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  | gender = Male
  | gender = Male
  | race = Human
  | race = Human
  | player = 073090 / Numbers Guy
  | player = Numbers Guy
  | image = [[File:Vincent_Vale_Flame.jpeg|300px]] [[File:Vincent's_Mask.jpeg|300px]]
  | image = VincentValeCrop.png
  | fullname = Vincent Vale
  | fullname = Vincent Vale
  | nicknames = Vince, Mr. Vale, The Godless Swordsman
  | nicknames = Vince, Mr. Vale,<br>The Godless Swordsman,<br>Titanbreaker
  | age = 34
  | age = Unknown
  | deity = Rejected
  | deity = None
  | alignment = True Neutral
  | alignment = Neutral Good
  | occupation = Cleric, Tavern Owner
  | occupation = Ex-spelljammer pirate, tavern proprietor, relic hunter, monster slayer, champion of mortals.
  | faction = Athar
  | faction = Defier
  | birthplace = Enthar - Cathedral of the Archon
  | birthplace = Enthar
  | height = 6'5" / 198 cm
  | height = 6'5" / 198 cm
  | weight = 258 lbs / 117 kg
  | weight = 258 lbs / 117 kg
  | eyes = Azure
  | eyes = Blue
  | hair = Charcoal
  | hair = Black
  | complexion = Fair
  | complexion = Fair
  | build = Stout
  | build = Muscular
  | features = Mask
  | features = An imposing figure in armor with the build of a warrior.
  | skills = Magic, Swordplay, Healing
  | skills = Beyond ninth-tier divine magic, master swordsman, supernatural eyesight, great discipline and willpower.
| gear = Full Plate, Mask, Sword, Shield, Miscellaneous
'''''"The gods have become our greatest creation, our greatest lie."'''''

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My tale is a long one, but I will spare you where I can. My people were born into hardship, forced to toil in the unforgiving isolation of Enthar, a world where life should not have been possible. Only later did I come to understand it as a heavy-gravity world, its surface battered by ceaseless storms and locked in an unyielding cold that would crush the unprepared.

== Personality ==
But we were strong. We were stubborn.

My parents were farmers, though not in the way most would imagine. They harnessed alchemical processes to cultivate food beneath the surface, where the earth offered us the smallest chance at survival. Above, what little time we could afford on the surface was precious, even if it was spent among jagged mountain ranges and wind-scoured bluffs.

Vincent is a man consisting of as much reserve as mystery. Little of his past is known to others, save for a few close companions. He is one with little patience for wordplay or devices, often preferring blunt statements over lavish narratives. Due to his previously solitary lifestyle, he exhibits a quiet stoicism that may be construed as intimidating. Indeed, something about the swordsman is imposing, even when he is relaxed. While his size and reputation with a blade ostensibly contribute to this perception, he tends to command the respect of those around him.
Yet, despite it all, we endured. We learned. Our cities were not merely shelters but fortresses against our own world. We carved them from rounded stone, shaping them to defy the endless tempests, their angles clever against the winds that sought to tear them down. The land raged against us, but we did not break. We stood, unyielding, proving that even in the harshest of worlds, life would find a way.


Those that come to know Vincent quickly discern that he is not some mercenary looking for an easy wage to squander on a weekend of revelry. Rather, his bearing suggests his involvement in something more, though he rarely speaks of his role on the subject. It can be difficult to see beneath the sterile mask of his emotions, as he is someone in complete control of himself. In fact, it would seem very little will phase the Athar in general. Yet, Vincent has been known to let his guard down in the right company, and the few that know him best may come to understand the man behind the intense eyes.
A harsh world forges hard people. Survival dominated our every thought, leaving little room for excess or indulgence. Art, music, and magic were foreign luxuries. Our society was grim, utilitarian, built solely on necessity. Strength was measured not in wealth or status, but in resilience.

Among us, those who could manipulate energy were revered as the pinnacle of our people, yet such an honor came at a price. Every child was tested, their minds probed for latent potential, for even the smallest spark of power that might one day be honed. I was barely more than a child when they assessed me, though I remember the mental tests, examinations I did not fully understand. When I proved to have the gift, they took me from my home and led me high into the mountains, far from the world I had known.

There, hidden within a valley untouched by the relentless storms, stood the cathedral. It loomed like a relic from another age, its spires piercing the sky, a place both sanctuary and prison. I was not alone. Others like me had been gathered, all bearing the same fate. We were trained to sharpen our minds, to channel our wills, to shape our power into something greater. And through it all, we paid homage to the god we were bound to serve, proving our devotion through rituals carried out month after month.

== Religion ==
But reverence was not enough. They forbade us from leaving, claiming we were too valuable to be set loose upon the world. We were not students, we were assets, held in gilded chains, our lives no longer our own.


Vincent's religious ideologies are closely related to one of Sigil's factions known as the Athar. He follows no deity and argues that power, especially the power of gods, is to be respected rather than worshiped. While he once did not directly associate himself with the Deniers, he has since decided to join their cause. Like many of them, he does not faithfully serve a patron, but instead has the ability to channel divine energy through what they refer to as the Great Unknown. Vincent came to his current understanding after discovering the pantheon he once knew was limited to the imagination of his species. He now believes what many societies refer to as gods are merely ascended mortals with great power.
Many years passed within the temple, and by the time I reached adulthood, I had learned all I could from my masters. They claimed I had a rare gift, even among the most talented of my kind, but I suspect my relentless pursuit of knowledge stemmed more from restlessness than aptitude. I had grown weary of confinement, of the same rituals, the same stone walls, the same voices echoing through the halls. I longed for my family, for the open world beyond the mountains.

Yet, I found my own escape. Beneath the temple lay a vast, forgotten ruin, older than our civilization, its existence treated with reverence, its depths all but abandoned for centuries. Through winding tunnels and shadowed corridors, I ventured deeper than any had dared, drawn ever onward by the whisper of mystery. At the heart of a massive cavern, among crumbling structures swallowed by time, stood a great archway, an enigma in stone, its purpose lost to history. The ruins fascinated me, but the archway.. the archway consumed my thoughts.


== Life Before Sigil ==
Even exploration lost its luster in time. My young mind burned with the desire to leave, to be free. That fire only grew when I learned my fate. I was to remain at the temple, a mentor to the next generation, bound to the same cycle I had come to despise. Honor to my family was a small comfort, as was my first brush with romance, another disciple, a fleeting distraction, one I will not linger on. The restlessness gnawed at me until, one fateful night, I found myself drawn once more to the ruins. It had been nearly a year since my last visit, but as I stood before the towering archway, its ancient pillars stretching beyond my candlelight into the abyss above, the awe of my childhood returned.

Sleep claimed me at its base, but my slumber did not last. I awoke to a howling wind, cold sweat clinging to my skin. Before me, the archway was alive, its runes ablaze with white fire, the space between its pillars swirling with a churning vortex of darkness. My mind wavered between exhilaration and terror, but in the end, terror won. I turned to flee, but it was too late. The void reached for me, and in an instant, I was swallowed whole.

Vincent originates from an isolated prime world consisting of a single planet and star. The Enthar belong to a peculiar subrace of humans with various traits that set them apart from the norm. Vincent describes his prime world as ''heavier'', which is due to a gravitational warping that causes everything on the surface to be roughly 30% heavier than average. Time inside the plane is greatly slowed relative to the other planes, which he estimates to be roughly a day-to-year ratio. Due to the planes extreme contortions, the surface of the planet is regularly afflicted by monstrous supercell storms that are capable of covering half the planet at a time.

I vaguely remember drifting in that black void, suspended in a bleak, dreamless emptiness. It felt as though I was trapped between existence itself, neither awake nor truly unconscious, lost in some ageless oblivion. Time held no meaning there, only an endless abyss.. until, at last, a fracture of light pierced the darkness.

In his youth, Vincent was a shy and soft-spoken child with an affinity for manipulating energy. Magic was a rare ability among his people and his natural instinct was considered to be a great gift. At a young age, he was taken from his home and permanently placed in a small covenant of similarly prodigious youth. Far from any city was a temple built on top of a cavernous ruin that predated their civilization. The grounds were treated as a holy place, despite nothing truly being known of the faded runes depicted on the great central archway. In their naivety, the Entharians believed it would one day open to the heavens of their creators as a final test.
Then, I fell.

The impact was brutal, jarring me from the numb haze with a sharp shock of pain. My senses reeled, struggling to grasp what had happened, but nothing could compare to the sheer astonishment of what lay before me. Gone were the barren mountains and storm-laden skies of my home. Instead, I found myself surrounded by a world of lush, verdant foliage, a realm so impossibly vibrant that even the hardest of hearts would have been moved by its beauty. I had spent my life in a world of stone and cold. This place felt almost unreal in its splendor.
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As time passed and lingering memories filled Vincent’s head, he began to miss his family more each day.<br> He fought the pain, knowing his time with the other gifted would grant his underprivileged family some small<br> amount of honor. As years past with this guiding thought, Vincent’s abilities rivaled that of the adults in his<br> community. He could not explain his own skill, as it was more of a burning ache inside of him that manifested<br> with his emotions. He learned early on that the other children shunned him for his differences, and yet he was<br> glad for it. Magic was the one thing in his life that he could always appreciate, the only thing that made sense.
I was stranded on that Prime for years. Adjusting to its abundance came easily enough, though one truth soon became clear, no matter how far I traveled, there were no people to be found. A world teeming with life, yet utterly devoid of civilization. The solitude was both freeing and oppressive, and as the final years of my youth passed, my restless thoughts turned once more to the stars. The knowledge that other worlds existed had taken root in my mind, and I became obsessed with mastering the means to reach them.

