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"The Preserver"
Pantheon: Indian
AoC: Mercy, light
Symbol: Sun, shell, lotus,
Home P/L/R: Mount Celestia/
Mercuria/The Divine

The most widely worshipped power in the pantheon, Vishnu is thought to be the one who prevents evil from triumphing over good. Odd thing is, Vishnu feels no particular enmity toward those of his pantheon who embrace evil, reserving his fury for humans and fiends who cross the planes and leave destruction in their wake. Stranger still, although he's called the Preserver, Vishnu is good friends with Siva - some even say that they're different aspects of the same greater power.

It's said that Vishnu sends an avatar to the Prime whenever mortals, order, or justice is in danger. That may have been true in his younger days, but now the power allows mortals a little more latitude in solving their own problems. He still exercises his ability to render any creature incapable of committing violence.

His realm in Mount Celestia is the Divine Lotus, a place where nothing crumbles before its time. The petitioners are all young and strong, their brain-boxes keen with spiritual and mental enlightenment. Those who don't have sharp minds don't make it into the realm as humans; they become animals and are reborn into the karmic wheel.

Some worshippers call Vishnu the head of the Vedic pantheon; others give that honor to Indra. In any case, it's no dark that Vishnu's begun to establish relations with the other powers of the multiverse. Perhaps he's simply preparing them fro the destruction of all that is as Siva nears the end of his meditation.