Zakhal Clad'dervs

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Zakhal Clad'dervs
Male Drow
Player: Jeans
General Information
Full Name: Zakhal Clad'dervs
Nicknames: Zak, Zattack
Age: Presumed around 125
Deity: Unknown
Alignment: Template:Unknown
Occupation: Rogue
Faction/Rank: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eyes: Dark red
Hair: White
Complexion: Deep blue-black
Physical Build: Lean, sinewy
Physical Features: Scarred in perfect symmetry, not even his arms are differing in length, the scars are thin and delicate, seeming like a strange attempt at accenting features
Lock-picking, trap-springing, scouting, field medicine
Equipment and Items
Always carries two kukris and various scalpels, drugs, herbs, bandages, needles, syringes and many miscellaneous magical items which may or may not ever come into use.

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