Few things in my life have tested me more than those years of self-taught struggle. There was no mentor, no guidance, only my own stubborn will. But I believe I mentioned before, my people are nothing if not persistent. And so, through sheer determination, I carved a path forward, pushing past failure after failure until, at last, I found my way beyond the veil of that lonely world.

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Planar travel was the freedom I had longed for all my life. The ability to step between worlds, to wander the vast and endless expanse of the cosmos, became an addiction, an exhilarating pursuit of discovery, danger, and survival. Every new plane brought with it fresh wonders and perils, each one shaping me into something greater.

When Vincent came of age, the desire to escape his life had burned through him like a fever. The elders in<br> his covenant could no longer teach him anything he had not already done better himself. He wanted nothing<br> better than to travel and experience the world firsthand, but he knew it he would never have the chance. His<br> path was ahead of him, confined to the temple for his lifespan to pass on knowledge as others had done<br> before him. Restlessness eventually took Vincent one night and he abandoned his bed to visit the ruins as<br> he had done so many sleepless nights before. The darkness of the vast hall loomed around his flickering<br> candle as he stared upon the colossal gateway with unfading awe. A haze crept over him where he sat,<br> and before long, he curled up and slept like a child once more. He dreamed of freedom.
But like all things, the thrill began to fade.

What had started as boundless exploration slowly gave way to a more singular purpose, finding my way home. For all the freedom I now possessed, I still longed for something familiar. Perhaps it is a very human thing to spend a lifetime yearning for escape, only to find yourself missing the very place you fought to leave behind. I told myself that I only sought to visit, that I would simply see my family once more before continuing my journey. But deep down, I knew better. The search for home had become a quiet obsession.

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With the optimism of youth, I threw myself into the task. I lost count of the worlds I visited, each one adding to my knowledge, tempering my skills, hardening my resolve. I encountered realms both wondrous and perilous, places where I almost felt I could belong. But no matter how long I lingered, the yearning for home always stirred beneath the surface, pushing me ever onward.

Vincent was thrust awake in a thrashing fit of cold sweat on the damp stone floor. When he lifted his hands,<br> they were a luminescent pulse of energy. The light branched out, connecting him to swirling patterns of magic<br> ascending up the two great pillars of the archway. To his terror, he saw a flicker of energy as a doorway tore<br> open before him. A fierce wind overtook him and began pulling him toward the unyielding threshold. He<br> desperately clawed at the rocky floor, but the fury of the tempest sucked him into the darkness of the vortex.<br> The last thing his mind could comprehend was a great eye looking back at him through the gateway, then<br> nothingness. He drifted between existence, unaware, yet not truly asleep. Bleak, dreamless emptiness was<br> his only existence for uncountable lifetimes until, at last, a crack of light in the veil of blackness swept open<br> before him. His first conscious moment in ageless oblivion was a raw understanding that everyone he had<br> ever known was gone.
Many years passed before I finally found myself beneath a familiar, storm-choked sky. I had never realized it before, but my return made something clear, magic on my world was stifled, dulled, as though the land itself fought against it. My abilities felt weaker, but I adapted. When the tempests permitted, I traveled across the rugged landscape, retracing old paths, searching for what I had left behind.

Then, one night, I stumbled upon a ruin in the dark.

The site was unknown to me, nothing more than weathered stone barely peeking from the earth, a forgotten remnant of a time long past. But as the winds howled and the storms gathered once more, it was shelter enough. And so, beneath the shadow of crumbling walls, I rested, unaware of how close I was to the answers I had spent years chasing.
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After being jaunted from his dimension, the knowledge of planar travel opened new possibilities for Vincent.<br> The fear of remaining alone drove him to master the skill within a year. After that point, he spent the better<br> part of his life combing the planes for his small home. For each world he searched, he learned little more<br> and became a little stronger. The realms he encountered were numerous and perilous, but he came to know<br> determination. There were times when Vincent felt as though he might actually belong somewhere, but he<br> never allowed himself to linger long.  The yearning for his home ever bubbled under the surface until his<br> restless spirit pushed him on again. It wasn’t until a decade later that Vincent found himself gazing upon a<br> familiar sky. After two weeks of crossing the wilderness, he finally came to the crumbling ruin that was<br> his home. In his heart, he knew a great amount of time had passed, but never had he suspected this. He<br> truly was alone.
The storm raged through the night and well into the next day, forcing me to huddle in the remnants of what was once a home, though now it was little more than a hollowed-out chamber beneath the surface. When the skies finally granted me respite, I emerged into the pale daylight, eager to survey my surroundings. Yet, despite my hopes, the old ruins offered little in the way of answers.

Then, something unsettled me.

A nagging thought lingered at the edge of my mind, an unease I couldn't shake. Enthar had no ruins as ancient as these, none that I had ever heard of, save for the ones beneath the old cathedral. A sinking feeling gripped my gut as I turned slowly, scanning the horizon. The surrounding mountains had shifted, worn down by time, yet enough familiar peaks remained to confirm the growing suspicion clawing at me. My thoughts drifted back to the void, that half-forgotten limbo between worlds. I had no way of knowing how long I had drifted there, nor how much time had unraveled in my absence.
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The answer became clearer with every step.

For months, I traversed the barren expanse of my world, seeking out the colonies I had known in my youth. One by one, I found them—silent, empty, long since consumed by the merciless winds of Enthar. I ventured high into the mountains, where the old temple still stood, its stone walls defiant against the erosion of time. The valley had shielded it from the worst of the storms, but even its resilience could not defy centuries. It was abandoned, hollow, devoid of life.

== Life In Sigil ==
I had seen enough.

There was nothing left for me here. My home was dust, my people long gone, and I was alone, utterly and truly alone in the vastness of the multiverse.

With a whispered spell and weeks of travel, I resumed the only life left to me. Wandering. World after world, year after year, I roamed without direction, my youthful determination eroded into a quiet resignation. I had once searched with purpose, but now I walked simply because I knew nothing else. And so, the years slipped by, my name lost to time, until my youth was but a distant memory.
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I had accepted it, resigned myself to an eternity of solitude among the planes. After all, my kind do not live short lives.

Vincent's life in Sigil truly began on Freedom's Keel when he met a young woman of the crew named Aerin<br> Grey. She caught his interest early on, and with her help, Vincent shortly demonstrated his capability to the<br> captain and earned his keep on the vessel. The late Lord Regand Azureus was a man of passion and to<br> Vincent's surprise, great honor for a pirate king. Over time, the crew became like family to Vincent with Aerin<br> as his lover.

The years accumulated, one after another, until I found I could look back and count the decades. Somewhere along the way, my priorities had shifted. I had grown weary of constant wandering, and the quiet allure of a peaceful spot by a waterfall began to feel like the perfect setting for a cabin. And so, I settled, more than once, in fact. It's strange how easily the constant motion of life can be replaced by stillness.

Over the course of these years, I came to know others intimately, friends and lovers, each leaving their mark on me. But like everything in my life, these connections came to an end. For many, I do not linger on the memories, but there is one loss I will never fully recover from. My wife and our son, both taken from me in a way that would break even the strongest of men. I will say this, the ones responsible for their deaths were met with the full fury of my rage, a storm so fierce that it could only be compared to the winds of Enthar itself.
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Those years were dark, haunted by the weight of that loss. I forsook my god, cursing him for abandoning me at the moment when I needed him most. I was a bitter and callous man, hardened by pain, but there was one truth I discovered during that time that still holds true to this day. We are alone in this life, and in the end, we can only depend on ourselves.

Vincent came to discover that the members of Freedom's Keel were no mere pirate crew. Even with the<br> powerful spelljammer at their command, they did not seek to rob others for plunder. Instead, they sought<br> something far more unobtainable. They wished to know a truth of the Wheel, the likes of which mortals<br> were never meant to comprehend. Vincent came to know the struggles from success and failure over this<br> time, yet distinguishing himself all the while. He braved the depths of Acheron and fought through waves<br> of powerful outsiders within a labyrinthine Cube connected to Styx.

It was during this period of my life that I returned to Sigil. It wasn't my first visit to the City of Doors, but it was the one that would change me. This return would be the turning point, the foundation for who I am now.

In Sigil, I met Aerin Grey. She caught my attention despite the hardness that had taken root in my soul. She was part of a spelljammer crew called the Styx Silhouette, a group that fancied themselves pirates. In truth, they were anything but. Cosmic explorers and pioneers on the brink of a new age. I became one of them, though my initial motivation was simple. To watch over Aerin, to protect her from the dangers a crew like theirs would inevitably face. But as time passed, something changed. I found myself growing fond of the lifestyle. I suppose it's good to have a purpose again, after all these years of wandering aimlessly.
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Those I came to know on Freedom's Keel became some of my closest friends. And as I healed, the weight of my past seemed to drift further away. The dark years behind me, the hope of something new, something meaningful, began to take root once more.

After over a year of strife and bloodshed, the knowledge the crew sought was finally their own, but it cost<br> them dearly. The greatness of an individual confers an insatiable appetite that may consume them given<br> the chance. This truth was beyond any of them, and so their destinies were forever altered. Ultimately, the<br> endeavor would claim great personal sacrifice for each member of the crew, the greatest being Captain<br> Regand's very life.  With his death and the keel in disrepair, the members took directions of their own.<br> These days, such matters are rarely spoken of, even amongst the disbanded crew themselves.

There is much about that time I cannot share, and I prefer to be brief for the sake of keeping this story manageable. But I will say this. We redirected a section of the River Styx and assembled the Rod of Law for purposes best left undisclosed. It was a time of great trial, but also of healing. After so much loss, I learned to heal and, eventually, to love again. We accomplished much and overcame evils that would have crushed lesser beings, but the price was steep.

