Wee Jas

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"The Taker"
Pantheon: Oerthian
AoC: Magic, death
Symbol: Flaming skull
Home P/L/R: Acheron/Tintibulus/
Patterned Web

The vain Wee Jas isn't really what a body'd call an evil power - it's just that she's preoccupied with the gifts strength can bring, and she takes it a little too far. She doesn't usually mean harm, but more often than not it comes anyway. In her pursuit of greater knowledge and mightier magic, Wee Jas occasionally steps on the backs of whoever can help her climb higher.

Death isn't one of her greater spheres; she's adopted it only in the past few centuries. Her priests are mostly watchers over the dead, rather than agents who promote death and urge it along. The power's realm reflects this: An impervious octagon carved into one of Acheron's cubes, the realm's laid out like a spiderweb, its roads leading invariably toward the center, where Wee Jas waits for her gifts.

Every berk who sets foot inside her realm is expected to offer fine jewelry or interesting magic to her altar. Those who don't bring suitable gifts can't find their way back out of the Patterned Web for a full year, or until Wee Jas decides that they've paid off their debt to her.

The old Mystra of Toril was an ally of Wee Jas, but the new Mystra has managed to fully alienate her. That might be part of the reason Wee Jas has taken a turn for the worse - her only good friend in the cosmos passed on, and was replaced by a beck who claimed the name but didn't pursue the same vision.