Games of Chance

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Within Planescape, anything goes and anything can happen; great victories, great losses, strange unexpected turns and events. Many seek out stability and boring, dull calmness... but many more seek out the wild, the unpredictable, the chaotic. What better way to dance with Lady Fate than to gamble? And if a Planeswalker wants to gamble, he can. One of such places is the (in)famous Fortune's Wheel, an elite casino in the Lady's Ward in Sigil... that is if you've got the jink, berk.

The Fortune's Wheel (Gambling)

The Fortune's Wheel, a vertical roulette.

The Fortune's Wheel offers the opportunity for Planeswalkers to gamble their hard-earned jink for a chance at prizes, rare items, experience or even the extremely rare and coveted Artifact Shard... or the chance to fail spectacularly and lose all of one's earnings... or even worse...

The base cost per spin is 20 bar, that's 20 000 coins for you lemons, and depending on what the Roulette spins to, you may lose all of your earnings, win some back, get more than what you have paid for, or even get immensely rare items. To the groans and dismay of many gamblers, the Takers have added a tax on all winnings above 20 bars after voting in the Hall of Speakers. Get to spinning, berk!

Did you know that 99% of planeswalkers stop spinning the Fortune's Wheel, right before getting an Artifact Shard?
- A Trustworthy Baatezu

The Heart of Pious Poverty (Tithing)

OOC Note: In-character, Tithing is not in any shape or form related to Gambling, like in the Fortune's Wheel. This system is supposed to represent a Planeswalker discarding their excess gold through Tithing, rather than hoarding or spending it some place else for personal gains. Tithing should not be seen in-character as Gambling, despite it mechanically/OOC being the equivalent Gambling. A Lawful Good near-deity wouldn't do something as Chaotic as host Gambling. This is merely to give charitable/ascetic characters the OOC opportunity to participate.

The exterior of the Heart of Pious Poverty in Excelsior, a large stone temple/shrine with a garden in front.

Deep within Excelsior, the gate-town to the lawful good plane Mount Celestia, stands a magnificent building, a shrine devoted to the Ascetic, Pistis Sophia. A patron of ascetics, mystics and monks, she teaches and encourages discarding one's material possessions, as greed ruins one's soul, body and mind. Many Planeswalkers would find discarding all of their possessions to be difficult, but at the Heart of Pious Poverty, one can through Tithing discard their excess gold to attain clarity, wisdom, purity and many other things. Sometimes, in discarding one's excesses, a Planeswalker could find themself empowered or given something in turn that would greatly aid them in their time of need. Somehow, a Planeswalker is always given what they are deserving and what they are in need of, even if they have yet to understand why.

A Planeswalker seeking to Tithe may simply approach the Tithing Bowl and place their coins ((20 bar)) within. Charity is its own prize, but a Planeswalker might get something to aid them in their journey.

The interior of the Heart of Pious Poverty. A winged person in a robe and hood prays, kneeling towards the Tithing Bowl. The Tithing Bowl is surrounded by arches, pillars and candles. A very detailed statue of Pistis Sophia stands in the distance, visible through the arches and pillars. Due to the perspective, it looks as if the statue is right above the Tithing Bowl. The image is symmetrical.

OOC Note: Mechanically, the Fortune's Wheel and the Tithing Bowl are the same, but the Tithing Bowl does not give you coin back. The rest of the rewards are the same or extremely similar.

Bryluen, the Xaositect gambling badger, on the floor, depressed and spinning the Fortune's Wheel