The Styx Silhouette was destroyed, our captain killed, and the crew scattered. Aerin and I, however, persisted beyond all odds. The events aboard the Silhouette changed us both forever. From the ashes, we acquired the Ubiquitous Wayfarer and restored it into what most know it as today. A sanctuary. We created a place where anyone could find refuge, regardless of faction or creed, so long as they followed the rules.
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Over time, the Wayfarer became a haven. It was a place where the oppressed could find solace, where the Clueless could find a footing in the chaotic labyrinth of Sigil. I lost count of how many souls I helped guide, providing them with a place to rest and a means to survive in such an unforgiving city. But somewhere along the way, my idealism grew. New ambitions took root. I saw the suffering across the Great Wheel, how gods preyed upon the desperate and how fiendish incursions were rising at an alarming rate. I joined the ranks of the Defiers, and defy I did.

It was after this time that Vincent and Aerin disappeared without a trace for nearly a year. Their absence<br> was due to Aerin being taken by a cult of demon worshipers that wanted to complete a ritual using those<br> like Aerin with specific abyssal descent. Vincent spent the entirety of this time hunting down those that took<br> his love from him, refusing to suffer from drawbacks and dead ends. Countless alleyway interrogations,<br> often leaving the interrogated bloodied and broken, resulted in Vincent finally discovering the location used<br> to house Aerin during her long captivity.

My strength grew over the years as I opposed the forces that sought to exploit mortals. Everywhere I looked, I saw those in power using others for their own gain. Gods manipulated belief to raise themselves to divine heights, their followers' souls strengthening them as they crossed the planes. Fiends on both sides bartered, tricked, or outright stole souls to fuel their power. The endless cycles of abuse, betrayal, and manipulation repulsed me.

I championed the people for many years, defeating evils that would have crushed entire civilizations. I stood against the Dao overlords who enslaved thousands, faced the rampaging Ventrax across the Torus, and battled the Kingpin as he rose to rule the Hive. I slew the God Beast Kraken, which had been devouring a Power. Plagues, cults, lich queens, madmen wielding powerful relics, all fell before me, but their successors always rose to take their place. The evils never ceased, the corruption spread without end.
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Yet through it all, a greater threat began to emerge, one that would define my future. The Alliance of Change. Though I had clashed with them before, I began to understand the true nature of their shadowy organization. My first major victory against them was halting their invasion into Limbo, preventing them from reshaping the chaotic essence of the plane into a new Abyss. But, as with all their schemes, their plans never stopped, and we clashed countless times before their inevitable full-scale invasion. In the end, despite my efforts, I could only slow them down.

After storming the complex, Vincent carved a path of destruction, leaving dozens of cultists dead in an<br> attempt to find Aerin. After breaking her cell open, they were set upon by forces retaliating against the<br> intrusion. As Vincent held the tide back, he made Aerin invisible and commanded her to run. Once free of<br> worry for her safety, Vincent's fury was a storm. A master swordsman with powerful magic fueling his rage,<br> he slew half a hundred by the time of his own escape. Yet, after Vincent fled the complex, he discovered<br> that he was unable to find Aerin.

With each victory, I grew stronger. With every horror vanquished, my will became more resolute. I achieved more than I ever thought possible, and saved countless lives along the way. Looking back, it feels as though my path was inevitable. That is not to say that I am bound by fate or some preordained destiny. Every choice was mine, and every thread of my history has been shaped by my own hand, despite those who have sought to manipulate me. It was these very choices that led me to uncover a truth about my origin, one that no journey, no matter how wondrous, could ever compare to.

I'll take you back to a time, many years ago, when I began having visions of another life. In these dreams, I was alone, locked in life-and-death combat against a variety of foes. An enormous dragon whose type I could not determine, a man clad in ornate armor, a nimble woman and master of the flute, a glabrezu, and a solar. What was most curious was that the fiend and the celestial fought alongside one another, as if they were old comrades, united in their battle against me. The fight was fierce and evenly matched, with both sides trading blows until a powerful strike caught me off-guard. A bearded man in a toga mocked me before unleashing a barrage of lightning bolts. I resisted, but their combined might was overwhelming. I felt myself fading..
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These dreams continued night after night, each one more vivid than the last, until the wounds I sustained in my subconscious began to manifest as sore spots on my body when I awoke.

In her panic and confusion from being brainwashed by torture and hallucinations, Aerin used her abilities to<br> planeshift away once free of the dampening field. She went into hiding, even from Vincent, as she was unsure<br> of what she could trust in reality. After recuperating some weeks later, the two reunited and sought the help of<br> old friends. Together, they came to the realization that the masters were likely attempting to perform a ritual to<br> Graz'zt using Aerin's bloodline, as she was in a long line of descendants from the dark lord himself.
I considered blocking these visions from my mind, but my curiosity proved too strong. I hired a specialist to analyze what I was experiencing, and he concluded that a Power was likely reaching out to me. At first, I was merely curious, but now I had to know why a god would be contacting a Defier. I carefully reviewed the information I had, piecing together the fragments of knowledge, and the trail led me deep into the Lower Planes, along the River Styx. It was there that I encountered the solar from my visions.

Arkanthides, as he was called, was in the midst of slaying a group of cultists when I found him. He was not forthcoming with the answers I sought, but he revealed that these cultists were followers of some primordial titan. He called them cultists, though I suspected that was simply his derogatory term for them. His disdain for them was clear, but I could sense an even deeper malice beneath his words. What little I learned from him before I left was that Zeus had tasked him with rooting out these followers and blocking all planar pathways leading to whatever it was they worshipped. I had never heard of Zeus being in conflict with such an entity, but I wasn't particularly surprised. It seemed only natural that he would be at odds with yet another titan.

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I wanted to know more, but Arkanthides divulged very little else. He sent me to where more of these followers were known to be hidden, and where they held captive the glabrezu from my visions. Penance, as he was named, had apparently long ago turned away from his natural impulses for a life of redemption. Arkanthides feared the followers of Enthar were using him for something sinister and told me to slay them and to determine if Penance had regressed while held prisoner. Naturally, I did nothing of the sort. Arkanthides' lack of transparency was disconcerting and his mannerism was bordering on discomfort as we spoke. It seemed like he may have feared this titan, but I couldn't be sure. I went deep into the Dwarven Mountains to find their fortress carved into the side of a rocky bluff.

Most of the cultists Vincent came across were either brainwashed or blindly following the lies of the cult<br> leaders. As simple pawns, their deaths meant very little to the grander cause. The real danger, the masters<br> behind the veil, remained free with unfinished schemes. Vincent proposed to hunt down these monsters, not<br> only for personal revenge, but to protect the realm from their continued evil. Vincent and Aerin became<br> determined, and with the aid of allies, they set in motion a plan to track down and slay the masters.
I was not met with the hostility that I was told to anticipate. Rather, this group claimed their fortress was a temple and sanctuary for travelers. When I asked about their religion, I was told that this primordial was one of the first beings to exist in the Great Wheel. A cosmic entity that was from a time before the gods, when the verse was in a primeval state. It was the last of its kind when the first gods came upon it in a state of torpor. Fearing that such a colossal being would simply be too destructive in nature to exist alongside their new works, Zeus intended to handle it as he did with Chronus. Gathering those I had seen in my visions, he assaulted the titan.

But like all primordial deities, killing them was not so easy. Just as Zeus and his siblings imprisoned the titans in Tartarus, he fashioned a new prison of sorts. This primordial was forced into a wakeless slumber and cocooned in a bubble of greatly decreased time flow. It slept through the ages and was blocked off from the multiverse, but it was not completely without influence. It accumulated a following over the eons by reaching out to others, just as it had done with me. They said Zeus' cage was imperfect by itself, or perhaps incomplete. I can only assume Zeus was eager to return to cheating on his wife and impregnating mortal women. So in order to keep such a being asleep for so long, he placed people upon it and assigned Arkanthides to teach them rituals to sap its strength and keep it dormant. But it was believed something happened to those people long ago, and that most eventually died off except for a small group yet remaining within the mountain range of Enthar's spine.

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So you see, a new realization dawned upon me. Enthar was never a harsh Prime like we had believed, but a world-sized primordial titan. My people survived in the microcosm of its existence, slowly growing stronger and more distinct from humankind since almost the beginning of the Great Wheel. Yes, an Athar that was born into the microcosm of a god-like being. The irony was not lost on me. It was not an easy thing to accept. My ire with Zeus and Arkanthides was palpable, but I took solace in knowing some of my people were still alive after all this time. I wasn't alone in the Wheel as I had believed for so long. When I told this group of my revelation, they seemed more willing to trust me and treated me almost like a holy prophet. They divulged that more and more pathways were opening to Enthar, and that they would be using one in a few weeks from that time. I still had my reservations about this group, but my people became my first priority.

== Lasting Interactions ==
When it was time, I followed the group into Hades to find Arkanthides and other celestials waiting for us at our pathway to Enthar. The group consisted of a few Planetars and followers of Zeus, and none of them looked particularly pleased. I tried to speak with them, but all reason was lost on Arkanthides in his anger. I tried to convince him that the cage around Enthar was breaking and that he was ignoring all the signs. I told him that the titan was stirring more than ever and we both knew what that meant for what was left of my people. In the end, he would not accept it. He seemed to believe he could fix what was happening. Fear of Enthar was corrupting him and he lashed out at me in a rage when I accused him of participating in the near genocide of my species. He moved against me alone while his retinue made for the followers of Enthar. As you might imagine, Arkanthides was formidable, but he was ultimately in my way. I took him down before his allies could proceed, but I held back the killing blow. I was angry, but not enough to kill him. I shouted for his allies to take him and go, in which they thankfully complied. There was nothing left between me and my home.

