Emma Coronis

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Emma Coronis
Female Tiefling/Some kind of abomination
Player: Tayla_88
General Information
Full Name: Emma Coronis
Nicknames: Lamb, Medicus
Age: Looks around 25
Deity: Undecided
Occupation: Researcher, Scribe, Experimentalist, Chirurgeon, Artificer
Faction/Rank: Society of Sensation, Namer


Place of Birth: Supposedly near Bedlam, Outlands
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Pale Greenish
Physical Build: Slight, somewhat frail
Physical Features: She has a spade tipped tail, marked palms, and sickly greenish skin.
Able conjurer and transmuter, good at translating and interpreting texts, knowledgeable about arcana, the planes, and religion, familiar with the creation of magical equipment like wands and various accessories, and skilled at providing traditional emergency medical care, surgery in particular.
Equipment and Items
A wide assortment of magic rods, staves, wands and scrolls, a number of tomes presumably filled with arcane secrets, a polished silver timepiece, a few simple outfits, and a collection of junk that could be anything from portal keys to garbage to spell components. She tends to carry only upper planar currencies and the usual gemstones and trade metals.

Common Knowledge


Emma is, under the right lighting, quite attractive. With her slender spade-tipped prehensile tail, she could conceivably pass for a succubus- save for the fact that, while clear and smooth, every inch of her skin is a sickly, pale greenish hue, and she lacks all of the characteristic demeanor; She generally seems less like a lust-filled demoness and more like someone who is moderately ill. She's slight of build, with little visible muscle, and stands about 5'6" tall. She has bobbed, straight brown hair, blue-grey eyes, and generally favors modest clothes in muted shades of grey, green and brown. Anyone observing her for very long will probably notice that she speaks with a pronounced stammer, and also tends to have difficulty in looking anyone in the eye for more than a few seconds. She seems, in fact, to be in an almost constant state of anxiety.

  • [Spot DC 25] Both of her palms have been marked by magic; Her right is branded with the image of a seven-pointed sun, her left is marred by a vaguely star-shaped burn scar.
  • [Spot DC 20] Her right ear is slightly discolored, appearing more of a seafoam green, compared to her overall slightly more sickly coloration.


Emma is almost always nervous, and regularly demonstrates a hesitance to interact with other people. She clearly wants to, but her own anxiety frequently holds her back. She tends to settle at first for the middle ground of being silent but present for discussions, so addressing her directly often startles her slightly- but it also gives her the needed 'push' to involve herself. When she speaks, it is generally quiet and punctuated with pauses and stammering, and she seems to frequently have difficulty selecting the right words to convey precisely what she means. She also spends perhaps an undue degree of focus on attempts to avoid upsetting others, which has occasionally led to her switching between conflicting ideas mid-sentence as she tries to work out the most diplomatic thing to say.

When discussing magical theories and formulae, however, she tends to become engrossed in the ideas, and her anxiety takes a backseat to scholarly fascination. When she recognizes someone as being a spellcaster of any variety, the idea that they share common interests is often sufficient to suppress her anxiety enough for her to eventually initiate a conversation.


  • She's just a particularly clever succubus, not a do-gooder succubus lookalike.
  • She's mortal, but is gradually turning herself into a demon as a means of achieving immortality.
  • She has a lab somewhere, full of necromantic copies of herself.
  • She's a lesbian, and has a particular attraction to halfling women.
  • She has a secret crush on Eidothea.
  • She's secretly in several romantic relationships simultaneously.
  • She's secretly plotting to destroy the Multiverse.
  • She's actually Alec's familiar.
  • She used to be a namer in the Anarchs, but they kicked her out.

Less Common Knowledge


  • With help from another planeswalker, saved Sorlla Tamera from an abduction/assassination attempt.
  • Came up with and employed a nonlethal (and appropriate) punishment for a bigoted warmonger.
  • Magically tracked and followed a djinn across the planes.


  • Unwittingly bound about twenty souls to her own.
  • Killed the host of Rest, one of the Spiritors of Sylvania.
  • Lost her excess souls to a necromancer in an attempt to free them.


  • Free the souls that she unwittingly bound to herself, then lost to a necromancer.
  • Support and protect her friends in their endeavors.
  • Transform herself into someone more capable of supporting her friends.
  • Become more capable of defending herself so that others don't have to.


Emma doesn't seem to have any clear-cut criteria for dividing up acquaintances into friends, enemies, and so on, tending to refer to most people she knows as 'friends', but from an outside perspective, one could more or less lump all those that she deals with regularly into three groups:


  • Alec - She seems fond of the Bleaker, and has often sought him out for advice, evidently having great respect for his opinion. Recently, however, her interactions with him have been awkward and brief due to guilt over some betrayal of his trust.
  • Alinda Lasaedra Veles - Emma was in a romantic relationship with Alinda for a time, but their relationship was apparently unable to survive the strict rules that Emma was required to adhere to as a member of the Order of the Planes Militant.
  • Aria - She's known Aria for a long time; They first met not long after Emma's arrival in Sigil, in fact. She considers Aria one of her closest, dearest friends. Lately, however, they've grown less close- though Emma regularly demonstrates dissatisfaction with this fact.
  • Cassidy MacKenna - Emma sees her as a friend. She's known Cass and Erin for about the same length of time, and seems about as fond of one as of the other, but around Cass she is perhaps slightly less awkward. Emma supposedly joined the Guardians through the two of them.
  • Charley Thorne - Emma considers her a friend, and seems to truly empathize with her, but at the same time, she frequently seems actively concerned for her, especially when she behaves in a manner that might make anyone besides Emma suspicious.
  • Erin Black - Emma sees her as a friend, and gladly shares notes and scrolls with her. She's known Cass and Erin for about the same length of time, and seems about as fond of one as of the other, having even supposedly joined the Guardians through the two of them.
  • Eruca ad Papillionem - For whatever reason, Emma trusts Eruca, very obviously considering her a very dear friend, akin to a sister. Why is uncertain, especially considering the treatment she's occasionally received at Eruca's hands.
  • Niki Abraxas - Emma seems to greatly enjoy talking with her, clearly taking great pleasure in having someone with whom she can have unfiltered discussions on the subject of magic without having to worry about being judged.
  • Sorlla Tamera - Emma has, since not long after her expulsion from the Order of the Planes Militant, been in a romantic relationship with Sorlla. She demonstrates her affection for the ice genasi openly, albeit usually in a relatively tame fashion.



Additional Notes



Much of Emma's history is unknown, alternately due to some fear related to the subject and a lack of clarity in her memories prior to her initial arrival in Sigil.

Possible Plot-Hooks

  • She doesn't remember the first ten to fifteen years of her life.
  • She was a namer in the Revolutionary League for about a year, just before coming to Sigil.
  • Her ex-Mistress was a succubus; she was executed for murder, but could return.
  • She is perhaps overly compassionate; she is inclined to think the best of everyone.