Tower of Mysticism

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The famous Tower of Mysticism looming over Tradegate

The Tower of Mysticism (also known as Tabor's Tower, Wizard's Tower and so forth) is a wizard's tower found in Tradegate in the Outlands, owned by the very powerful arcanist Tabor. Tabor offers a wide array of services and goods, but the most important ones are the Transmogrifying Machine and his Enchanting workshop. His services and sold items are numerous, powerful, but also expensive. The exception being the Machine, which he offers access for free, as well the workshop, which can be accessed for a small price.

Transmogrifying Machine & Reforged Gear

The strange machine which turns magical items into magical dust

The Transmogrifying Machine is a sight to behold, magic and technology mixed into a strange combination. But what does it do, actually? It breaks apart magical items into Arcane Dust, used for many purposes, primarily Crafting, but especially Runes and Gems which require large quantities of the Dust. It also reconstructs some of the broken items into entirely new ones, with wildly different properties, commonly named Reforged Gear. One thing is certain, and that is that the newly formed Reforged items are of the same relative power of the item destroyed. If one does not care for the newly formed items, one can deconstruct them as well for even more dust.

Importantly, you cannot get any Arcane Dust if you do not have a warehouse, which you can acquire from a peculiar mage. If you seek to split Dust with party members, say, after a dungeoning run, you can simply stand near the Machine as a group while in a party. The more powerful an item, the more Dust you get.

The Reforged items from the first activation are bound to your character (or the party) and cannot be traded without unbounding the item, which not so surprisingly, Tabor can do for a hefty price.

How to Use the Transmogrifying Machine

How does one use it? The process is rather simple:

  • Place any items you want to deconstruct within
    • The items have to be equipable items, such as armor or weapons, but not wands or potions
  • Touch the activation panel
  • If you do not find any of the items interesting, touch the panel again
  • Enjoy your Arcane Dust or your new gear

Other Services

Tabor offers many things in his Tower, so you best see for yourself, but I've heard he offers these strange wares and services:

  • Runestone of Unbinding - got a powerful item bound to you from one of the Planar Trials or Transmogrification? You can unbind it and sell it!
    • The Runestone is very pricey, berk!
  • Tokens of Recall - returning you safely if you die! (OOC Note; does not work on Hardcore Characters!)
  • Warding - get warded by a powerful mage!
  • Other powerful items which you ought to find out yourself, berk!