Avarice Martell

From Sigil - Planar Legends
Revision as of 06:30, 14 March 2017 by Tuneforeverfree (talk | contribs)
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| name = Avarice
| gender = Male
| race = Human 
| player = Tuneforeverfree
| image = R2iE8ON.jpg
| fullname = Avarice Martell
| nicknames = Ava, Reciter, Greed 
| age = 19
| deity = None
| alignment = True Neutral
| occupation = Planeswalking Hobo
| faction = Athar
| birthplace = The Free City of Greyhawk, Oerth
| height = 5'5
| weight = 145lbs
| eyes = Lifeless Grey/Dark Orange
| hair = Black colored, long dreads
| complexion = dusky skinned 
| build = Lean
| features = n/a
| skills = martial combat, bardic talents, sixth echelon spells, lock-picking, planar knowledge, general lore, polyglot
| gear = Multiple array of weapons, but mainly uses Aliquod. Various potions slotted in a potion bandoleer. Lockpicks, books, and other sorts of trinkets.