[[Balthazar De'Medici]], today an influential wizard and renown factor of Sigil's Godsmen. Engineer, inventor, politician, philosopher, the man has a hand in every skill with no amount of mediocrity to be found. Balthazar was the primary engineer and pilot of the keel.

Enthar was different from what I recalled even a few decades before. There was a hostility to the place and the wildlife, and ancient elementals roamed the surface with unusual activity. Traveling up into the mountains of Enthar's spine took some time, but I did find an outpost there. They had been telling the truth. A number of my kind were living along the mountain range, scattered out in outposts and underground villages. I spent a whole cycle speaking to as many as I could, though I couldn't travel to them all. They told me about their lives and the difficulties they faced. They told me of how food was becoming more and more scarce as the storms and the quakes only grew worse. We shared stories of our time on Enthar, and I told them some of my life in the planes. The followers of Enthar were fascinated with them, treating them as if they were the chosen few. I suppose they weren't wrong. In the largest village, instructed them to send word across the spine to gather everyone over the next day. I was determined to take them all from that place.

[[Hafsa Sarah Shadiya Tabassum Alfarsi]], a Djinn of no small significance. Hafsa has a reputation as one of the most wise and knowledgeable around. Hafsa helped to guide the crew with her immense expertise.
I used the following months for my own preparations, knowing not even a day had passed on Enthar. My people had suffered so much at the hands of those that claimed to follow the path of righteousness, and I knew they deserved peace for once in their lives. In my youth, I came across an uninhabited Prime that I knew would be the ideal place for a new settlement. I returned to the lush valley where I had built a cabin next to a waterfall and set to work. I collected supplies for construction, considering all they would need for agriculture and housing. I imported enough wood, tools, food, and livestock for thousands. A process that might normally take years by myself was hastened by the use of Gates directly from lumber yards, quarries, and farms. I implemented magical bags, allowing me to stock up on hundreds of pounds of material for each visit. There was little left to do by the time of my eventual return to Enthar.

My initial return to the portal in Hades was largely uneventful. I gathered a few allies in anticipation of Arkanthides returning with his forces again, but he made no presence. My relief was short-lived as we stepped back through to Enthar. The state of the surface had declined rapidly in just a single day and we struggled to make our way through the storms. When we finally reached the village, it was a relief to find my people alive. There were thousands of them from across Enthar's spine crowded in the many tunnels. It took many hours to funnel everyone through Gates while the world around us began to violently crumble. As the last of them made their way, I could feel the village begin to sink down into the earth.

[[Alec]], a long standing Bleaker of Sigil. The man seems to be a legend around the Wheel, and those nearest to him see that he always seems to have a hand in something crucial in importance. Alec was an honorary addition of the crew and one of the few allowed on the keel without truly being a member.

Away from Enthar, my people were overjoyed. They had never witnessed a world so lush and beautiful. They had never known a world so at peace. I stayed with them for a time to show them how to rebuild and prosper, making sure to visit every few weeks to guide them and to continue ferrying supplies until they had settled.

[ Hugh Huxley], formerly known as [ Treylile Strath]; a man who's very nature personified a spelljammer pirate. A charismatic wildspace pioneer, the fellow could lecture his way out of a dragon's maw while stroking his magnificent mustache.
With my people safely away from Enthar, there was only one thing left to do. The prison made for the titan was breaking and the great primordial would soon be stirring. I saw images in my mind of an enraged colossal that rampaged across the Wheel. I saw the Powers rise up to do battle with it with the multiverse as their battleground. I saw the lives of countless mortals being stamped out in a conflict that they never had a part in. I could see the horrors unfolding before me. I could see the greatest threat to mortals I had ever known, but what was I to do? I was but a man going up against a world-sized being.

I returned to my home for one last time and stood upon the surface as the winds raged around me and my companions. I led them to the ancient temple to once more travel deep into the earth to the archway far below. There, I channeled energy into the gateway, as I did long ago. Brilliant arcs of energy flowed up the pillars, pulsating. The tendrils of white light merged in the middle, splitting reality before us. Enthar stirred as the portal ripped open, drawing us into it with a fierce wind.

[[Face]], a friend outside the company that Vincent risked his life for on numerous occasions in the past. Together they fought through an army of para-elementals and Dao wizards in the plane of earth. Their intent was to breech a fortified Dao palace and free thousands of enslaved shapeshifters like Face himself.

The fury of the vortex vanished as we entered the mind of a god. There was only a void at first, the darkness around us infinite as we floated listlessly. Departing from the physical world brought about an uneasiness, but I was no longer a child to be swallowed up by the titan's infinite will. My focus was the only barrier that kept us from being lost to a dreamless sleep. I suppose my essence demanded recognition in the gulf between thoughts. I guided them with my conviction, my resolve realized as a plateau appeared in the emptiness.

Seluil, a great warrior of Seldarine and founder of the Defiant. Few can match this elf's swordsmanship. Today, the Defiant remains an organization of elites lead by Seluil that seek to purge some of the greater evils in the multiverse. Some time following his life on the keel, Vincent joined their ranks after demonstrating his exceptional talent in a duel with Seluil. The elf appointed him as one of the leading members of the company.
The stability rose up from the blackness as we moved away from the vast nothingness, the structure like a mental projection of solid light. Before us was an endless network of resplendent pathways that spanned out over the void in stark contrast. Somehow, I instinctively lead them down a specific path, our footfalls creating tiny surges of prismatic brilliance along the palpating mental fabric. Translucent vestiges of the god's slowly waking mind roamed the silver filaments before us. Abnormalities seemed to patrol the webways that made up the dormant titan's consciousness, acting as sentries even in hibernation. Despite these barest of mental defenses, the trek spanned for what seemed like days. It was difficult to truly elucidate time in such a place.

In the distance, we would eventually see a central, disk-like platform with the span of brilliant crystalline networks clustering around the crux. A great pillar of light radiated perpendicular in the center and extended infinitely above and below. Pulsing fragments of energy perpetually crossed the various synapses from the nexus and surged down the span of web-like fibers that surrounded it.  The massive structure seemed to rest in the middle of all things. We crossed a diaphanous membrane to step onto the great stretch of the platform.

Avarice Martell, a young man very new to Sigil, but a highly promising ''commissar'' nonetheless. Vincent has come to spend more time with this new friend, the two often seen together in the Clerk's Ward or The Ubiquitous Wayfarer. Avarice seems to spend his nights on the couch in the tavern's upstairs residence from time to time.

The spherical film rippled faintly until the last vibrations reached the distant core. As the languid thoughts of the slumbering colossus turned to regard us, the shaft of energy in the center of the nexus thrummed. Each pulse sent forth a wave of abstractions to meet us in combat. The twisted, impossibly angled features of the creatures were projected awkwardly as our minds tried to interpret the confounding shapes. Sleek, glimmering skin as a silhouette coated the manifestations that were of the titan's will. The creatures swarmed forward in droves, falling like shattering glass whenever we felled one.

Cassidy MacKenna, a warrior and ally he has come to know. Much like himself, this woman refuses to back down from a challenge. Headstrong with a willingness to do what she believes is right, she has come to earn Vincent's respect.
As the last of the shard-like beings fell, the void surrounding the platform slowly transformed into a whirling cosmos. Distant stars twinkled into existence as the colossus stirred from dormancy. The nexus buzzed again and three more anomalies glided forth. Large and powerfully shaped figures of convoluted contours and shadowy nebulae stepped out from the pillar of the essence to challenge us. We quickly found that these new entities were vastly more difficult to kill, their opaque varnish of dimly reflected starlight resistant to weapons and magic alike. They also inevitably fell as fractured pieces, as if of brittle incandescence.

The universe that was the primordial deity's mind blinked into life as vast star systems materialized into being and encircled the nexus with increasing velocity. The colossus was nearly provoked enough to slide from torpor, causing the great shaft of scintillating energy to pulsate again. A massive shape thundered from the near-conscious mind of the titan. It was of radiant brilliance, an impeccable mirror to the stretching infinity that now swirled around the platform. An aurora-like nimbus blossomed across the surface of the nearly perfect creature as it approached- the representation of a god's will.

[[Lishthessaril]], a woman never far from Cassidy's side and vice versa. Vincent has come to know the two lovers from their many honorable deeds around the Cage.

The battle with this being was to no avail. The avatar was impervious to our meager attempts to bring it down. Yet the longer I spent in the titan's mind, the more I began to understand. The eons trapped while dimly aware of his kind having been exterminated by Zeus and others had driven him mad. I began to feel his rage through the connection that had once existed only in my dreams. I approached the creature and summoned all my strength to thrust my will upon it. I felt a flood of wild emotion, the boiling madness and rage pressing against my mind at all sides. Our wills were deadlocked as we pushed against each other, until I noticed the flickering of something at the back of my mind. An awareness of my allies and their own minds and souls. Gathering their aid, I guided them so that we focused our unified wills against the creature to slowly pushed back the madness.

While I had entered the mind of Enthar to slay him to prevent a catastrophe, I began to see a new path. To destroy a being as ancient and powerful as this would be an accomplishment that no other could claim, not even the gods, and yet what I chose was something greater still. Imposing my will against the cosmos that was its mind. To pit my mind against it and wash away the eons of misery and grief, to instill a sense of sanity again when all it knew was loss- that is something else.

