Gre'vyll Nelviar

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Gre'vyll Nelviar
Female Drow
Player: Catfang
General Information
Full Name: Gre'vyll of the House Nelviar
Nicknames: Grey, Greg(ory), Scary Lady, Gravy, Gravel
Age: Presumed around 275
Deity: Vhaerun
Occupation: Adventurer, Matron
Faction/Rank: Fated
Place of Birth: Unknown Prime
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red
Complexion: Dark Grey
Physical Build: Slender warrior
Physical Features: Very angular face, paler skin than typical for a drow, lack of fingernails on left hand, ritualistic tattoos on right arm and right side of neck.
hunting, adventuring, torture, defensive combat, mundane healing, use most manner of magical items.
Equipment and Items
Full plate armor, a helmet, a hood, a tower shield and a scimitar, several daggers, a number of rings, assorted magical items.

Gre'vyll is the quintessence of a dhaereaow warrior, in appearance, all except for one main oddity. She has a look about her like some freshly dead drow, but she talks and moves naturally. She makes an imposing silhouette, somewhat tall for a drow (5'5"), her stance is stiff and strong. Her once lily-white hair, has been dyed a jarring sanguine color, closely matching to the color of her eyes. She has a sharp, but youthful angular face. The right side of her neck bears a number of deep-red tattooed symbols and scars which extend down the length of her right arm as well (Knowledge: Religion 20). She is frequently wearing a scimitar on her hip, and thin plate armor. If one comes close to her when she's in armor, one would feel a vague sense of unnerving wrongness. She usually has her face hidden by a helmet or obscured in shadows beneath a hood, but if it is visible, one might catch a glimpse of fangs in the strange drow's mouth.


Unsurprisingly Gre'vyll is neither the sweetest nor the kindest person one will ever meet in the planes. She can be a bit abrupt and will oftentimes give directions in the forms of orders, especially in a combat situation, and will often try to assume command. She can be protective of allies, but gets irritable when her protection is refused. Some would argue she has a soft side, but most would simply describe her as a dangerous bitch with a habit for getting violent. Her once passionate expressions of irritation and anger have taken on a colder calmer edge. She seems to prefer the company of drow (and elves, despite her claims otherwise), and always seems to be in the hunting mood. She is working to improve and broaden her skills nearly all the time.


(Some Spoilers) Gre'vyll was the second child of the House Noquval, but the first daughter. She was barely able to walk by the time they started grooming her for priestesshood. But it didn't stick. Gre'vyll fumbled rituals, hated ceremonial garb, and couldn't seem to get recitations correctly. However she did have a knack for attending to wounds and understanding the weaknesses of a body. Once she was around 16 her priestess training was halted. She continued to pursue knowledge regarding physiology, and made use of it to some degree in performances involving knife play and punishing unruly males.

Some of the city's scouts found a peculiar portal, and discovered it was linked to the Abyss. It was decided that the Houses Noquval, Demtor, Aleanafin, and Myund would be sent through, as a way of appeasing Lolth, Grey was 25. Once they arrived, they set about making an encampment in the local caves. They hunted, and prayed, and sacrificed for their goddess. Their prayer was rewarded by the continued success and growth of their Houses.

Durgos: Grey's elder brother, a very talented sneak, and one of her males. He was impressive, and despite his obedient behavior he never seemed really broken. He was terribly charming, and would say the right words and appease the right people, and got away with more than he should have. He was the only male who gave her real competition, and the two were certainly competitive. Unfortunately for Durgos, Grey would always come out on top due to the nature of their society.

Fely'kacha: Grey's younger sister, the two have never gotten along. From the moment Fely'kacha was born Grey hated her. As she grew older it only increased. Fely was gorgeous, and she was a talented sorceress. She was thin of build, but most of the Noquval family were thin and fairly weak of constitution. Soon enough she started to steal some attention away from Grey's performances.

Zakhal: Grey's youngest sibling, he was always a disappointment. He was too obedient, strange, and tended to hole himself away in corners. He was always skulking about somewhere, and had to be tracked down. Whenever he was punished he would cut himself until all his new scars were mirrored on the other side. He spent hours on unnecessary dissections. He had to be punished nearly every day. He couldn't be more different from his elder brother. Grey saw this comparison, and began to think that Lolthite society was crushing him, wasting him. This was only further emphasized when she discovered he was to be sacrificed.

