Fadra D'Rethi

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Fadra D'rethi-Eventide
Female Drow (Faerun)
Player: Gallant
General Information
Full Name: Fadra Eventide (Derethoi)
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 165
Deity: Sune
Occupation: Divine Agent
Faction/Rank: Sensates of Sigil, Temple of Sune in Sundale
Place of Birth: Ust Natha
Physical Attributes
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 115
Eyes: Light Sangria
Hair: Fire Red
Complexion: Clear, Smooth
Physical Build: Athletic, Toned
Physical Features: She wears her long hair in a braid that reaches almost to her waist, and wears rose-hip piercings. She is always clean and well groomed, often smelling faintly of that plant.
Aside from being an above-average swordswoman, she is a fair-handed scribe, and dabbles in painting.
Equipment and Items
She typically wears somewhat elaborately feminine fullplate or heavy armor. Her holy symbol is a torc, crafted by Jessamine Tokenspire, and she carries Kyorlen, the Faithkeeper - a longsword of dwarven remake - with her at all times.

Fadra Eventide (Derethoi) is a dark elf Divine Agent of Sune who operates in the vicinity of Sigil and across the Planescape. She is a native of Aber-Toril.

She is the bearer of Kyorlen, the Faith Keeper.

She was the Bondmate of Rarlee, before her death.

Personality Traits

Fadra is, perhaps, the nicest dark elf most people ever meet. She takes the duties of her priesthood seriously, in that she makes a specific point of helping and caring for others, sometimes even at the cost of her own wealth or comfort.

She's a deeply thoughtful person, though perhaps not as wise as more esoteric clergy. In battle she prefers to fight directly, and most of her blessings and orisons are prepared to assist her in that endeavor, reflecting her history as a warrior. She is surprisingly blasé about physical romances, and while she will usually entertain courtships, in actual practice she capitulates only very rarely. If asked for advice on love or passion, her understanding is surprisingly technical and extends well beyond what most people consider to be either. Though she can come off as indifferent she sometimes amuses herself by embarrassing younger, or less experienced, Planeswalkers.

Brief History

Fadra was born in 1192DR, in the city of Ust Natha, to Matron Deneve of House Derethoi, the Fourth house in Ust Natha of that year. She was preceded by a brother, Kieves, and two sisters, Malise and Evess. Her father was never known to her. In her youth, she was introduced to a slave by the name of Beryl, who influenced her enough that her death caused her to lose a certain amount of ambition. In the lee, she converted to the worship of his goddess, Sune, and left the Underdark with the assistance of a Silver Dragon which guards the passageways to the surface.

She spent a great deal of time erranting as the "Rose Gold Knight" throughout northern Tethyr, and southern Amn, though mostly within those mountains, before happening into a portal that led to Sigil. In Sigil, she accomplished several notable deeds over an eight month period, before the death of her wife caused her to temporarily retire to a small hamlet called Sundale, in the Dalelands of Aber-Toril, a town which she had saved herself and which she now considers to be her 'home'.

I am a peaceful promoter of art, love and beauty.
I will defend things of beauty by vanquishing the ugliness of evil, even cloaked in beautiful form.
I will perform a loving act each day and awaken it in others as true love will win over all.
I see beauty that radiates from the core. As a rough stone hides a diamond, a drab face may hide the heart of a saint.
I am a firehair and lead by example, not with my blade. Where my blade passes, a life is cut short, and the potential for beauty is lessened. :
When my blade must pass let it be with mercy and for love.
I accept surrender if my opponent can be redeemed—and I never assume that they cannot be. All things that live love beauty, and I will show beauty’s answer to them.
I liberate others to show the beauty of freedom and the freedom in beauty.


Notable Planar Support

Temple of Sune, Sundale, Aber-Toril

Aside from rescuing the town from a possible drow incursion from below, Fadra returned to Sundale and assisted the Temple there with its day-to-day affairs while she recovered from injuries, both physical and mental, sustained in the Planescape. As result, she shook up a certain amount of the clergy, and now enjoys an official office in the Dalelands which includes several acolytes who assist her.

The Sensates, Sigil, Planescape

After losing her grace to injury and the resulting method of her healing, Fadra left the Planes-Militant to join the Sensates. Although shifting factions is generally frowned upon and often bars an individual from pursuing further office or promotion within the subsequent faction or factions, Fadra seems content to remain at the lowest rank thereof, making use of the memory-stones as necessary and consulting with them when she is at a loss.

The Eventide Clan, Tethyr, Aber-Toril

Fadra assisted her wife in rescuing a clan of kobolds from the thrall of a Tiamatian dragon. Although she declined to lead them herself after Rarlee's death, she still enjoys a measure of respect from the small clan, and periodically checks on them and cares for their well-being.


Frazorza, Demon Prince of Blekhole, Abyss Level 221

During a failed attempt to fulfil a vow, Fadra invaded the 221st level of the Abyss, only to be met with Frazorza's advanced guards, and swiftly captured. Frazorza butchered her, took all of her belongings save her sword, and ransomed it back to her in exchange for submitting to demonic grafts, meant to make her shame known to all at a glance. To say that they are enemies is is a grand understatement, but Fadra learned the hard way, here, how little it is she can personally accomplish on the planes.

The Banefaith, Various

Fadra has interfered in their affairs in the planescape and, although she likely ranks as 'minor nuisance' in the grand scheme of things, she is nevertheless their enemy.

Known Deeds

Hediam and the Faith Keeper

Fadra is best known for leading a group of adventurers to capture the fallen Planetar, Hediam of the Golden Hills. Though they succeeded in capturing her, they were forced to seal her in a gem to be returned to Bytopia. Her sword, Kyorlen, was gifted to her by a representative of Garl Glittergold, and she carried it until it could be healed by Moradin's faithful, MacLasiar O'Fearghail.

Notable Quotations

"If I cut [your undead] down and beat you senseless. What exactly does that do for you? Would you stop? And killing you wouldn't solve the issue, either. It's not your life I'm after. Personally, I believe that everyone can give some beauty to the world."
"Selfishness leads down a lonely path, in the end."
"I don't consider my business private for the most part. I actually find the best way to confuse spies is just saying what you mean and not giving a damn."
"Figure out what you wish to do... nobody is ever truly certain that their plans are going to work. There is always going to be a distinct chance it unravels on you. But it will unravel a lot faster if you doubt your own decisions."
"Just like evil slips into certain cracks in our armor, so can kindness... although I think for some of these people I need an adamantine pry-bar."
"Follow thy heart... We're not paladins because we took oaths and carry magic swords. Nor do our gods hesitate to make their pleasure or displeasure known to us, should we stray."
"I hope if you can learn one thing from me, it will be that you are whole as you are, and that whatever mistakes you may have made in your life, you should still embrace yourself warmer than any other lover."