== Varied Rumors ==
This was the choice I knew must be made. Enthar was just as much a victim of Zeus as any other. Endlessly mettled with, tugged on from every side while wishing nothing but to be left alone. I found myself relating to Enthar. I found myself comparing him to mortals. I had expected another deific figure that would preside over those seen as lesser, and yet I was shown something so very much like myself. I understood it, and thus I held the power to overcome it. After all, I knew this suffering. To turn the pain and sorrow into a tool. To not let it break you, but to allow it to forge oneself into something indestructible. That is the power of one's will, and that is what one must always remember above all else.

-He has a bounty on his head for killing a hive lord.<br>
As the titan's rage cooled, I approached the infinite pillar of light that was the mind of a god. Reaching out, I felt the connection strengthen between us. It was at that moment that we came to an understanding of what must be done. Enthar's yearning for Zeus to be brought to justice was even greater than my own, but he was incapable of claiming it. If he continued to awaken, the gods would rise up to strike him down in battle. I convinced him that I could champion the cause and seek justice for all of Zeus' wrongdoings, allowing the great titan to continue his slumber.
-He's the last survivor of his species.<br>
-He used to be a ruthless spelljammer pirate.<br>
In order to make good on my claim, we both knew I would need a weapon unlike any other. Enthar and my mind collided into one for the briefest of moments. It was in that span that I saw the birth of the multiverse and glimpses of all that had transpired since. The forming of stars and their demise, the rise and fall of entire civilizations, and the sheer insignificance even gods had upon all of existence as a whole. I could feel my mind expanding, and my awareness growing to new heights that mortal kind could only ever dream of. An unexpected bond formed, and together, we focused our unified will in that place where belief truly was reality. Thrusting my hand outwards, a silvery blade manifested there.
-He's one of the best swordsmen in the realm.<br>
-He's owed a million jink by a factor.<br>
-He never takes his mask off because he's actually the Worm Lord in disguise.<br>
-He's the only one who really knows what change happened to Alec.<br>
This sword was simultaneously captivating in its otherworldly, mercurial sheen, and yet difficult to look upon. It maintained a form of near intangibility with a sleek, glimmering surface of dimly reflected starlight. Reality seemed to hang heavy around it and the air emitted a dull roar like a distant forge. Even to this day, it remains an enigma to the most knowledgeable and skilled crafters. Not comprised of neither metal, stone, or organic matter, but something ambiguous that resembles a shadowy, shifting nebula.
-He's a paragon from his prime.<br>
-He owns the Ubiquitous Wayfarer in the Lower Ward.<br>
When ignited by my will, the blade becomes ablaze with white light and the sound of it rises to deafening levels as it roars with power. The swirling depths shift to become an impeccable mirror of an infinitely spanning cosmos. A radiant and blinding inferno envelops it with an essence that extends out to devour all it touches. The edge of the blade seems to devastate anything in its path, severing with such ease and precision as if it begins bisecting at an infinitesimal level.
Forged within the nexus of a cosmic entity's consciousness, this weapon was shaped by the coalescence of great conviction. Bolstered with the power of a Wish, Enthar and I combined our might to thrust it upon a singularity. This manifestation of will was harnessed to conceive the perfect weapon- so potent that it may even harm gods themselves. The birth of this sword heralds the beginning of a claim to justice against Zeus for his transgressions.
I took that blade and left Enthar to his slumber. Sometime after that, Arkanthides came to me with a peace offering. He bestowed his gauntlets to me in an apology, having taken some time to realize his path was leading him down a dark road. He has since left Zeus' service and joined the Athar as one of my factioneers.
The world I bestowed upon my people has flourished beyond imagination. In the beginning, many sought to raise temples in my honor, to crown me as their sovereign, but I would not allow it. No single voice should reign unchallenged, nor should power rest in the hands of one alone. Instead, I guided them toward democracy and self-governance, fostering a society built on reason, discourse, and independence.
I walked among them, teaching, building, defending. I stood beside the scholars as they laid the foundations of higher learning, ensuring that knowledge, not faith, would guide them. When threats arose, whether from within or beyond, I took up arms to protect what we had built. I fought not as a ruler, but as a guardian, a shield for those who would carve their own destiny.
Through higher education and a secular understanding of the Great Wheel, they have shaped their own destiny, free from the chains of blind devotion. The city they call Khloeros has since become a beacon of progress, a paradise not by divine will, but by the hands of those who dared to dream beyond it.
It is everything our old world was not.. Whitewashed stone houses with terracotta roofs line open streets, their walls adorned with ivy and fragrant bougainvillea. Marble columns, stand resolute, mark the city's central agora, where philosophers, artisans, and merchants gather beneath the warm sun. A great amphitheater overlooks a mighty river, its steps carved from the cliffs, where the echoes of orators and poets still linger in the air.
Fountains adorned with intricate mosaics murmur softly, their waters fed by aqueducts that stretch from the distant mountains. Olive groves and vineyards thrive in the fertile soil, providing the city with both sustenance and prosperity. At dusk, the sky burns in shades of gold and crimson, casting long shadows over the temples, though here, they are not places of worship, but of knowledge and assembly, where the people debate, learn, and shape the course of their future.
It is this very spirit of enlightenment and independence that I sought to instill in Khloeros. Not as a ruler, nor as a god, but as a guide and protector, ensuring that the foundations of reason and self-determination would endure. Here, amidst the laughter of children playing in sunlit courtyards, a civilization has risen, not through divine decree, but through the will and wisdom of its people.
I have stood in defiance of Zeus ever since, even as I guided my people toward peace and prosperity. Much has transpired since my fateful encounter with Enthar, far too much to recount in full, but I will name a few.
I slew the scion of Tiamat before its reign of terror could begin. I shattered relics powerful enough to unmake worlds. I thwarted a fiendish plot to drag Elysium into the Abyss, preserving the sanctity of the celestial realm. Beneath the streets of Sigil, I crushed an invading army before it could rise to the surface. When the Alliance of Change waged war upon the Outlands, I opposed them at every turn, playing a pivotal role in their downfall before closing the Sky Scar.
My war against Zeus has only grown. I have battled Olympian beasts of legend, aided a grandson of Zeus who dared defy his bloodline, and freed the titan Prometheus from his eternal torment, claiming him as an ally in the fight against tyranny.
The road before me remains long, but I will not waver. I will strike at Zeus' dominion wherever it stands, unraveling his empire thread by thread until our inevitable clash.

Latest revision as of 00:31, 7 February 2025

Vincent Vale
Male Human
Player: Numbers Guy
General Information
Full Name: Vincent Vale
Nicknames: Vince, Mr. Vale,
The Godless Swordsman,
Age: Unknown
Deity: None
Occupation: Ex-spelljammer pirate, tavern proprietor, relic hunter, monster slayer, champion of mortals.
Faction/Rank: Defier
Place of Birth: Enthar
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'5" / 198 cm
Weight: 258 lbs / 117 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: An imposing figure in armor with the build of a warrior.
Beyond ninth-tier divine magic, master swordsman, supernatural eyesight, great discipline and willpower.
Equipment and Items

My tale is a long one, but I will spare you where I can. My people were born into hardship, forced to toil in the unforgiving isolation of Enthar, a world where life should not have been possible. Only later did I come to understand it as a heavy-gravity world, its surface battered by ceaseless storms and locked in an unyielding cold that would crush the unprepared.

But we were strong. We were stubborn.

My parents were farmers, though not in the way most would imagine. They harnessed alchemical processes to cultivate food beneath the surface, where the earth offered us the smallest chance at survival. Above, what little time we could afford on the surface was precious, even if it was spent among jagged mountain ranges and wind-scoured bluffs.

Yet, despite it all, we endured. We learned. Our cities were not merely shelters but fortresses against our own world. We carved them from rounded stone, shaping them to defy the endless tempests, their angles clever against the winds that sought to tear them down. The land raged against us, but we did not break. We stood, unyielding, proving that even in the harshest of worlds, life would find a way.

A harsh world forges hard people. Survival dominated our every thought, leaving little room for excess or indulgence. Art, music, and magic were foreign luxuries. Our society was grim, utilitarian, built solely on necessity. Strength was measured not in wealth or status, but in resilience.

Among us, those who could manipulate energy were revered as the pinnacle of our people, yet such an honor came at a price. Every child was tested, their minds probed for latent potential, for even the smallest spark of power that might one day be honed. I was barely more than a child when they assessed me, though I remember the mental tests, examinations I did not fully understand. When I proved to have the gift, they took me from my home and led me high into the mountains, far from the world I had known.

There, hidden within a valley untouched by the relentless storms, stood the cathedral. It loomed like a relic from another age, its spires piercing the sky, a place both sanctuary and prison. I was not alone. Others like me had been gathered, all bearing the same fate. We were trained to sharpen our minds, to channel our wills, to shape our power into something greater. And through it all, we paid homage to the god we were bound to serve, proving our devotion through rituals carried out month after month.

But reverence was not enough. They forbade us from leaving, claiming we were too valuable to be set loose upon the world. We were not students, we were assets, held in gilded chains, our lives no longer our own.

Many years passed within the temple, and by the time I reached adulthood, I had learned all I could from my masters. They claimed I had a rare gift, even among the most talented of my kind, but I suspect my relentless pursuit of knowledge stemmed more from restlessness than aptitude. I had grown weary of confinement, of the same rituals, the same stone walls, the same voices echoing through the halls. I longed for my family, for the open world beyond the mountains.

Yet, I found my own escape. Beneath the temple lay a vast, forgotten ruin, older than our civilization, its existence treated with reverence, its depths all but abandoned for centuries. Through winding tunnels and shadowed corridors, I ventured deeper than any had dared, drawn ever onward by the whisper of mystery. At the heart of a massive cavern, among crumbling structures swallowed by time, stood a great archway, an enigma in stone, its purpose lost to history. The ruins fascinated me, but the archway.. the archway consumed my thoughts.

