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Male Tanar'ri
Player: celticman
General Information
Full Name: Unknown
Nicknames: Obizuth, Bhairava, Slaanaresh, Labartu, the Destroyer, Black Heart
Age: Unknown
Deity: None
Occupation: Unknown
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: The Infinite Layers of the Abyss
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pallid
Physical Build: Perfect
Physical Features: He has large black leathery wings with a wingspan of about 12' and a 6' black serpentine tail. His horns are curved up and back like an antelope's antlers.
Lying, drug dealing, pimping
Equipment and Items
Typically worn: A strange looking sword made from some sort of bone, a Doomlord Shield, Mask of Persuasion, Lesser Ruby Ring, Sorcerer's Ring(Dweomered), Nymph's Cloak +4, Eyes of the Blind, Medallion of the Abyss.

This demon goes by many names across the multiverse. On the prime sphere of Toril he is known as Labartu but was once known as Sydney, on Krynn he's known as Slaanaresh. Obizuth is what he is called on Oerth, and he is known as Bhairava on Midgard. On all of these spheres he's known as a demon of corruption. Acts of greed, excess, or vanity would often draw his attention and influence them in those around him. His title is Lord of Aziluth, Destroyer of the Treacherous Demigoddess Axeniae, Prophet of Twelvetrees, Voice of the Abyss.

Traits, Interests, and Goals

Character Traits/Quirks:

  • Ashtaroth can be rather violent. He does not react well to others touching him, or staring at him, or talking to him. Actually.. no one ever knows what he's going to do. It's probably best to just stay away from this blood.
  • He enjoys making deals with others. He calls himself a humble merchant.


Short Term Goals:

  • Find and reassemble the Rod of Law.
  • Release Miska the Wolf-Spider.
  • Get rid of the Triad of Order.

Long Term Goals:

  • See all of the gods dead.
  • Destroy the multiverse.
  • See Baator purged of devils.
  • Merge Aziluth into the Abyss and become a Demon Lord.

Background and Youth

Languages Known: Tongues

Hometown / Region: Aziluth, a demiplane once belonging to a demigoddess named Axeniae[Knowledge: Planes DC 30]. Axeniae was slain by Ashtaroth and a half-dragon named Renaldo, though the demon leaves out the assistance of the half-dragon when telling others. Aziluth is mostly marshland and swamps with a towering fortress in the center. The swamps are full of snakes, crocodiles, and insects, except they are all fiendish variants. All sorts of vile creatures fly through the air. Harpies, and fiendish arrow-hawks patrol the skies while the fortress is served by succubi and alu-fiends.


Quote: "Do unto others before they do unto you."