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"The One-Handed"
Pantheon: Norse, Faerûnian
AoC: Courage, law,
Symbol: Sword
Home P/L/R: Ysgard/Ysgard/
Mount Celestia/
Lunia/the Court

Tyr is considered the most honorable Aesir, as well as the bravest of the brave. Legend has it that the Fenris Wolf was prophesied to be one of the greatest threats the Aesir would face, so the gods tried to trick the beast and bind it with an unbreakable leash. They bet the wold that it couldn't snap the chain, but the creature smelled a trap. It wouldn't submit to the leash until one of the gods put his hand in the wolf's mouth as a sign of good faith - which Tyr did fearlessly.

'Course, as soon as the wolf realized it'd been peeled, it bit off Tyr's hand. The power could've run away, but Tyr consented to keep his word - and lose his hand. He chose to pay the price for his comrades' broken promise.

See, Tyr hates liars and oath-breakers, and those who make a living from deception disgust him. He's a fair and lawful in all things, and mortals look to his example when instigating laws for their societies. He guarantees every promise he makes, and watches over every battle fought lawfully. Chant is Tyr even invented the notion of the trial by duel. He's also known for making sure the Valkyries bring only the most deserving warriors to Valhalla.

Unfortunately, Tyr's faded from prominence in the pantheon, and he's frantically trying to hang onto life. He's even resorted to placing part of his strength in the Torilian sphere, where he has to bow to the overpower Ao. Still, he figures it's better than letting his ideals vanish from the cosmos.

Tyr's proxy is a cutter by the name of Sigurd. The son of Odin's proxy Sigmund, Sigurd is a truly fearsome fighter. He carries a sword that's rumored to slay dragons with a mere touch.