Solonor Thelandira

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Pantheon: Elven
AoC: Archery, hunting
Symbol: Silver arrow with
green fletching
Home P/L/R: Arborea/Olympus/

Solonor Thelandira is said to be the best shot with a bow in the multiverse, bar none. He might be the elven god of hunters, but he's also a god of nature, charged with keeping a balance between civilization and wilderness, instinct and knowledge, savagery and domesticity. Thus, Solonor isn't a mindless brute like so many other hunters; he stalks prey only out of concern for the overall balance.

Solonor's a serious cutter, and his followers tend to be as well. His primary worshippers are elven rangers and warriors, though the belief of some humans also lends him strength. Whoever they are, the god's faithful watch the balance of nature carefully, for without it, they'd have nothing.

The center of Solonor's domain in Arvandor is the Pale Tree, a magnificent white tree with silver leaves that're though to have mystical powers. But the god usually travels all over the realm, never staying long in one place, prowling the forests for creatures that need to be slain or relocated. Solonor's not picky either way, unless his targets are drow - he holds them personally responsible for the withdrawl of his brother Fenmarel Mestarine, and he punishes any agents of the dark elves or the Unseelie Court he can find.

Solonor's closest friend outside the Seldarine is Uller of the Norse, though Artemis of the Greeks is also a frequent hunting companion. He absolutely despises any powers that favor despoliation of nature, especially the Torilian deities Malar and Talos the Destroyer.

Solonor keeps no proxies, but he occasionally grants special abilities to loyal followers. Those who please him earn the right to move silently through woods and settled lands alike, a gift that usually lasts for one year.