Tuonetar and Tuoni

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"The Keepers of the Dead"
Pantheon: Finnish
AoC: The underworld
Symbol: Decapitated head/
club in fist
Home P/L/R: Pandemonium/Pa-

These two powers of the Finnish underworld maintain their residence in Tuonela, the Land of the Dead. It's a place of gray wists and shrieking winds, a joyless realm among the already bleak caverns of Pandemonium. The powers're afflicted with the same apathy that pervades the rest of the pantheon, and their realm reflects this, full of sods who've lost all desire and sense of purpose or meaning.

Perhaps Tuonetar and Tuoni're better suited to life on the Gray Waste, but they're jealous of their domain. It's said that Tuoni (who oversees spirits journeying to their final reward) occasionally travels to the Prime to reclaim a deader that's been taken from Tuonela.

His wife Tuonetar, an ugly old hag, is Vainamoinen's most hated foe (or vice versa). Either way, the Crone of Death goes out of her way to make life difficult for the proxy and son of Ilmatar.