Tirfos Melendios

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Tirfos Melendios
Male Human
Player: Droark
General Information
Full Name: Tirfos Melendios
Nicknames: Baldy, Dazzles, Enchanter
Age: 25
Deity: N/A
Occupation: Scribe
Faction/Rank: N/A
Place of Birth: Shard (Prime Material)
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown (Bald)
Complexion: Pale, but with a healthy flush
Physical Build: A bit reedy, though not overly so.
Physical Features: Painfully bald with fantastically well kept facial hair.
Has a bit of knowledge about nearly every scholarly subject, especially that of the planes and arcane. Wields magic and a pen with equal skill.
Equipment and Items
Several thick, weighty tomes, ink wells, and quills. Bits and bobs like scrolls, wands, and the like. Entirely too many bags on his belt and hidden within his robe.

"I will not allow a 'walker to go quietly into the night. Each of the stories I record is a memory kept safe."

The Flesh

The man's physique is not at all imposing. To the contrary, one might take note of the slightly sunken cheeks and untrained form and think him an easy mark. His bags are heavy, filled with what is obviously jink and magical trinkets. The fact his gaze is, at best, distracted with some fantastic vista or buried in some tome or parchment does not help the matter. There's a spark in his gaze though, one that leads one to look to the bevy of tomes, the simple stave, and unremarkable robe and it all just clicks. Dazzler.

The Magic

One of the dazzler's eccentricities is that he has specialized in one of the eight schools of magic. Enchantment, the school of mental and emotional control. Such power, though, does come with its costs. Tirfos has abandoned the art of Illusion entirely, taking it a step forward and eschewing use of trinkets that would allow him to emulate the arts of invisibility and such. To him, Illusion is the purview of cads, cowards, and thieves.

The man is of no small magical might, though he would only call himself middling. Whether this is humility, delusion, or even a simple lie is for one to determine themselves.

The Man

In a word, the Enchanter is heartfelt. Though his time in the Cage has dulled some of the reaction he has to certain events, his heart is anything but cold. If one needs him, he will be there. This has its limits of course, but even those who have wronged him in the past can expect some form of aid if the circumstances are right.

Beyond that, there is an almost insatiable curiosity that surely lead him to take up the robe and stave. Among the Planes, the Outlands, and in Sigil itself are so many fantastic sights, people, and ideas that one could find Tirfos traveling just about anywhere, alone or with a few bashers.

The Mission

The one thing that Tirfos always remembers, regardless of anything else, is his self declared mission. He wishes to collect the tales of each of his companions, friends, and anyone else that will tell him. It matters not the scale or what one might call 'interesting' about a story. All that ever matters is that it shaped the person telling it. It need not even be true, for lies can tell just as much about a person as the truth.

All of this is stored in a thick weather beaten book he calls his Tome of Companions. To some it might seem trite, uncomfortable, or inane that he does such a thing, but little else matters as much to the young wizard.

The Past