Godan: Not related to Gre'vyll, he was a simple archer. He had such a temper though, he barely managed to hold his tongue when he'd get punished, and on rare occasions he didn't. Grey heard him murmur something anti-Lolth one evening, and knew he couldn't last much longer either.

Grey came to Godan's and Zakhal's rooms, she ordered them follow her and made them leave behind all of their gear, they had to travel lightly. They fled the encampment, and didn't look back. She kept them close, renamed them Clad'dervs, and told them never to speak of their past. They continued to act as through they were Lolthites, for some time. During this time, Gre'vyll became very focused on defense and combat. She began augmenting her body and training extensively to make herself more capable of defending her crew. She pushed Godan and Zakhal harder, to fulfill specific niches in combat. She wanted an efficient, self sufficient fighting crew.

However, after a year or two away from her old House, Gre'vyll's grip on her crew started to slip. Sigil's sights and wide variety of people lured Zakhal away, and made him act out more than she could have imagined, he embraced the new culture. Godan pulled away, he had no patience for Sigil or its surfacer residents, and would disappear for weeks at a time. Such is how Gre'vyll wound up lured into a trap, set by her mother. The time that followed left her broken, and half mad for a time, she rarely refers to it as anything but "the family reunion".

With the help of new allies, she struck back against her old encampment, and took the shattered remains of Demtor, Myund and Aleanafin as her own House, Nelviar.


Grey has a habit for renaming people, and most of the nicknames are fairly uncreative, some of them change from time to time.

My Archer The reason for his nickname is obvious, he used to be in her hunting crew, and carries a bow. She obviously holds him in high esteem for his skill, but tends to think of him as young and overly filled with rage. Socially she will usually let him go unattended and let him speak with whomever he pleases. It's unclear whether or not he's related to her directly, but he's apparently from her House.

The Butterfly She usually taunts the butterfly, but she's gradually warmed up to her. Perhaps Grey just likes the way she flinches, or maybe she's just given into the woman's charm.

The Dancer Drow It seems like she enjoys the bard's company, she keeps coming back. They toss insults at each other frequently enough, but it rarely seems to get very serious. She doesn't seem to try very hard to recruit her, even when the two discuss philosophy and religion.

The Elf Seluil has earned perhaps the most uncreative nickname, but it is certainly accurate enough. She seems to waver between a dislike for the male and some strange manner of friendship. Usually she speaks sharply with him publicly, but she keeps talking to him despite her words.

The Eyes and Ears/The Husk It's difficult to determine what Grey's opinion of her is. She doesn't usually speak of her, and when she does, she's very noncommittal. It would seem obvious that Grey would hate any Llolthite, but there seems to be more complexity to their relationship than that.

The Healer Though she infrequently mentions her, she does seem to respect the moon elven woman's healing prowess. They don't meet often enough to be clearly friends or not, but Grey seems to mean her no harm.

The (Sacrificial) Lamb She seems to get along with this woman, mostly, but has a habit for taunting her. She has helped her before, and on rare occasions will whisper with her. The origin of her nickname is up for debate, but it seems to have something to do with her timid nature and bad luck.

The Merchant Karsperus seems to have gotten Grey's attention, she whispers with him and occasionally will go hunting with him. She seems to like him but doesn't usually go out of her way to track him down.

The Psion/Cat She speaks to the woman on occasion, but oftentimes the conversations turn to arguments. Overall her relationship with the woman seems more positive than negative, but at times it's difficult to tell.

Sevarus Some say she used to be in a relationship with him, but she doesn't speak of him that much anymore.

The Tall Drow She has only briefly met him, and her opinion on his is unclear. She is as interested in him as she is in any drow of Sigil, but she usually seems to get irritable when he's discussed for long.

The Wolf/My Caster His nickname's origin is up for debate, but it's certainly a well liked one. She seems to have some sort of romantic relationship with him. Usually she'll stand by his side whenever they're in public together, and they're often wandering off to speak or hunt together. She jokes around with him fairly frequently, and will usually greet him separately from the rest of the square-goers. She has even been known to show him affection publicly.


She has a House of her own.

She actually really likes elves.

She can and will get violent with little warning.

She's in love with Rasha/abusive towards Rasha.

She and Godan killed Zakhal.

She's working to become undead/is undead/is a vampire.

She's sleeping with Seluil.