Tijaisk Lasau

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Tijaisk Lasau
Female Radiant Half-dragon
Player: EtherealVanity
General Information
Full Name: Summoning Spell-star (Translation)
Nicknames: Tij, Tija, Glow-babe, Titi
Age: 19
Deity: N/A
Occupation: Scholar of the Arcane and the Planes
Faction/Rank: N/A
Place of Birth: Mount Celestia
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 200~
Eyes: Draconic, gold
Hair: Gold
Complexion: Glossy, fair.
Physical Build: Lithe with light curves.
Physical Features: Golden wings, draconic tail, scales.
Knowledge: Planar, Arcane, Decipher, Scribe, arcane warrior
Equipment and Items
Tija does not usually wear a lot of clothes. Her usual garb is a short-sleeved shirt and skirt in silk. While she seems to own several weapons, she favors the Radiant Greatsword



Lithe with light curves.


Tija has fair and glossy human skin, in the few places she does.

Scales cover all her limbs and much of her body. They cover her back entirely, and some of her sides. Traces of scales are on her collar-bones and neck as well.


She has a draconic tail and a pair of wings capable of flight, almost 12 feet in total wingspan.


Her eyes are two orbs of gold, split vertically like that of a dragons.

Like the rest of her, they have a faint radiance to them and reflect light.

When facing total or unnatural darkness, her eyes begin to glow in a more prominent manner.


Golden, kept in a loose pony-tail.


She has short claw-like nails, which she prefers to cut down with very, very sharp tools.

Her feet are very reptilian on the other hand, three draconic talons on each.


Her ears are pointy like that of an elf, with traces of tiny scales.


Despite having been fast at learning new languages some habitual expression persist from draconic being her first language. This trend has ceased though, as she with time adapted to human tradestongue.

She is usually seen with a detached expression on her face, yet her eyes tell a different more lively story.


Tija was born in Excelsior, the Outlands, to a wizard planewalker by the name of Alandra.

Due to complications, Alandra didn’t survive the child-birth and wished for her to not be raised so she could join the plane in spirit.

As such, Tija was left with her dragon father, Thurirlaltiui, who is a servant of Bahamut and member of the Guardians.

Struck by grief and the burden of responsibility, Tija and her father spent her first eighteen years in Venya – Celestia, among other dragons and wyrmlings.

The magical blood of her draconic father and her human eagerness to learn served her well as she began studying magic.

She always felt burdened after finding out about her mother, feeling guilty over her death.

As such, it only encouraged her to further seek escape in books of lore and magic and lead to her reclusive behavior.

Eventually Tija turned eighteen, ready to face the dangers of Excelsior.

At one point Tija was missing, soon after her father was reportedly found dead outside of Excelsior with Tija still nowhere to be seen.

Rumor is that she escaped to the City of Doors and is sought after by the Guardians for questioning.

She has since been seen in the Archives above all places, together with the planeswalking wizard Craugh.

Going by the name of Alandra.

She has adapted fairly fast to her life in the Cage, now usually seen with a greatsword on her back.

It was not long before Tijaisk displayed power, able to will spells of the 9th circle.


Tijaisk seeks to join the Doomguard.

Tijaisk's very fast rise in power begs to question if she was not powerful to begin with.




- Find out who murdered her father.

- Avenge her father.

- Learning more about as many planes as possible, and explore.

- Learn more about arcane as to aid the above.


- Scholar RP: Arcane, Planar.

- Investigating who murdered her father.