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* Previous association with the Cult of Orcus
* Previous association with the Cult of Orcus
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She is marked to obey any powerful cleric of Orcus. The mark is visible with a true seeing spell or by any Thrall of Orcus as a black tattoo above/to the left of Kira's left eye. When this happens she obeys completely, and has no memory of the occurrence. She has had one Thrall of Orcus toy with her mind several different times during her time in Sigil thus far.
She is marked to obey any powerful cleric of Orcus. The mark is visible with a true seeing spell or by any Thrall of Orcus as a black tattoo above/to the left of Kira's left eye. When this happens she obeys completely, and has no memory of the occurrence. She has had one Thrall of Orcus toy with her mind several different times during her time in Sigil thus far.

Revision as of 15:55, 11 March 2014

Female Tiefling
Player: MistakesWereMade
General Information
Full Name: Kira Roth
Age: 22
Occupation: Planeswalker, Merc
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Radilin, Galan, Valdir
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 156 lbs
Eyes: Intense violet
Hair: Snow white
Complexion: Light tan
Physical Build: Thin, agile
Physical Features: Large pair of black feathered wings
Good with languages. quick and agile with a blade
Equipment and Items
Two metal chakrams on her belt. No armor


This woman stands 5'11" in height, snow white hair pulled up in a tidy ponytail. Unnatural intense violet eyes look upon the world with distrust, never resting on any one thing for long. She carries herself with a deadly grace, like someone ready to move at the slightest notice. Her skin is healthy looking, with a slight tan to it, though there are a few scars nothing deep looking. Her garb is clean, well kept A large pair of black feathered wings can typically be seen folded against her back. They are well cared for, though the left wing does not bend quite as well as the right. They both twitch nervously.




  • Killed a huge full blooded orc in a one on one combat of honor
  • Lived in the Hive for two years

Known goals

  • Jink

Possible Plot-Hook Ideas

  • Gangs in the Hive
  • Her overly Nice sister
  • Devil blood(Erinyes)
  • Previous association with the Cult of Orcus



Spoiler Alert!

Kira Roth was born to parents Esmeralda Roth and Aronatz Roth in the small town Radilar, based in the cold northern nation of Galan of the prime Valdir. Her father (Aronatz) had originally come from the prime Oerth several years ago, yet while traveling the planes he met Esmeralda and ended up settling down with her to raise a family upon a world not of his own. Aronatz was aasimar, a paladin of Heironeous while Esmeralda was human and a simple seamstress.

Kira was a restless child even from an early age. She rarely would stick in one place for long, seeking to push limits and do anything that was forbidden. She did love the tails that her father told, but she quickly grew bored of them. She preferred the darker tales of the anti-heroes, of devils and demon. As she grew older, she found that she had a quick hand and an agile step, able to perform acts of deft and skill. She had a gift for language, knowing three before she was fourteen.

Kira was the older sister by just one year to Adrelis Roth and was gifted with bright violet eyes. Unlike her sister however, to look into her eyes was to look into the eyes of... a baatezu. Kira was born with a pair of black feathered wings, and an unusually keen sense of smell. Adrelis on the other hand showed signs of her father’s solar blood, inheriting bright golden eyes and perfect skin that seemed to almost glow.

From a young age the sisters were at odds. While Adrelis strived to live up to her father’s image, Kira hated the standard they tried to fit her into. They favored Adrelis over Kira, even when they didn't mean to. Adrelis's blood was a sense of pride to them, while Kira simply reminded them of a family shame. Esmeralda even lied to others about Kira’s blood, despite her wishes, as to not cause alarm or shame upon their family.

Adrelis was just... Better than Kira. At nearly everything. Language. Combat. Looks. Even though Kira was no slouch in any of these, she was merely second best. Her only advantages were her wings. This caused quite a bit of conflict between the pair as they grew up. Adrelis tried to be a good sister to Kira, yet Kira just grew... Resentful over the years.

When Adrelis was 18 and Kira was 19, the pair traveled to the Glynn Monastery to train under the Shou monks. They were both to learn under the monks, to train in body, mind and spirit. It was hoped that Kira might find some peace there, rein her in.

While there, Kira developed a crush upon one of the other female initiates. Yet, so did Adrelis, who was much more successful in building relations with the woman.

Enraged that Adrelis had beaten her once again, Kira drugged the woman and slept with her. After the act Kira asphyxiated the woman, so that Adrelis could not have her. Adrelis tragically came upon them while in this state, and was forced to attempt to take her sister in for trial. Kira however resisted and was slain in the following fight.

Adrelis was forced to bury her own sister within the cemetery of the monastery.

It seemed that Kira’s tale would end here, however it was not to be so.

Within the same week of her death and burial, Kira’s body was discreetly uncovered and the act concealed. The half rotten body was restored and raised by a thrall of Orcus. The woman had watched Kira before, and wished to bring her into her small cell. There was of course a price for the act of ‘kindnesses’ of bringing Kira back. She did not have a choice in the matter.

Kira was marked by this act; she would be known to the faithful of Orcus as owing her life to the demon prince. She was stuck with the cell for near half a year before she found an escape.

The group was traveling upon another prime to discreetly gather bodies when they were set upon by a vicious tribe of orc’s and half-orcs have called the Blood-feasts. The two male members of the cell were slain; Kira and the woman that raised her were spared to be... Spoils of battle.

Kira however challenged one of the larger orc’s to a one on one battle of honor, and was victorious. When the thrall of Orcus did the same, she was not so lucky. Kira spent some time with the tribe, raiding and pillaging with them to get by. She gained the nickname Arm Breaker while she ran with the tribe, due of her tendency to snap and break the arms of those that tried to take advantage of her using pressure holds.

Three months after first becoming stranded with the tribe of orc’s, Kira once again found her way out. They came upon a portal within a deep cave they were using for shelter. While the others were terrified and superstitious of the bright light, Kira jumped right in.

She luckily didn’t find herself upon the plane of fire. Or the abyss. Or any one of numerous places she could’ve wound up. Unluckily, she did find herself in the Hive Ward of Sigil. With no coin or anything of value, things did not start out well for her.

Within her first hour of being there, her left wing was badly broken as a group of thugs assaulted and attempted to rape her.

She eventually joined a gang called the Stonecutters for protection, and ran with them until for some time. She did odd jobs while with them, often breaking and entering or thieving. However when they disbanded and were absorbed recently by a larger gang of the Hive, she went solo to avoid the new leaders.

Not long after that, she was finally able to make her escape of the Hive when her wing finally healed enough to fly.