Joanna Smythe

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Joanna Smythe
Female Human
Player: Cold-Comfort
General Information
Full Name: Joanna Smythe
Age: 22
Occupation: Wanderer, Go-fetch
Faction/Rank: Indeps
Place of Birth: Macleod, Tir na Og
Physical Attributes
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Muscular, rough-hewn
Physical Features: An angular face with a long nose, scar over left eyebrow.
Self-describes as "a warrior of modest skills and reputation." Ostensibly likeable.
Equipment and Items
Occasionally wears heavy plate armour. Rarely seen without a katana hanging off her hip.

Physical Description

Joanna is about average height, with a broad-shouldered and hard-muscled build. She has blonde hair, usually tied back in a ponytail, and deep-set blue eyes. She smiles more often than not, although they tend to be lopsided smiles. A white scar splits her left eyebrow in two and runs up to disappear under her hairline.

She wears no ostentatious jewelry, favors simple clothes in leather or fabric, dark colours, and wraps her hands in linen strips, as if she's expecting a fistfight to break out at any moment. Wherever it's allowed, she carries a curved sword on her hip.


As you'd expect from her claimed occupation, Joanna is a risk-taker and wanderer who likes physical things, especially battle and exercise. Although not exceptionally bright or wise, she's well-centered and quick on the uptake, if a little predisposed towards throwing herself into potentially dangerous situations. She does not seem to overly mind the occasional resulting injuries.

For somebody who can crack a walnut in a bare hand, Joanna is suprisingly friendly and skilled with people. She's down to earth and agreeable by default, yet has enough backbone to not be a pushover, in turn tempered by enough diplomatic skill to squelch conflicts and smooth out ruffled feelings before they even take root. Her inexperience means she makes the occasional naive mistake, but she hasn't let it drag her down into cynicism.


Joanna has shared little of her history beyond a few basic points. Apparently she was born in the Outlands, in a village in Tir na Og, and has recently completed an long apprenticeship to a wandering swordsman named Munisai.

She must take debts of honor very seriously, because she claims that after this she has ventured out to Sigil to serve as an aide to Alea Arthyr, as repayment of for the elven priestess having saved her and her family's lives several years back.


She has yet to make a big splash in Sigil. It's said Viorel has agreed to tutor her and Di in learning languages, and she's occasionally off taking lessons over at the Gatehouse. She seems to explore a lot, and get into varying amounts of trouble; chant says that not too long ago, she zigged when she should've zagged and had her legs mangled by a falling tree out somewhere, a sticky situation Naziira had to drag her out of.