Delon-Estin Ótí

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Planar City
Plane: Mechanus
Layer: Mechanus
Ruler: Jaruna Britin
This's a town of peace and tranquillity, a place where everything has become so ordered and so habitual the citizens have learned to anticipate the course of time and the flow of conversation based on what has come before. Its people hold entire conversations with no more than a raised eyebrow and the breath of a sigh.

Delon-Estin Ótí is a perfectly symmetrical town, with twenty walls bordering it. There's gates in only two of those walls, located on opposite ends of town, and there always seems to be someone there to watch both of 'em. Just inside the gate there's all sorts of agricultural plots, places where fruits and vegetables are raised to blemish-free perfection, and animals're nurtured until their deaths. Seen from above, the town looks like a spiderweb, with concentric roads radiating from its center. At the hub there's a great open space, lightly covered with grass. There's three trees in the center of this circle, and beneath them is a bare dirt patch. Apparently, it's here that the townsfolk meet.

All the buildings are residential; there doesn't seem to be an inn or a hostel in the entire town. However, because residents have died or moved away, some houses have opened up that visitors're welcome to stay in.

There's no nightlife, no manufacturing of goods, and nothing really of value in the city. Mercenaries don't get hired here, there's no gossip or news a bod's going to want to hear. So what's to bring a planar to this place? There' just apparently no future in Delon-Estin Ótí.

Folks who live here are quiet, generally going out of their way to avoid outsiders. The town's picked up a reputation as a place where seers are born and to where they gravitate, and so three's a constant influx of visitors seeking to get the future told to them. While it's true that the people can read the patterns of the future, it's also true that they could no more communicate them to the outsiders directly than a man could speak to an ant.

There's no ruler as such in this town; the citizens are so attuned to the prevailing mood of the burg that any one of them can make decisions for the whole place. Unfortunately, most of them have forgotten how to speak as normal people do, so there's a specialized few who hold onto the old ways of communication. These folk act as intermediaries between the other residents and outsiders, and are therefore alienated from both groups.

The person who most often deals with travellers and who's therefore mot often perceived as ruler is Jaruna Britin, a shaven-headed Guvner who's willing to lay down the law to those she meets. She's said to have an irritating habit of saying "I knew you'd say that," and to be literal to a fault. Unless a body phrases a question in just the right way to her, he's not likely to get a full answer.

The militia is based on whoever's supposed to be there at the time. This ain't exactly clear, but it's the way it is. Sometimes one berk shows up, sometimes another. The populace all knows what their duties are, and sometimes their duty takes them to the walls and streets for protection of the city.