Quasi-Elemental Genasi

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Lightning Genasi

More than any other Inner Plane, the Plane of Lightning is thick with temples and holy sites. The followers of lighting, weather, and storm gods maintain them, and most Lightning Genasi are raised in or near these shrines and temples, usually by a conclave of extremely devout worshippers. Sometimes a Lightning Genasi can go their entire lives oblivious to the existance of other Powers, and Lightning Genasi who are rigid and closed-minded in their beliefs almost always head back to the Plane of Lightning. To the more open-minded Lightning Genasi, the revelation usually leads to a great deal of soul-searching and introspection. In the end, a Lightning Genasi found away from their native Plane tends to be driven to learn more about the different beliefs and pantheons of the Multiverse.

Lightning Genasi look a lot like Air Genasi their skin tends to be darker, often in midnight blue, cloudy gray, or purplish tones though rarely bright yellow. Many lightning genasi possess some physical characteristic that identifies them as a natives of the Plane of Lightning, anything from hair that stands on end to tiny dancing sparks around their body and hair as they move.

Lightning Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
  • Electricity and positive energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against electricity and positive energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Lightning genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and lightning genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Lightning Weapon: Lightning genasi can use lightning weapon once per day as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer
  • Lightning genasi are immune to call lightning
  • Level Adjustment +1

Radiance Genasi

Most of the time when a genasi their first trip away from their Elemental plane, they find the transition to be a touch overwhelming. Radiance Genasi (known among themselves as Disciples of the Incandescent Colors) have the opposite problem: They find the Multiverse to be extremely underwhelming. Radiance Genasi hail from a plane where every moment of their existence is surrounded by, and suffused with, a scintillating, never-ending display of the most beautiful colors and lights in the Multiverse. When they go off-plane for the first time, they're confronted with a Multiverse that is, to them, exceptionally dull, drab, and dreary. Most of them just go back home in disgust. To their credit, the Radiance Genasi who choose to remain on the Planes tend to be an open-minded lot, and as such they're willing to try and understand "beauty" from the perspective of the "less-gifted" non-Radiance Genasi. What this means in actual practice is that most Radiance Genasi on the Planes turn their attentions towards artistic endeavors, either creating art themselves, or seeking out art made by others.

Radiance Genasi are visually striking. Their skin is always a vibrant, distinctive color (green, blue, purple, and so on), and their hair is usually a violently contrasting color from their skin. Their skin glows faintly and is often warm to the touch.

Radiance Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution
  • Fire and positive energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire and positive energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Radiance genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and radiance genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Glitterdust: Radiance genasi can use glitterdust once per day as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer
  • Radiance genasi are immune to colour spray, glitterdust, and prismatic spray
  • Glow: Radiance genasi glow blue, green, orange, purple or yellow (player's choice) and receive a -4 penalty to the Hide skill.
  • Level Adjustment +1

Mineral Genasi

Most assume a being from the Quasi-Elemental plane of Mineral would be a little on the hard, unfeeling side, but canny bloods know that things don't always turn out in the obvious or logical way, especially on the planes. So it is with the Mineral Genasi. Inheritors of the Glittering Stone are singularly large and imposing - larger even than their Earth Genasi cousins - but they've got a heart to match. Growing up on a plane where the ground around their homes rivals a king's treasurey for worth, most just don't understand the notion of hoarding wealth, especially just for the sake of hoarding it. This doesn't mean they think it's useless, junk is just a part of the journey to them, never the destination. A lot of Mineral Genasi spend their spare coins helping the less fortunate of the Multiverse. Being raised around vast troves of wealth, they often find it disturbing to discover that some berks don't have two coppers to rub together.

In appearance, Mineral Genasi are large, thick and imposing. Their features are sharp and angular, like the gemstones from their native plane. They are dark, often with rough brown skin, smooth grey skin, or small crystalline stones of various colors embedded into their flesh; these gemstones crumble to worthless dust when removed from the Mineral Genasi. They often have seemingly faceted eyes, resembling a cut diamond.

Mineral Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
  • Acid and positive energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against acid and positive energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Mineral genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and mineral genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Mineral genasi are immune to Petrification spells and effects (Flesh to Stone, Stonehold, Breath/Gaze/Touch Petrification etc)
  • Level Adjustment +1

Steam Genasi

The Inner Planes have collected a variety of nicknames over the millenia, such as the Boundless Blue for the Plane of Air, or the Anvil for the Plane of Earth. The misty expanses of the Plane of Steam tend to make folks think of mystery, secrecy and long-lost darks, and so it's most common nickname is simply The Hidden. The Steam Genasi, or Lanterns of the Mist, seem to embody this hidden quality of their home plane. Like other Genasi, they are ardent explorers of the Multiverse, but they often specialize in investigating the unknown, unearthing lost darks and seeking out forbidden knowledge.

Appearance-wise, Steam Genasi are the most human-looking of all the plane-touched. The only hints that give away their true nature are things like perpetually wet hair or an odor of fog about them. Occasionally one will have perpetually wet skin, but this is rare.

