Unholy Weapon (Spell)

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Holy Sword
Caster Level(s) Blackguard 4
Innate Level 4
School Evocation
Descriptor(s) Weapon Enchantment
Component(s) Verbal, Somatic
Range Touch
Area of Effect / Target Melee or Creature
Duration 1* Turn / Level
Additional Counter Spells
Save None
Spell Resistance No

The Blackguard desecrates their weapon with a foul, profane presence, granting the weapon +4 Enchantment Bonus and 1d6 Divine damage. At 20 Blackguard levels, the EB is +5.

The desecration's duration is turns/CL, upgrading to 2 turns/CL 10 Blackguard levels, and 5 turns/CL at 14 Blackguard levels (hard Blackguard levels, not Paladin CL).