The Valkyries: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:29, 26 March 2013

"Choosers of the Slain"
Pantheon: Norse
AoC: Fallen herous
Symbol: Woman in horned
Home P/L/R: Ysgard/Ysgard/

The Valkyries aren't exactly powers. They're more like proxies for the entire Norse pantheon, maidens who fetch the spirits of the brave to Valhalla on the backs of winged horses. They let plenty of berks fall into Hel's domain upon death, choosing only the most valiant from the field of battle to serve in the Aesir's force of einheriar.

There are twenty-seven Valkyries, and while they're not identical, they do look somewhat alike: females with helmets, chain mail, braided blond hair, and swans' plumage. They're led by Reginleif, a cutter whose word is absolute law among her pack.

The Valkyries are seen only by bashers about to die, but when they arrive on the Prime they give off a glow that some say is the aurora borealis. 'Course, their duties make them somewhat unapproachable. They love the smell of blood, and always have an ear peeled for the next battle. Fact is, they can hear major clashes that take place on any prime-material world where the Aesir have influence.