Maryam Sushen

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Maryam Sushen
Female Axani
Player: Miss Sashi
General Information
Full Name: Ms. Maryam Sushen
Nicknames: Ms. Maryam Sushen, Administrator A-04
Age: Adult
Deity: Unknown
Alignment: {{}}
Occupation: Scribe, Legal Consultant
Faction/Rank: The Fraternity of Order, A-04
Place of Birth: Unknown
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red wih occasional golden strands
Complexion: Silvery
Physical Build: Slight
Physical Features: Thin fingers, longish nose
Reading, writing
Equipment and Items
Spectacles, scrolls

This bright-looking woman is dressed in business-like attire, with multiple scrolls and scrollcases hanging at either hip.

She has slender fingers, thinly-rimmed spectacles, and a longish nose. Her hair is a fiery red, tamed into a tight bun, and gleaming golden strands course through it under sun-like illumination.