The Grove of the Unicorns

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Deep within the Beastlands is the realm of Ehlonna, deity of forests and woodlands. The grove sits at the base of a cluster of great sequoias that form a natural cathedral for those beneath the canopy. The lowest branches of the great redwoods are hundreds of feet in the air, such that those with wings can fly through Ehlonna's cathedral without difficulty. Those who reside within the borders of Ehlonna's realm live in peace with the trees and animals, and they are similarly left alone by the wild creatures. The thinking creatures of the Beastlands adore Ehlonna, such that she is often aware of occurrences that happen far from her Realm. True to its name, the grove attracts groups of unicorns. These are both unicorns with the celestial template and half-celestial/half-unicorns (as described in the Monster Manual). In addition, there are flocks of bariaurs in Ehlonna's service. The grove is not far from Skerrit's realm; centaur petitioners are found in Ehlonna's realm and half-celestial/half-unicorns in Skerrit's. Ehlonna has taken advantage of the Beastlands' divinely morphic trait to give her realm the enhanced magic trait. All spells cast by rangers within the Grove of the Unicorns are extended (as the Extend Spell feat), and all spells that create food or water are maximized (as the Maximize Spell feat). Ehlonna has the power to make other alterations to the traits within her realm, if she so desires.