Even exploration lost its luster in time. My young mind burned with the desire to leave, to be free. That fire only grew when I learned my fate. I was to remain at the temple, a mentor to the next generation, bound to the same cycle I had come to despise. Honor to my family was a small comfort, as was my first brush with romance, another disciple, a fleeting distraction, one I will not linger on. The restlessness gnawed at me until, one fateful night, I found myself drawn once more to the ruins. It had been nearly a year since my last visit, but as I stood before the towering archway, its ancient pillars stretching beyond my candlelight into the abyss above, the awe of my childhood returned.

Sleep claimed me at its base, but my slumber did not last. I awoke to a howling wind, cold sweat clinging to my skin. Before me, the archway was alive, its runes ablaze with white fire, the space between its pillars swirling with a churning vortex of darkness. My mind wavered between exhilaration and terror, but in the end, terror won. I turned to flee, but it was too late. The void reached for me, and in an instant, I was swallowed whole.

I vaguely remember drifting in that black void, suspended in a bleak, dreamless emptiness. It felt as though I was trapped between existence itself, neither awake nor truly unconscious, lost in some ageless oblivion. Time held no meaning there, only an endless abyss.. until, at last, a fracture of light pierced the darkness.

Then, I fell.

The impact was brutal, jarring me from the numb haze with a sharp shock of pain. My senses reeled, struggling to grasp what had happened, but nothing could compare to the sheer astonishment of what lay before me. Gone were the barren mountains and storm-laden skies of my home. Instead, I found myself surrounded by a world of lush, verdant foliage, a realm so impossibly vibrant that even the hardest of hearts would have been moved by its beauty. I had spent my life in a world of stone and cold. This place felt almost unreal in its splendor.

I was stranded on that Prime for years. Adjusting to its abundance came easily enough, though one truth soon became clear, no matter how far I traveled, there were no people to be found. A world teeming with life, yet utterly devoid of civilization. The solitude was both freeing and oppressive, and as the final years of my youth passed, my restless thoughts turned once more to the stars. The knowledge that other worlds existed had taken root in my mind, and I became obsessed with mastering the means to reach them.

Few things in my life have tested me more than those years of self-taught struggle. There was no mentor, no guidance, only my own stubborn will. But I believe I mentioned before, my people are nothing if not persistent. And so, through sheer determination, I carved a path forward, pushing past failure after failure until, at last, I found my way beyond the veil of that lonely world.

Planar travel was the freedom I had longed for all my life. The ability to step between worlds, to wander the vast and endless expanse of the cosmos, became an addiction, an exhilarating pursuit of discovery, danger, and survival. Every new plane brought with it fresh wonders and perils, each one shaping me into something greater.

But like all things, the thrill began to fade.

What had started as boundless exploration slowly gave way to a more singular purpose, finding my way home. For all the freedom I now possessed, I still longed for something familiar. Perhaps it is a very human thing to spend a lifetime yearning for escape, only to find yourself missing the very place you fought to leave behind. I told myself that I only sought to visit, that I would simply see my family once more before continuing my journey. But deep down, I knew better. The search for home had become a quiet obsession.

With the optimism of youth, I threw myself into the task. I lost count of the worlds I visited, each one adding to my knowledge, tempering my skills, hardening my resolve. I encountered realms both wondrous and perilous, places where I almost felt I could belong. But no matter how long I lingered, the yearning for home always stirred beneath the surface, pushing me ever onward.

Many years passed before I finally found myself beneath a familiar, storm-choked sky. I had never realized it before, but my return made something clear, magic on my world was stifled, dulled, as though the land itself fought against it. My abilities felt weaker, but I adapted. When the tempests permitted, I traveled across the rugged landscape, retracing old paths, searching for what I had left behind.

Then, one night, I stumbled upon a ruin in the dark.

The site was unknown to me, nothing more than weathered stone barely peeking from the earth, a forgotten remnant of a time long past. But as the winds howled and the storms gathered once more, it was shelter enough. And so, beneath the shadow of crumbling walls, I rested, unaware of how close I was to the answers I had spent years chasing.

The storm raged through the night and well into the next day, forcing me to huddle in the remnants of what was once a home, though now it was little more than a hollowed-out chamber beneath the surface. When the skies finally granted me respite, I emerged into the pale daylight, eager to survey my surroundings. Yet, despite my hopes, the old ruins offered little in the way of answers.

Then, something unsettled me.

A nagging thought lingered at the edge of my mind, an unease I couldn't shake. Enthar had no ruins as ancient as these, none that I had ever heard of, save for the ones beneath the old cathedral. A sinking feeling gripped my gut as I turned slowly, scanning the horizon. The surrounding mountains had shifted, worn down by time, yet enough familiar peaks remained to confirm the growing suspicion clawing at me. My thoughts drifted back to the void, that half-forgotten limbo between worlds. I had no way of knowing how long I had drifted there, nor how much time had unraveled in my absence.

The answer became clearer with every step.

For months, I traversed the barren expanse of my world, seeking out the colonies I had known in my youth. One by one, I found them—silent, empty, long since consumed by the merciless winds of Enthar. I ventured high into the mountains, where the old temple still stood, its stone walls defiant against the erosion of time. The valley had shielded it from the worst of the storms, but even its resilience could not defy centuries. It was abandoned, hollow, devoid of life.

I had seen enough.

There was nothing left for me here. My home was dust, my people long gone, and I was alone, utterly and truly alone in the vastness of the multiverse.

With a whispered spell and weeks of travel, I resumed the only life left to me. Wandering. World after world, year after year, I roamed without direction, my youthful determination eroded into a quiet resignation. I had once searched with purpose, but now I walked simply because I knew nothing else. And so, the years slipped by, my name lost to time, until my youth was but a distant memory.

I had accepted it, resigned myself to an eternity of solitude among the planes. After all, my kind do not live short lives.

The years accumulated, one after another, until I found I could look back and count the decades. Somewhere along the way, my priorities had shifted. I had grown weary of constant wandering, and the quiet allure of a peaceful spot by a waterfall began to feel like the perfect setting for a cabin. And so, I settled, more than once, in fact. It's strange how easily the constant motion of life can be replaced by stillness.

Over the course of these years, I came to know others intimately, friends and lovers, each leaving their mark on me. But like everything in my life, these connections came to an end. For many, I do not linger on the memories, but there is one loss I will never fully recover from. My wife and our son, both taken from me in a way that would break even the strongest of men. I will say this, the ones responsible for their deaths were met with the full fury of my rage, a storm so fierce that it could only be compared to the winds of Enthar itself.

Those years were dark, haunted by the weight of that loss. I forsook my god, cursing him for abandoning me at the moment when I needed him most. I was a bitter and callous man, hardened by pain, but there was one truth I discovered during that time that still holds true to this day. We are alone in this life, and in the end, we can only depend on ourselves.

It was during this period of my life that I returned to Sigil. It wasn't my first visit to the City of Doors, but it was the one that would change me. This return would be the turning point, the foundation for who I am now.

In Sigil, I met Aerin Grey. She caught my attention despite the hardness that had taken root in my soul. She was part of a spelljammer crew called the Styx Silhouette, a group that fancied themselves pirates. In truth, they were anything but. Cosmic explorers and pioneers on the brink of a new age. I became one of them, though my initial motivation was simple. To watch over Aerin, to protect her from the dangers a crew like theirs would inevitably face. But as time passed, something changed. I found myself growing fond of the lifestyle. I suppose it's good to have a purpose again, after all these years of wandering aimlessly.

Those I came to know on Freedom's Keel became some of my closest friends. And as I healed, the weight of my past seemed to drift further away. The dark years behind me, the hope of something new, something meaningful, began to take root once more.

There is much about that time I cannot share, and I prefer to be brief for the sake of keeping this story manageable. But I will say this. We redirected a section of the River Styx and assembled the Rod of Law for purposes best left undisclosed. It was a time of great trial, but also of healing. After so much loss, I learned to heal and, eventually, to love again. We accomplished much and overcame evils that would have crushed lesser beings, but the price was steep.

The Styx Silhouette was destroyed, our captain killed, and the crew scattered. Aerin and I, however, persisted beyond all odds. The events aboard the Silhouette changed us both forever. From the ashes, we acquired the Ubiquitous Wayfarer and restored it into what most know it as today. A sanctuary. We created a place where anyone could find refuge, regardless of faction or creed, so long as they followed the rules.

Over time, the Wayfarer became a haven. It was a place where the oppressed could find solace, where the Clueless could find a footing in the chaotic labyrinth of Sigil. I lost count of how many souls I helped guide, providing them with a place to rest and a means to survive in such an unforgiving city. But somewhere along the way, my idealism grew. New ambitions took root. I saw the suffering across the Great Wheel, how gods preyed upon the desperate and how fiendish incursions were rising at an alarming rate. I joined the ranks of the Defiers, and defy I did.

My strength grew over the years as I opposed the forces that sought to exploit mortals. Everywhere I looked, I saw those in power using others for their own gain. Gods manipulated belief to raise themselves to divine heights, their followers' souls strengthening them as they crossed the planes. Fiends on both sides bartered, tricked, or outright stole souls to fuel their power. The endless cycles of abuse, betrayal, and manipulation repulsed me.

I championed the people for many years, defeating evils that would have crushed entire civilizations. I stood against the Dao overlords who enslaved thousands, faced the rampaging Ventrax across the Torus, and battled the Kingpin as he rose to rule the Hive. I slew the God Beast Kraken, which had been devouring a Power. Plagues, cults, lich queens, madmen wielding powerful relics, all fell before me, but their successors always rose to take their place. The evils never ceased, the corruption spread without end.

