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'''Long Term Goals:'''
'''Long Term Goals:'''
* To collect a cursed article of clothing for each part of his body. Belt, pants, socks, underwear, gloves, etc.
* Kill a god.
* Kill a god.
* To ensure that he performs as much destruction as possible within his life span. And hopefully, perish as he performs his most destructive act possible. Mutually Assured Destruction.
* To ensure that he performs as much destruction as possible within his life span. And hopefully, perish as he performs his most destructive act possible. Mutually Assured Destruction.

Latest revision as of 08:59, 19 October 2023

Male Tiefling
Player: entropy rat
General Information
Full Name: Pyre
Nicknames: Entropy's Rat, That Sinker Bastard, Soddin' Nutter
Age: Unknown, appears to be in his mid 20's but has significant holes through his memory.
Deity: Eris, Siva, Nyx, Kali.
Occupation: Whatever pays for more accelerant.
Faction/Rank: Doomguard - Factotum
Place of Birth: The Astral Plane
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Shimmering Red
Complexion: Light Red
Physical Build: Lean
Physical Features: Heavily scarred. Muscles built from a life time of constant running and fighting. A slightly haggard look, doesn't appear that he eats very often.
General thievery and skullduggery. Very proficient in wetwork.
Equipment and Items
Blades of all sorts, enough pitch and naptha to start a quick fire, hand rolled cigarettes, and homemade "whiskey".

Pyre reeked of stale smoke and calamity.

The final shredded remains of a Hive rolled cigar rose like a malignant bouquet from the lips of the cursed tiefling. Something hateful and piteous glared out from behind a set of mournful eyes. The sneering face carrying this barrage of emotions appeared to belong to one who had likely been complicit in all manner of terrible misdeed.

A torrent of heavily accented cant vomited from his mouth as the last embers of life died upon the cigar. Eager hands passed over his tattered threadbare long coat as he sought another narcotic to sniff, smoke, or swallow. The only identifying object on his person, a lean and pathetic example of life, was a small pin on the lapel of his coat that unmistakably identified him as Doomguard, one of entropy's rats.

Pyre glowered with malice and a hint of regret.

Traits, Interests, and Goals

Character Traits/Quirks:

  • First and most obviously would be his constant narration of all his actions and thoughts. The exact details of how this works are a mystery, most of all to Pyre who isn't able to even realize he's performing said narration.
  • Pyre has a bit of a drinking and smoking problem and often would rather spend his last few coins on that extra bottle of grog or that small pinch of smoke weed than the food his rumbling stomach may require.
  • The exact tense of his narration will vary from time to time. Either giving evidence to a flawed curse or an extra layer to the curse perhaps in an effort to further ruin Pyre's credibility and cause others to believe him even madder than usual. Cause ya know, narrating one's actions isn't enough evidence for a sanity-starved mind.
  • Pyre always feels most comfortable in graveyards, razed buildings, and sites of large-scale death and ruin. He will often seek shelter in such places when he requires alone time to ponder something or he wishes a good night's sleep.
  • He enjoys collecting ash from any fires he is personally responsible for and keeps a collection of his "treasure" hidden away in a place only he knows about. In his own twisted way, he considers this his hoard and would guard it with his life.
  • A large number of his "friends" in Sigil are the homeless, destitute, and insane. Accordingly, he has a large number of "friends" amongst the Bleak Cabal, Xaositects, and Revolutionary League.
  • Pyre is a firm believer in the philosophies of the Doomguard of Sigil. In fact, his belief system regarding said philosophies could be considered borderline zealotry and he would gladly face martyrdom than give them up.
  • Due to his memory only stretching back about a year and having no recollection of his time prior to his time living upon the body of a dead power in the Astral Plane a number of quirks haven't yet surfaced. He's rather sure though that some more will show up in due time.


  • Pyre suffers from intense paranoia and truly does believe that there is a large-scale conspiracy to capture and/or see him dead. And because of his rather absent memory, he isn't entirely sure if this is an illogical paranoia, after all, he lost his memory for some reason. Didn't he?
  • Whenever he's encountering a situation he's unsure of or experiencing sensations he's so unused to he'll often twitch and begin to lose focus on his already addled mind. Often his only reaction will be a nervous twitch of the face.
  • Is really quite far from having any kind of social etiquette. While he does try to at least come across as polite he often has problems following this through and often ends up looking like a complete ass.
  • Pyre loves to gamble, his favorite form of gambling is poker, rummy, spades, et cetera. Anything involving cards, luck, and bluffing he's rather fond of... which due to his narration means he tends to lose quite often. Something he doesn't quite understand as he believes he's quite excellent at bluffing.
  • Pyre also enjoys sneaking about... another pursuit that sadly falls well short of plan due to his narration.

Short Term Goals:

  • Drink, smoke, eat, sleep, "watch" something succumb to entropy.
  • Perfect his training as a tool of entropy through "mastering the art of the Bladeslinger", whatever precisely that means.
  • Obtain a talking rodent.

Long Term Goals:

  • Kill a god.
  • To ensure that he performs as much destruction as possible within his life span. And hopefully, perish as he performs his most destructive act possible. Mutually Assured Destruction.

Background and Youth

Languages Known: Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Ignan.

Hometown / Region: The dead body of a power in the Astral Sea. Pyre's earliest memories are of his time spent upon its corpse so this would be the closest place he has to a birthplace.

Biography: "Hahah, like I'm tellin' ya berk!" And for whatever reason Pyre continued on regardless. "I woke up on the back o' a dead power floatin' in the Astral with no memory o' life 'fore that. I been hunted by my enemies ever since... 'n some how I ended up here in this berg on some backwater prime..."

"What enemies? Are ya blind?!" Pyre pointed at a sketched out looking rag dressed man picking up various bits of trash from the streets of the Bluff.

"Aye, 'homeless'... that's what they wantcha ta think..." Pyre dashed off quickly before the minions of his implacable enemy could spot him.

Quote: "Stop followin' me, pigeon!" Pyre shrieked at the shady-looking winged rat.