Steam Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
  • Cold and positive energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against cold and positive energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Steam genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and steam genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Displacement: Steam genasi can use displacement once per day as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer
  • Level Adjustment +1

Vacuum Genasi

As races go, the para and quasigenasi are among the more uncommon, but none of them are as rare as the near-mythical Vacuum Genasi. The reason they're so rare should be pretty clear. There's no known native creatures of the Plane of Vacuum that are capable of mating with a humanoid, nor are there a lot of permanent settlements on the plane. Still, like all planes, the Plane of Vacuum is an infinite place, and among all that infinity the conditions are bound to be right somewhere. Vacuum Genasi don't tend to be sophisticated or learned, though. Wherever on their Quasi-Elemental plane they're from, it's certain that visitors were a rare thing, and a young Vacuum Genasi's knowledge of the rest of the planes typically paints a clear Clueless picture. Coupled with a curiosity about the Multiverse, the cluelessness of a Vacuum Genasi can sometimes even exceed that of a Prime. Most get over it. Eventually. If they live. But it usually takes longer for them to shed their "cluelessness" than it does even for the most backward prime, and even an experienced and poweful Vacuum Genasi planewalker still has a touch of the "wide-eyed tourist" about them. Growing up in a nearly empty place isn't something one loses easily, after all.

Offspring of the Void all look very gaunt, sometimes to the point of seeming emaciated (although they're perfectly healthy). Their skin is dry and cool to the touch, and never perspires. And usually, when you get close to a Vaccum Genasi, there seems to be an area of "dead air" around them, extending about 1 foot from their bodies. Inside this area of "dead air," sounds seem muted, the air seems a little thin, and odors are muted or non-existent.

Vacuum Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity
  • Electrical and negative energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against electricity and negative energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Vacuum genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and vacuum genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Silence: Vacuum genasi can use silence once per day as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer
  • Breathless: Vacuum genasi do not breathe, so they are immune to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poison).
  • Level Adjustment +1

Ash Genasi

Residents of the Plane of Ash have a very solitary outlook on life, even more so than the residents of the other Inner Planes, and this outlook manifests itself in the Ash Genasi's natural dislike of cities and crowds. This isn't to say that Ash Genasi are anti-social or that they don't like the trappings of civilization; they just prefer a less hectic existence. In some cases, Ash Genasi who leave their plane take a liking to a particular area and settle down to live out a simple, comfortable life. In other cases, they become Planewalkers, going from plane to plane experiencing a variety of rustic towns, isolated villages, and remote wilderness regions. Note that a sweltering, unpopulated tropical jungle on a prime world, a relatively clear and difficult-to-reach plateu in Gehenna, and the gatetown of Faunel would all be equally attractive to the average Ash Genasi.

Ash Genasi usually have dark grey skin, and their hair will be dark grey with flecks of white. Most Ash Genasi leave an ashy residue on anything they touch, and they usually smell like burnt wood.

Ash Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
  • Fire and negative energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire and negative energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Ash genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and ash genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Blindness/Deafness: Ash genasi can use blindness/deafnes once per day as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer
  • Ash genasi are immune to blindness/deafness (Note: the spell, not all forms of blindness and deafness.)
  • Level Adjustment +1

Dust Genasi

In the minds of most cutters, the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust conjures up images of decay, decomposition, and disintegration. The Plane is inimical to both life and to created items, and both will quickly turn to dust without the proper magical protection. Amid all this waste and desolation are the Loreseekers of the Eroding Sands - the Dust Genasi. Fascinated by the history of everything: buildings, magical weapons, famous (or infamous) people, regions, towns, you name it; sages and scholars claim this is because the Dust Genasi are raised on a plane where they're surrounded by constant decay. Their curiosity about the life before decay is only natural. On the other hand, some claim that it's the symbolism of accumulated dust, or sands through an hourglass, representing the passage of time that piques their interest.

Whatever the reason, most Dust Genasi explore the planes in much the same manner as a Guvner, researching a particular location, person, or item for the rest of their lives, or dabbling into all manner of subjects.

Dust Genasi typically have a colored pattern to their skin reminiscent of sand, and many carry a faint dusting of sand on their bodies.

Dust Genasi Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
  • Acid and negative energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against acid and negative energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Dust genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and Dust genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Sandblast: Dust genasi can use Sandblast once per day as cast by a 5th-level druid
  • Breathless: Dust genasi do not breathe, so they are immune to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poison).
  • Dust genasi are immune to Sandblast and Disintegrate
  • Level Adjustment +1

Salt Genasi

Any Genasi that prefers living outside their native plane has a natural curiosity about the rest of the Multiverse. In Salt Genasi, this curiosity has flowered into a passion for exploring, mapping, and experiences the varied waterways of the Planes. Oceans, lakes, rivers, seas, and even swamps and marshes can capture the interest of a Salt Genasi.

Of all the planes, though, none of them seem to enamor a Salt Genasi quite like the Prime Material Plane. This stems from the inherent variety of water on the Primes; while oceans on the planes cover an entire Layer, they're usually fairly homogeneous, and smaller bodies of water are infrequent in comparison to the amount of land. Prime worlds, on the other hand, often have more water than land. Morevoer, the oceans of one prime world are usually vastly different from those of other prime worlds, and in many cases there are vast differences within the same ocean. Because of all this hopping about on the prime, Salt Genasi who spend most of their time on the Prime sometmies take to calling themselves "Primewalkers".

Salt Genasi usually have a slight crusting of salt on their skin and in their hair, and there's usually an odor of brine about them.

Salt Genasi Racial Traits

  • +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma, -1 Constitution
  • Cold and negative energy resistance 5
  • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against cold and negative energy. At level 20, this increases to +2. At level 30, this increases to +3. Note: A DM will need to update your skin at levels 20 and 30.
  • Darkvision: Salt genasi can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and salt genasi function just fine wtih no light at all.
  • Saltray: Ice genasi can use saltray once per day as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer
  • Water Breathing: Salt Genasi can breathe water as if it were air, but their movements underwater suffer the same restrictions as the movements of normal land-based characters.
  • Salt genasi are immune to dehydration effects such as Saltray and Horrid Wilting
  • Level Adjustment +1