Nilin Zorastryl

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Nilin Zorastryl
Female Human (Planetouched)
Player: Thrymskvitha
General Information
Full Name: Nilin Zorastryl
Nicknames: Fuckup Nilin. Giver.
Age: Early twenties
Deity: Lady Luck
Occupation: Planeswalker
Faction/Rank: Ring-Givers
Place of Birth: Khaerbaal, Halruaa.
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'3
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Heterochromatic.
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Tan
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: A hint of chaotic heritage. Eyes change colour randomly and independently of each other.
Gatecrashing. Thieving and pathfinding skills. Seasoned planeswalker. Well versed in arcane and planar matters.
Equipment and Items
Pearlsteel hammer, leather armour. Thieving kit with ropes, chisels, crowbars and other tools. Enough trinkets, scrolls and potions to outfit a small batallion of wizards.


All in all, Nilin doesn't stand out in the planetouched crowd of Sigil. From her prime heritage, she draws the tanned skin common in the mixed blood population of the Shining South. A mix of Netherese and Lapaliiyan blood gives her the features most often associated with Halruaans. Somewhat short and light, much like one would expect from a native of the wizard nation, but definitely more athletic than her average countrymen. From her planar heritage, she draws her always-changing eyes, constantly shifting from one colour to another with no apparent rhyme of reason.

Her attire, almost invariably, spots blue as a main colour. Without exception, she's always seen in public sporting asymmetric clothes. Only a few of her outfits seem to be asymmetric by design, with most of the others having their right sleeve torn.

Most of the time, she wears the pins of the Ring-Givers and the Planeswalkers Guild somewhere on her clothing.


Nilin tries to be on friendly terms with everyone she meets. She would be hard pressed to name anyone she truly hates, and she rarely gets into fights. While she is friendly enough, she doesn't consider everyone a friend, even if her demeanour would suggest otherwise.

On the negative side, she despises most fiends and slavers. If pressed, she rants about organizations and people she dislikes, and she's been known to refuse giving aid, or even talking to fiends, some Fated, and certain people she dislikes, namely Garrak.

On the neutral side of things, she's on friendly, or at least polite terms with most people. While she had considered them both friends in the past, she has grown distant with Avarice and Aria. Despite rumours of her being close with Khepri, the same seems to have happened with the Mercykiller. While they used to go on planeswalks together fairly often, they rarely speak nowadays.

She takes a more positive, if still neutral disposition towards the Godsmen, particularly Veche and Saevio Silverbludgeon. Chant is, she used to be interested in joining them until she found the Ring-Givers, and some incident in a place called The Warrens made her feel resentful towards Veche. In spite of this, she worked out whatever problems she had with the Believers of the Source and the Dazzler, and is on good terms with them. Despite her dislike for the faction, she considers Terol, of the Fated, to be an alright bloke and a pleasant enough friend.

She counts most of the local Guardians as her friends, and in particular, she considers Kiyosa and Amrita to be close friends, sometimes asking them for advice. While she doesn't know him as much as she would like, she thinks of Vincent Vale as a friend and an honorable man. Gwenira of the Transcendent Order has been a good friend of her they arrived to Sigil at roughly the same time. She considers Tijaisk Li Xiao of the Celestial bureaucracy a good friend as well, even if chant is that they had some friction in the past. And, of course, Friend the Ring-Giveer is a friend. It's in the name!

Kiko Miyamoto is, without a doubt, the closest person to the Halruaan Gatecrasher. While she often tries not to let her own emotions show, Nilin has a hard time concealing her love for the Mushi-shi, and it wouldn't take long for anyone to find out that she is utterly enraptured by Kiko.


- She's known to have a grievous, never-healing wound somewhere on her body. According to chant, she got that wound whilst helping Cassidy MacKenna fight the Hand of War.

- She never uncovers her left arm. Perhaps to hide the aforementioned wound, or a shameful scar?

- She might not be the sanest woman in the Cage. She's been known to agree with parts of Xaositect philosophy on occasion, she likes Kenders, and she joined the Ring-Givers. How sane can someone that just hands out stuff be? If that wasn't barmy enough, she handed out dolls of her friends and acquaintances last Slaadmas!

- Then again, she -might- have some ulterior motives to her apparent charity. It's well known that a Ring-Giver's gifts are always repaid.

- She might be a tax evader, according to some Fated chant. She has been fined for it at least once.

- Strangely enough, some claim that she might be afraid of killing. She always seems to use nonlethal force, even with heavily enchanted weapons.

- Chant is that she's known to offer rewards for information on a demiplane called "The Warrens", some sort of construct filled laboratory.


- Collecting chaotic trinkets and knowledge. Rogue stones, rods of wonders, lucky coins, blessings and lore, all of it calls to Nilin's blood.

- Finding more about her heritage. She suspects her ancestor to be a Bralani Eladrin, but other than wishful thinking, she has no clue of what it could be.

- Finding a way back to the Warrens, and destroying them.

- Finding a way to heal the wound she got in the Bloody Fields without compromising her morals.

- Handing out "The Great Gift". While she has some plans, she's been secretive about them.

- The art project "Give or Take". She's been fairly secretive about this, but she's been known to gather adamantium tokens for it.