Society of Sensation

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According to these folks, the multiverse is known by the senses - the only proofs of existence. Without experience, without sensation, a thing isn't. If a sod can't taste the soup, then it ain't soup. The only way to know anything for sure is to use the senses.

Look, it ain't that hard to understand. Which is real, a description of a rose or the rose itself? Only a barmy'd choose the description, which ain't real. It's got no smell, no thorns, no color. Picking a rose, that's real, and the way a body knows is by experiencing it. The senses are the only way to know the universe.

So some berk'll ask, "What's this got to do with universal Truth, the meaning of the multiverse?" Well, the chant is no one's going to understand the big dark until they've experienced everything - all the flavors, colors, scents, and textures of all the worlds. Only when a body's experienced the whole universe does the great dark of it all finally get revealed. It may seem like an impossible task, but there just migth be a way to bob the problem - cheat the multiverse, as it were. It just might be that the multiverse doesn't exist beyond what a body can sense. The answer to what's over the next hill might just be "nothing."

Given that, the multiverse has limits, and a body can try to experience it all. A being's got to savor the intensity, explore the complexity. Don't just guzzle the wine - find all the flavors within it. Before a sod's all done, he'll learn the differences between Arborean and Ysgardian wine, know them by vintage, and even by the hand of the vintner. Only then do the secrets of the multiverse start to make themselves clear.

Allies and Enemies

The Sensates and the Signers, both egocentric factions, do share points of agreement concerning their philosophies, and they often cooperate in their activities. Sensates are cordial to Guvners and Indeps, intrigued by their descriptions of far away things. However, they're opposed to the philosophies of the Doomguard, which sees worlds only as decaying objects.


The Sensates hold experience at the heart of truth; they look to sample every sensation the multiverse has to offer. As such, they prefer gods of adventure and excellence, like Sif of the Aesir - she's good at everything, and therefore she's to be admired. The only deity they admire more is Lugh of the Celts. He's adventurous, amorous, and he'll try anything once to see if he's good at it. Lugh doesn't shy away from challenges, and the Sensates emulate that devotion.

'Course, some members of the faction wallow in simple hedonism, sticking with what they know they like rather than scouting out new experiences. These folks tend to choose powers of beauty and charisma - gods who look good and carry themselves with style. Among the pleasure-seeking Sensates, Aphrodite, Baldur, Bast, Freya, Hanali Celanil, Lliira, and sometimes Sune are the deities of choice.