
From Sigil - Planar Legends
Revision as of 20:56, 29 October 2014 by Craugh (talk | contribs)
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Male Guess
Player: CraughSPL
General Information
Full Name: Mathurin
Nicknames: None
Age: By appearance, late twenties or early thirties
Deity: Ehlonna
Occupation: Hunter, Mercykiller
Faction/Rank: Red Death - Namer
Place of Birth: Beastlands - Grove of the Unicorns
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'10 without armor, 6'2 with
Weight: 220 lb
Eyes: Dull emerald
Hair: Light brown
Complexion: Light skinned, deeply tanned
Physical Build: Stocky
Physical Features: Bald, full beard
Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Combat
Equipment and Items
Full plate, sword and board

Yet another plodding figure clad in steel from head to toe walks the streets of the Cage, weariness expressed in every motion. When--or if--he removes the helm, an equally fatigued expression is revealed with a solemn tone of voice to match.


Physical Features

Mathurin is an unremarkable character in most respects. Even with broad shoulders and significant muscle, he doesn't exactly stand out above the crowd at 5'10 nor act the part of a basher. His perfectly bald head, smashed nose and scarred face likewise fail at evoking the image of a handsome man, if he was even that to begin with. His posture at least is straight, though this factor is also marred by the occasional difficulty he has with muscle spasms and other signs of weakness. The way he tells it, this is just the natural result of a lifetime spent fighting. Ancient scars peeking beyond his shirt sleeves and collar attest to this claim. His hands are clumsy and calloused, ill-suited to any craft beyond holding plow or sword. There is often dirt visible in between the creases of his fingers and on the backs of his hands, something which may suggest he does more than grip a blade.


Like his appearance, Mathurin's expressions of emotion are far from memorable. He possesses a passable modicum of courtesy and knowledge of social mores, and his apparent inability to show a temper--instead only growing stiff--mute any semblance of offensive or hostile behavior toward those in Sigil. More easily affected by melancholy or grief than joy, his smiles are nevertheless frequent if lacking in strength. In most situations he might be said to display a mellow personality. Stray to deeper topics, and only then a real fervor may surface.

Tools of the Trade

In the face of danger, Mathurin wears a heavy sheath of metal like a second skin, with chainmail protecting joints where solid plates cannot. ... When in peaceful company, Mathurin prefers simple black trousers, boots and a gray shirt of silk-like quality.

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