Yet through it all, a greater threat began to emerge, one that would define my future. The Alliance of Change. Though I had clashed with them before, I began to understand the true nature of their shadowy organization. My first major victory against them was halting their invasion into Limbo, preventing them from reshaping the chaotic essence of the plane into a new Abyss. But, as with all their schemes, their plans never stopped, and we clashed countless times before their inevitable full-scale invasion. In the end, despite my efforts, I could only slow them down.

With each victory, I grew stronger. With every horror vanquished, my will became more resolute. I achieved more than I ever thought possible, and saved countless lives along the way. Looking back, it feels as though my path was inevitable. That is not to say that I am bound by fate or some preordained destiny. Every choice was mine, and every thread of my history has been shaped by my own hand, despite those who have sought to manipulate me. It was these very choices that led me to uncover a truth about my origin, one that no journey, no matter how wondrous, could ever compare to.

I'll take you back to a time, many years ago, when I began having visions of another life. In these dreams, I was alone, locked in life-and-death combat against a variety of foes. An enormous dragon whose type I could not determine, a man clad in ornate armor, a nimble woman and master of the flute, a glabrezu, and a solar. What was most curious was that the fiend and the celestial fought alongside one another, as if they were old comrades, united in their battle against me. The fight was fierce and evenly matched, with both sides trading blows until a powerful strike caught me off-guard. A bearded man in a toga mocked me before unleashing a barrage of lightning bolts. I resisted, but their combined might was overwhelming. I felt myself fading..

These dreams continued night after night, each one more vivid than the last, until the wounds I sustained in my subconscious began to manifest as sore spots on my body when I awoke.

I considered blocking these visions from my mind, but my curiosity proved too strong. I hired a specialist to analyze what I was experiencing, and he concluded that a Power was likely reaching out to me. At first, I was merely curious, but now I had to know why a god would be contacting a Defier. I carefully reviewed the information I had, piecing together the fragments of knowledge, and the trail led me deep into the Lower Planes, along the River Styx. It was there that I encountered the solar from my visions.

Arkanthides, as he was called, was in the midst of slaying a group of cultists when I found him. He was not forthcoming with the answers I sought, but he revealed that these cultists were followers of some primordial titan. He called them cultists, though I suspected that was simply his derogatory term for them. His disdain for them was clear, but I could sense an even deeper malice beneath his words. What little I learned from him before I left was that Zeus had tasked him with rooting out these followers and blocking all planar pathways leading to whatever it was they worshipped. I had never heard of Zeus being in conflict with such an entity, but I wasn't particularly surprised. It seemed only natural that he would be at odds with yet another titan.

I wanted to know more, but Arkanthides divulged very little else. He sent me to where more of these followers were known to be hidden, and where they held captive the glabrezu from my visions. Penance, as he was named, had apparently long ago turned away from his natural impulses for a life of redemption. Arkanthides feared the followers of Enthar were using him for something sinister and told me to slay them and to determine if Penance had regressed while held prisoner. Naturally, I did nothing of the sort. Arkanthides' lack of transparency was disconcerting and his mannerism was bordering on discomfort as we spoke. It seemed like he may have feared this titan, but I couldn't be sure. I went deep into the Dwarven Mountains to find their fortress carved into the side of a rocky bluff.

I was not met with the hostility that I was told to anticipate. Rather, this group claimed their fortress was a temple and sanctuary for travelers. When I asked about their religion, I was told that this primordial was one of the first beings to exist in the Great Wheel. A cosmic entity that was from a time before the gods, when the verse was in a primeval state. It was the last of its kind when the first gods came upon it in a state of torpor. Fearing that such a colossal being would simply be too destructive in nature to exist alongside their new works, Zeus intended to handle it as he did with Chronus. Gathering those I had seen in my visions, he assaulted the titan.

But like all primordial deities, killing them was not so easy. Just as Zeus and his siblings imprisoned the titans in Tartarus, he fashioned a new prison of sorts. This primordial was forced into a wakeless slumber and cocooned in a bubble of greatly decreased time flow. It slept through the ages and was blocked off from the multiverse, but it was not completely without influence. It accumulated a following over the eons by reaching out to others, just as it had done with me. They said Zeus' cage was imperfect by itself, or perhaps incomplete. I can only assume Zeus was eager to return to cheating on his wife and impregnating mortal women. So in order to keep such a being asleep for so long, he placed people upon it and assigned Arkanthides to teach them rituals to sap its strength and keep it dormant. But it was believed something happened to those people long ago, and that most eventually died off except for a small group yet remaining within the mountain range of Enthar's spine.

So you see, a new realization dawned upon me. Enthar was never a harsh Prime like we had believed, but a world-sized primordial titan. My people survived in the microcosm of its existence, slowly growing stronger and more distinct from humankind since almost the beginning of the Great Wheel. Yes, an Athar that was born into the microcosm of a god-like being. The irony was not lost on me. It was not an easy thing to accept. My ire with Zeus and Arkanthides was palpable, but I took solace in knowing some of my people were still alive after all this time. I wasn't alone in the Wheel as I had believed for so long. When I told this group of my revelation, they seemed more willing to trust me and treated me almost like a holy prophet. They divulged that more and more pathways were opening to Enthar, and that they would be using one in a few weeks from that time. I still had my reservations about this group, but my people became my first priority.

When it was time, I followed the group into Hades to find Arkanthides and other celestials waiting for us at our pathway to Enthar. The group consisted of a few Planetars and followers of Zeus, and none of them looked particularly pleased. I tried to speak with them, but all reason was lost on Arkanthides in his anger. I tried to convince him that the cage around Enthar was breaking and that he was ignoring all the signs. I told him that the titan was stirring more than ever and we both knew what that meant for what was left of my people. In the end, he would not accept it. He seemed to believe he could fix what was happening. Fear of Enthar was corrupting him and he lashed out at me in a rage when I accused him of participating in the near genocide of my species. He moved against me alone while his retinue made for the followers of Enthar. As you might imagine, Arkanthides was formidable, but he was ultimately in my way. I took him down before his allies could proceed, but I held back the killing blow. I was angry, but not enough to kill him. I shouted for his allies to take him and go, in which they thankfully complied. There was nothing left between me and my home.

Enthar was different from what I recalled even a few decades before. There was a hostility to the place and the wildlife, and ancient elementals roamed the surface with unusual activity. Traveling up into the mountains of Enthar's spine took some time, but I did find an outpost there. They had been telling the truth. A number of my kind were living along the mountain range, scattered out in outposts and underground villages. I spent a whole cycle speaking to as many as I could, though I couldn't travel to them all. They told me about their lives and the difficulties they faced. They told me of how food was becoming more and more scarce as the storms and the quakes only grew worse. We shared stories of our time on Enthar, and I told them some of my life in the planes. The followers of Enthar were fascinated with them, treating them as if they were the chosen few. I suppose they weren't wrong. In the largest village, instructed them to send word across the spine to gather everyone over the next day. I was determined to take them all from that place.

I used the following months for my own preparations, knowing not even a day had passed on Enthar. My people had suffered so much at the hands of those that claimed to follow the path of righteousness, and I knew they deserved peace for once in their lives. In my youth, I came across an uninhabited Prime that I knew would be the ideal place for a new settlement. I returned to the lush valley where I had built a cabin next to a waterfall and set to work. I collected supplies for construction, considering all they would need for agriculture and housing. I imported enough wood, tools, food, and livestock for thousands. A process that might normally take years by myself was hastened by the use of Gates directly from lumber yards, quarries, and farms. I implemented magical bags, allowing me to stock up on hundreds of pounds of material for each visit. There was little left to do by the time of my eventual return to Enthar.

My initial return to the portal in Hades was largely uneventful. I gathered a few allies in anticipation of Arkanthides returning with his forces again, but he made no presence. My relief was short-lived as we stepped back through to Enthar. The state of the surface had declined rapidly in just a single day and we struggled to make our way through the storms. When we finally reached the village, it was a relief to find my people alive. There were thousands of them from across Enthar's spine crowded in the many tunnels. It took many hours to funnel everyone through Gates while the world around us began to violently crumble. As the last of them made their way, I could feel the village begin to sink down into the earth.

Away from Enthar, my people were overjoyed. They had never witnessed a world so lush and beautiful. They had never known a world so at peace. I stayed with them for a time to show them how to rebuild and prosper, making sure to visit every few weeks to guide them and to continue ferrying supplies until they had settled.

With my people safely away from Enthar, there was only one thing left to do. The prison made for the titan was breaking and the great primordial would soon be stirring. I saw images in my mind of an enraged colossal that rampaged across the Wheel. I saw the Powers rise up to do battle with it with the multiverse as their battleground. I saw the lives of countless mortals being stamped out in a conflict that they never had a part in. I could see the horrors unfolding before me. I could see the greatest threat to mortals I had ever known, but what was I to do? I was but a man going up against a world-sized being.

I returned to my home for one last time and stood upon the surface as the winds raged around me and my companions. I led them to the ancient temple to once more travel deep into the earth to the archway far below. There, I channeled energy into the gateway, as I did long ago. Brilliant arcs of energy flowed up the pillars, pulsating. The tendrils of white light merged in the middle, splitting reality before us. Enthar stirred as the portal ripped open, drawing us into it with a fierce wind.

