Vallin E'len

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Male Half-Elf
Player: england
General Information
Full Name: Vallin E'len
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 28
Deity: Undisclosed
Occupation: Minstrel
Faction/Rank: N/A
Place of Birth: Some backring demiplane.
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'11
Weight: 193 lbs
Eyes: Clouded grey
Hair: Brown, medium length
Complexion: Dull
Physical Build: Sinewy
Physical Features: Thick, scruffy beard. Noticable scars and blemishes found along his forearms and torso.
Combat, identifying items, utilising bardsong, summoning and commanding undead. Being an underhanded bastard.
Equipment and Items
Bundles of magic bags filled with knick-knacks. "Dragon's Breath" Halberd, Helm of Endless Rage

Not much good can be said about this basher. Vallin is discourteous, rash, and unprincipled; Many in the Cage resent this sod for how treats those around him. Chant is that he rubs shoulders with Lower beings, makes friends of undead and even kills children in order to use their hearts as spell components. That last part can't be true, right?

However, he's made himself useful through various ventures around the planes, providing aid through both martial and arcane means. His most resourceful ability is the way he is able to weave melodies to either harm foes or bolster allies. Encores are rarely asked for.


There aren't many that Vallin considers a 'friend'; Any amiable relationships he has do not tend to last long. Vallin loathes the Fated for consistently emptying his pockets and doesn't take too kindly to the Mercykillers either. He's not too bothered about the other factions.


Not much has been openly revealed about Vallin's past, with only tidbits of information available. Apparently he's half-human, mainly raised on Toril by his elven mother who had to manage without the reliance of the second parent; Reason being that Vallin's father was a jinkbasher. At some point he enrolled in a Bard's college and studied for a few years only to leave on bad terms. The departure of the college prompted him to seek out Sigil, The City of Doors, where he currently resides.

Want the full story? Ask nicely and maybe he'll oblige you.