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The City of Doors is in no small supply of those with grabby fingers and hungry mouths. Yet for the muddied boots of this girl and the rich scent of wet earth that clings to her person, there is an unsettling jubilant and joy that she caters to that seems unbound toward affairs of misery or rage. Likable, endearing, and quick with delirious laughter, the girl named Jack appears without care or concern for the affairs that make Sigil a miserable hovel of hardships and broken dreams.
The City of Doors is in no small supply of those with grabby fingers and hungry mouths. Yet for the muddied boots of this girl and the rich scent of wet earth that clings to her person, there is an unsettling revelry that she caters to that seems unbound toward affairs of misery or rage. Likable, endearing, and quick with delirious laughter, the girl named Jack appears without care or concern for the affairs that make Sigil a miserable hovel of hardships and broken dreams.

Of elven height and stature, she is a pretty thing to look at but her eyes portray a bestial ferocity that entertains unsettling interest in all that she speaks with. Bright, poisonous green eyes are framed under loose, dark brown hair that is pulled back in small braids and a larger braid adorned with countless beads and old, rusted charms. Boasting a small, unimposing figure that appears too strong for your average fair-folk and endowed with a sensuality befitting a lady of ill-repute, Jack's gait and general stalk is one of predatory, practiced art: like a dancer that knows how to walk among murderers and be mistaken for one of their ilk.
Of elven height and stature, she is a pretty thing to look at but her eyes portray a bestial ferocity that entertains unsettling interest in all that she speaks with. Bright, poisonous green eyes are framed under loose, dark brown hair that is pulled back in small braids and a larger braid adorned with countless beads and old, rusted charms. Boasting a small, unimposing figure that appears too strong for your average fair-folk and endowed with a sensuality befitting a lady of ill-repute, Jack's gait and general stalk is one of predatory, practiced art: like a dancer that knows how to walk among murderers and be mistaken for one of their ilk.

Revision as of 19:25, 3 August 2014

Female Yuan-Ti Pureblood
Player: Jack-the-Stripper
General Information
Full Name: Jaqueline Neville-Reid
Nicknames: Jack, Jackie-Boy
Age: Young, Early 20s
Deity: None
Occupation: Chef at the Gilded Palace of R'khan Suran Vish'niq
Faction/Rank: The Sect of Bizarre Cuisine and Followers of the Truth "You Are What You Eat"
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the Outlands
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'2
Weight: 122 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Olive
Physical Build: Womanly, Athletic
Physical Features: Small but sturdy, endearing, and obnoxiously pretty in that unsettling way of something being all together off
Cooking, cleaning, stabbing, dancing, collecting, grabbing, pulling, whispering, babbling
Equipment and Items
Odd vials, strings of wooden beads, numerous and likely unnecessary belts to hold herbs and other small tools, a wooden shield adorns her back and at her face a crudely carved happy-face mask that is badly painted and aged

Dressed for deception and selfish ploy,
Eyes bright, mischievious and coy,
Never a dull hour by her side,
Twisted thoughts I would abide,
Craved kisses, thirsted for a touch,
Perhaps desire was my greatest crutch,
My broken legs, my severed finger,
Even now, my desire will linger,
She is gone, away with my heart beating,
Missing my finger, passions flared and heating,
Until I die, I curse a girl named Jack in failing to woo:
"Keep my finger, bitch, and choke on it too!"

-"Jack", by Jaska Harrown, Poet and Nine-Fingered Sailor


The City of Doors is in no small supply of those with grabby fingers and hungry mouths. Yet for the muddied boots of this girl and the rich scent of wet earth that clings to her person, there is an unsettling revelry that she caters to that seems unbound toward affairs of misery or rage. Likable, endearing, and quick with delirious laughter, the girl named Jack appears without care or concern for the affairs that make Sigil a miserable hovel of hardships and broken dreams.

Of elven height and stature, she is a pretty thing to look at but her eyes portray a bestial ferocity that entertains unsettling interest in all that she speaks with. Bright, poisonous green eyes are framed under loose, dark brown hair that is pulled back in small braids and a larger braid adorned with countless beads and old, rusted charms. Boasting a small, unimposing figure that appears too strong for your average fair-folk and endowed with a sensuality befitting a lady of ill-repute, Jack's gait and general stalk is one of predatory, practiced art: like a dancer that knows how to walk among murderers and be mistaken for one of their ilk.

Dressed typically in dark, old leathers and a collection of belts and strings of beads that adorn her hips, the more distinct gear she is rarely seen without are more telling of her occupation and talents: A large, twisted blade at her hip, a round shield at her back with painted skulls and tribal markings, and usually hooded, she gives the multiverse a wooden, round mask with a crudely carved smile-face that remains very intimidating and all around unpleasant in close approximation.


Jack is exceptionally friendly toward most everyone she meets in Sigil regardless of race or alignment. While this is generally considered stupid behavior of a new Clueless, there is something that suggests a total lack of concern for what consequences her associations will harbor. You can burn someone for befriending a monster, but you certainly can't fault them for seeking out more unusual conversation. Jack is no exception to this idea but of her recently found associations, she is rumored to have recently been taken up as the cook for R'khan Suran Vish'niq. She speaks in warmer tones to Emma Coronis and discusses "those times in Curst" as though she might have known the powerful mage at another time or place. She sometimes likes to make light of the brooding elf Seluil Cyrrad in whatever he is staring at through the Fulcrum of Sigil's very popular market ward. Curious people have seen that she has hired Alexander Hayden to be her best friend. He is paid well.

However, for all of the people she continuously to seek out for conversation including the fabled collector and procurer of rare and magnificent things, Garrak Ilosi Varaq'Bu or the Baron Karsperus Blake, she is just as likely to speak of the gilded paladins that occasionally frequent the city or the beggars that drag their way to check the pockets of the people in other Wards from the Hive. But as rumors would go, it is likely that this ruse of familiarity to most anyone is well-placed. Perhaps the girl knows exactly what she is doing. After all, having no enemies in Sigil is a great way to make the city all the more enjoyable.

Rumors and Chant

  • Her real name is "Jaborosa" and she is a prime-world, demi-goddess of serpents and yuan-ti that was severed of her regal connections to divinity and now must suffer walking among mortal beings in the Outlands until finding her way to Sigil.
  • She wanted very much so to appeal to the better interests of Naaziira Karcxi to work at Dare in the Lady's Ward as an exotic dancer. This was considered as a second option to her current employment as a cook.
  • Jack is originally from Broken Reach and served for a long while under a high-ranking mercenary within Red Shroud's numerous companies and armies. For her poor behavior, however, she was forced to sit outside and guard the entrance. She fell off the watch tower one day and took off running, never to return.
  • She has a curious fascination for everyone she meets. This is because she likes to remember how they smell and is working alongside an evil wizard to find the best people for future needs of creating an undead army.
  • Jack's favorite colors are green, blood, and chocolate.
  • She is the dedicated concubine of an unknown lord who saw to misplace her in Sigil but forgot to remove the enchantment on her mind that lead her to pretend to be a poor, destitute cook during their last intimate, role-play session.
  • Jack enjoys serving as cook under the Rakshasa, R'khan Suran Vish'niq, but can't seem to distinguish him from most other people and because of this, she forgets easily where he has gone and may be seen wandering around aimlessly in Darkwater Cove looking for him.
  • She talks to trees. ... No, not they way the druids or other creatures do. She outright babbles with them and seems capable of making flawless mimicry to most sounds. She speaks a surprising number of languages for such an uneducated girl.