The fury of the vortex vanished as we entered the mind of a god. There was only a void at first, the darkness around us infinite as we floated listlessly. Departing from the physical world brought about an uneasiness, but I was no longer a child to be swallowed up by the titan's infinite will. My focus was the only barrier that kept us from being lost to a dreamless sleep. I suppose my essence demanded recognition in the gulf between thoughts. I guided them with my conviction, my resolve realized as a plateau appeared in the emptiness.

The stability rose up from the blackness as we moved away from the vast nothingness, the structure like a mental projection of solid light. Before us was an endless network of resplendent pathways that spanned out over the void in stark contrast. Somehow, I instinctively lead them down a specific path, our footfalls creating tiny surges of prismatic brilliance along the palpating mental fabric. Translucent vestiges of the god's slowly waking mind roamed the silver filaments before us. Abnormalities seemed to patrol the webways that made up the dormant titan's consciousness, acting as sentries even in hibernation. Despite these barest of mental defenses, the trek spanned for what seemed like days. It was difficult to truly elucidate time in such a place.

In the distance, we would eventually see a central, disk-like platform with the span of brilliant crystalline networks clustering around the crux. A great pillar of light radiated perpendicular in the center and extended infinitely above and below. Pulsing fragments of energy perpetually crossed the various synapses from the nexus and surged down the span of web-like fibers that surrounded it. The massive structure seemed to rest in the middle of all things. We crossed a diaphanous membrane to step onto the great stretch of the platform.

The spherical film rippled faintly until the last vibrations reached the distant core. As the languid thoughts of the slumbering colossus turned to regard us, the shaft of energy in the center of the nexus thrummed. Each pulse sent forth a wave of abstractions to meet us in combat. The twisted, impossibly angled features of the creatures were projected awkwardly as our minds tried to interpret the confounding shapes. Sleek, glimmering skin as a silhouette coated the manifestations that were of the titan's will. The creatures swarmed forward in droves, falling like shattering glass whenever we felled one.

As the last of the shard-like beings fell, the void surrounding the platform slowly transformed into a whirling cosmos. Distant stars twinkled into existence as the colossus stirred from dormancy. The nexus buzzed again and three more anomalies glided forth. Large and powerfully shaped figures of convoluted contours and shadowy nebulae stepped out from the pillar of the essence to challenge us. We quickly found that these new entities were vastly more difficult to kill, their opaque varnish of dimly reflected starlight resistant to weapons and magic alike. They also inevitably fell as fractured pieces, as if of brittle incandescence.

The universe that was the primordial deity's mind blinked into life as vast star systems materialized into being and encircled the nexus with increasing velocity. The colossus was nearly provoked enough to slide from torpor, causing the great shaft of scintillating energy to pulsate again. A massive shape thundered from the near-conscious mind of the titan. It was of radiant brilliance, an impeccable mirror to the stretching infinity that now swirled around the platform. An aurora-like nimbus blossomed across the surface of the nearly perfect creature as it approached- the representation of a god's will.

The battle with this being was to no avail. The avatar was impervious to our meager attempts to bring it down. Yet the longer I spent in the titan's mind, the more I began to understand. The eons trapped while dimly aware of his kind having been exterminated by Zeus and others had driven him mad. I began to feel his rage through the connection that had once existed only in my dreams. I approached the creature and summoned all my strength to thrust my will upon it. I felt a flood of wild emotion, the boiling madness and rage pressing against my mind at all sides. Our wills were deadlocked as we pushed against each other, until I noticed the flickering of something at the back of my mind. An awareness of my allies and their own minds and souls. Gathering their aid, I guided them so that we focused our unified wills against the creature to slowly pushed back the madness.

While I had entered the mind of Enthar to slay him to prevent a catastrophe, I began to see a new path. To destroy a being as ancient and powerful as this would be an accomplishment that no other could claim, not even the gods, and yet what I chose was something greater still. Imposing my will against the cosmos that was its mind. To pit my mind against it and wash away the eons of misery and grief, to instill a sense of sanity again when all it knew was loss- that is something else.

This was the choice I knew must be made. Enthar was just as much a victim of Zeus as any other. Endlessly mettled with, tugged on from every side while wishing nothing but to be left alone. I found myself relating to Enthar. I found myself comparing him to mortals. I had expected another deific figure that would preside over those seen as lesser, and yet I was shown something so very much like myself. I understood it, and thus I held the power to overcome it. After all, I knew this suffering. To turn the pain and sorrow into a tool. To not let it break you, but to allow it to forge oneself into something indestructible. That is the power of one's will, and that is what one must always remember above all else.

As the titan's rage cooled, I approached the infinite pillar of light that was the mind of a god. Reaching out, I felt the connection strengthen between us. It was at that moment that we came to an understanding of what must be done. Enthar's yearning for Zeus to be brought to justice was even greater than my own, but he was incapable of claiming it. If he continued to awaken, the gods would rise up to strike him down in battle. I convinced him that I could champion the cause and seek justice for all of Zeus' wrongdoings, allowing the great titan to continue his slumber.

In order to make good on my claim, we both knew I would need a weapon unlike any other. Enthar and my mind collided into one for the briefest of moments. It was in that span that I saw the birth of the multiverse and glimpses of all that had transpired since. The forming of stars and their demise, the rise and fall of entire civilizations, and the sheer insignificance even gods had upon all of existence as a whole. I could feel my mind expanding, and my awareness growing to new heights that mortal kind could only ever dream of. An unexpected bond formed, and together, we focused our unified will in that place where belief truly was reality. Thrusting my hand outwards, a silvery blade manifested there.

This sword was simultaneously captivating in its otherworldly, mercurial sheen, and yet difficult to look upon. It maintained a form of near intangibility with a sleek, glimmering surface of dimly reflected starlight. Reality seemed to hang heavy around it and the air emitted a dull roar like a distant forge. Even to this day, it remains an enigma to the most knowledgeable and skilled crafters. Not comprised of neither metal, stone, or organic matter, but something ambiguous that resembles a shadowy, shifting nebula.

When ignited by my will, the blade becomes ablaze with white light and the sound of it rises to deafening levels as it roars with power. The swirling depths shift to become an impeccable mirror of an infinitely spanning cosmos. A radiant and blinding inferno envelops it with an essence that extends out to devour all it touches. The edge of the blade seems to devastate anything in its path, severing with such ease and precision as if it begins bisecting at an infinitesimal level. Forged within the nexus of a cosmic entity's consciousness, this weapon was shaped by the coalescence of great conviction. Bolstered with the power of a Wish, Enthar and I combined our might to thrust it upon a singularity. This manifestation of will was harnessed to conceive the perfect weapon- so potent that it may even harm gods themselves. The birth of this sword heralds the beginning of a claim to justice against Zeus for his transgressions.

I took that blade and left Enthar to his slumber. Sometime after that, Arkanthides came to me with a peace offering. He bestowed his gauntlets to me in an apology, having taken some time to realize his path was leading him down a dark road. He has since left Zeus' service and joined the Athar as one of my factioneers.

The world I bestowed upon my people has flourished beyond imagination. In the beginning, many sought to raise temples in my honor, to crown me as their sovereign, but I would not allow it. No single voice should reign unchallenged, nor should power rest in the hands of one alone. Instead, I guided them toward democracy and self-governance, fostering a society built on reason, discourse, and independence.

I walked among them, teaching, building, defending. I stood beside the scholars as they laid the foundations of higher learning, ensuring that knowledge, not faith, would guide them. When threats arose, whether from within or beyond, I took up arms to protect what we had built. I fought not as a ruler, but as a guardian, a shield for those who would carve their own destiny.

Through higher education and a secular understanding of the Great Wheel, they have shaped their own destiny, free from the chains of blind devotion. The city they call Khloeros has since become a beacon of progress, a paradise not by divine will, but by the hands of those who dared to dream beyond it.

It is everything our old world was not.. Whitewashed stone houses with terracotta roofs line open streets, their walls adorned with ivy and fragrant bougainvillea. Marble columns, stand resolute, mark the city's central agora, where philosophers, artisans, and merchants gather beneath the warm sun. A great amphitheater overlooks a mighty river, its steps carved from the cliffs, where the echoes of orators and poets still linger in the air.

Fountains adorned with intricate mosaics murmur softly, their waters fed by aqueducts that stretch from the distant mountains. Olive groves and vineyards thrive in the fertile soil, providing the city with both sustenance and prosperity. At dusk, the sky burns in shades of gold and crimson, casting long shadows over the temples, though here, they are not places of worship, but of knowledge and assembly, where the people debate, learn, and shape the course of their future.

It is this very spirit of enlightenment and independence that I sought to instill in Khloeros. Not as a ruler, nor as a god, but as a guide and protector, ensuring that the foundations of reason and self-determination would endure. Here, amidst the laughter of children playing in sunlit courtyards, a civilization has risen, not through divine decree, but through the will and wisdom of its people.

I have stood in defiance of Zeus ever since, even as I guided my people toward peace and prosperity. Much has transpired since my fateful encounter with Enthar, far too much to recount in full, but I will name a few.

I slew the scion of Tiamat before its reign of terror could begin. I shattered relics powerful enough to unmake worlds. I thwarted a fiendish plot to drag Elysium into the Abyss, preserving the sanctity of the celestial realm. Beneath the streets of Sigil, I crushed an invading army before it could rise to the surface. When the Alliance of Change waged war upon the Outlands, I opposed them at every turn, playing a pivotal role in their downfall before closing the Sky Scar.

My war against Zeus has only grown. I have battled Olympian beasts of legend, aided a grandson of Zeus who dared defy his bloodline, and freed the titan Prometheus from his eternal torment, claiming him as an ally in the fight against tyranny.

The road before me remains long, but I will not waver. I will strike at Zeus' dominion wherever it stands, unraveling his empire thread by thread until our inevitable clash.