at him. What a sight that was!). Mack only knows one joke. Mack invented a dance, but no-one has ever seen it. Mack was seen talking to a tree recently. Mack is a terrible, terrible liar. Mack's been up to some shady business - something about dead Takers, and a God-Finger? Mack has a voracious appetite. According to a little-known Guvner by-law Mack’s very deployment in a battle is in contravention to acceptable practice in Planar conflicts.
The Dark
Terrible truths no-one knows, or should have to suffer knowing.
A Rude Origin
Mack is pretty quiet on his origins. The most commonly-told story (by him) is that Mack was produced at the dawn of time, in the titanic battle between Thunder and Rage, and he emerged, fully-formed and fighting. The truth, though, and it may be a truth Mack has forgotten, or chosen to forget, is that he was the product of a short, and violent relationship between a Broken Reach cambion and his human concubine. When Mack came of age he clubbed his father to death, and fled into the Blood War, for who knows how long. What the Blood War spat back out, when Mack came back to the world, was a brutalised and pitiable creature, known only violence since its conception, knowing only rage, and unable to remember why.
Some Planar Scholars believe that Mack actually lacks the capacity to visualise the future. That said, he certainly does seem to have some vague notions knocking about his brainbox – some he’s more vocal about than others, of course. - Find (or buy and run) somewhere to drink where he can do whatever the hells he likes, and him and him Rager buddies can have a good time and not get the H called on them. - On the topic of Ragers, it's about time they announce him their King, as he is clearly the most superior amongst them. - And once that's out of the way King Mack can lead the Ragers in glorious battle across the Planes - showing everyone how superior the Ragers are! -And maybe it'd be worth finishing the Great Arena the Ragers once started in the Lower Ward. -And once that is done, show those poxy Factions a thing or two about being a Faction! Yeah! - Acquire a superior chariot, pulled by the mightiest steeds in the Planes, and run down his enemies in glorious battle.
A Miscellany
- 'Hurr' - 'Superior' - 'Life is a battle. GET USED TO IT'
Friends and Foes
A wise man once said you can judge a man by the company he keeps, and that a man with no enemies has done nothing worthwhile. I can’t vouch for either of those, but I can tell you who Mack seems warm to, and who he’s not. That said, these cutters /do/ seem to fall into some distinct categories.
A Warrior Bond
Folks who know how to handle themselves in a scrap, and who have a true warrior’s spirit.
Alexandr Krupkin – the Underdog, Cipher and Hive Rumbler extraordinare. Known to have beaten Mack on many occasions, but he seems to take it well.
Abe Reinheart – Both he and Mack are champions of a hundred Planar campaigns, and enjoy swapping stories of their exploits, eachother’s company on the field of battle, and sharing a little Planar dark to the less savvy-endowed.
Alexander Cromwell – Mack and Cromwell have met in the duelling ring more than once, and though Mack has (almost) always come out on top, the young upstart’s passion to win hasn’t been beaten down.
Cay'Norn Kaeless – Though their relationship started rockily (at best) the pair previously given to sniping remarks seem to have mellowed of late.
Shen Shou Zeng and Senna – The unlikely master/pupil pair have travelled together on more than one occasion, and enjoy a frequent spar to keep them alert and in-form.
Right to be Feared
Whilst they’re.. ‘friendly’, a canny cutter can’t but help wonder.. is there a little menace behind it?
Aria – Mack /did/ seem genuinely concerned about Aria’s wellbeing a while ago, but it’s no secret Aria could turn Mack into a drooling vegetable. So maybe he /has/ to treat her nice.
Elaines – Why’s Mack always on his best behaviour around this particular chit? Maybe because, so they say, she once threatened to flense him and animate his skeleton as a walking coatrack.
Dyed-in the-Wool
Naaziira Karcxi – Naaz and Mack go way back – she used to work for him, once upon a moon. Now she’s her own woman, but has a soft spot for Big Mack, and he for her (though he’d never admit it). Alec the Bleaker – No doubting Mack likes Alec – not just likes to make fun of him, either – there seems to be real affection, or at least respect behind the gentle ribbing.
Ztygian – Mack and Ziggy go way back too, and always have a lot of time for one-another. Though Mack is known to find Ziggy ‘kinda scary’.
Crippling Indifference
Regand – Mack has no time for Regand’s flair and dashing, but isn’t totally opposed to him as a person.
Morgan – Mack is very public about his dislike for Morgan, calling him, amongst other things – ‘spineless’. That said there seems to be no /real/ basis for such dislike.
Factional Differences
The Harmonium – Mack spares no kind words for the H, who he sees primarily as buzz-killers and an obstacle to his fun. Some chant circulates that it is perhaps because Mack has his fingers in some rather shady pies that he harbours a wariness of Hardheads.
The Indeps – Mack calls the Free League ‘cheaters’. Need not say more.
The Mercykillers – Mack has a healthy fear of the Red Death (as everyone should), but perhaps is even more wary in their presence than a body ought to be than if they had nothing to hide..
The Bleakers – Mack openly derides the Bleak Cabal, and makes a point of making them the butt of a joke whenever possible.