Quasilemental Plane of Ash

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Between the Planes of Negative Energy and Elemental Fire is the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Ash. Moving from the Plane of Fire the last embers die out, leaving the cold remnants of combustion hanging in the gloomy atmosphere. The temperature drops quickly to a bone-chilling cold, all light from the Fire plane is rapidly blocked from view, and the ash steadily thickens toward the Negative Energy plane until it ends in a gray wall in the darkness at the border. Vision is limited and breathing impossible without assistance of some sort. This plane leeches the warmth out of any creature with a body temperature above freezing, especially natives of Fire, Smoke, and Magma which can die in a matter of minutes. Creatures of Ash shun warmth because their bodies can explode into lumps of ash if brought to room temperature. Another of the Doomguard's strongholds, the skull-shaped Citadel Cavitius is here at the border with the Plane of Death, but it was taken over by the lich Vecna long ago. They subsequently built a replacement and named it the Crumbling Citadel. The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Ash touches the planes of Negative Energy, Fire, Magma, Dust, Smoke, and Vacuum, and can be reached directly through the Ethereal plane.