Gre'vyll Nelviar

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Gre'vyll Nelviar
Female Drow
Player: Catfang
General Information
Full Name: Gre'vyll of the House Nelviar
Nicknames: Grey, Scary Lady, Gravy, Gravel
Age: Presumed around 275
Deity: Vhaerun
Alignment: Template:Unknown
Occupation: Adventurer
Faction/Rank: Fated
Place of Birth: Unknown
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red
Complexion: Dark Grey
Physical Build: Warrior
Physical Features: Very angular face, slightly paler skin than typical for a drow, lack of fingernails on left hand, ritualistic tattoos on right arm and right side of neck.
hunting, adventuring, torture, defensive combat
Equipment and Items
Full plate armor, a helmet, a hood, a tower shield and a scimitar, assorted magical items.

Gre'vyll is the quintessence of a dhaereaow warrior, in appearance, she makes an imposing silhouette, somewhat tall for a drow (5'5"). Her stance is stiff and strong. Her once lily-white hair, has been dyed a jarring sanguine color, closely matching to the color of her eyes. She has a sharp, but youthful angular face. The right side of her neck bears a number of tattooed symbols and scars which extend down the length of her right arm as well (Knowledge: Religion 20). She is almost always wearing heavy armor, and wearing a scimitar at her hip. She usually has her face hidden by a helmet or obscured in shadows beneath a hood.


Unsurprisingly Gre'vyll is neither the sweetest nor the kindest person one will ever meet in the planes. She can be a bit abrupt and will oftentimes give directions in the forms of orders, especially in a combat situation, and will often try to assume command. She can be protective of allies, but gets irritable when her protection is refused. Some would argue she has a soft side, but most would simply describe her as a dangerous bitch with a habit for getting violent. She has been known to berate people for "foolish" questions, and threaten people with little provocation. Her once passionate expressions of irritation and anger have taken on a colder calmer edge. She seems to prefer the company of drow, and always seems to be in the hunting mood. She is working to improve her skills nearly all the time.

Hidden History

<Not up to date> It seems noteworthy that it's difficult to find any information regarding Gre'vyll's past. The furthest back any history regarding Gre'vyll seems to go is less than a year ago. She does not usually discuss her past, and will usually dodge the topic if asked any questions regarding her origins. What little is known about her past relates to Godan and Zakhal. She has more than once referred to herself as "Gre'vyll of no House" suggesting that she has cut ties with her former House, the manner in which she did so is unknown.

She began her travels with Godan Clad'dervs and Zakhal Clad'dervs. There's no indication of where they came from, or why they began traveling the multiverse. There's even doubt as to whether or not they are going by a House name. What is known is that they left from ~somewhere~ some time less than a year ago, and they have not gone back. They left with very few materials, and even by the time they had arrived at Sigil they had few pieces of equipment to their names. Though she has maintained contact with Godan, she hasn't spoken to Zakhal in quite some time.

On Religion

<Not up to date> It is public knowledge now that she is very likely not a Lolthite. She does not wear any symbols of Lolth and she does not bring up the Spider Queen in conversation. She even seems on edge when others bring her up. However, her boots have little spider designs on them, that seem to shift whenever they aren't looked directly at. The symbols on her neck and right arm are ritualistic in design and seem to be Lolthite, to a keen eye.


<Not up to date>

Her Crew

Godan She also refers to him as her archer, he works perfectly with her when hunting, and they have obviously hunted many times before together. Socially she will usually let him go unattended and let him speak with whomever he pleases. Aloud she usually speaks to him in direct orders, but sometimes she will take him aside to whisper with him. It's unclear whether or not he's related to her directly.

Sevarus She seems to be dating him, and frequently hunts with him. The exact nature of their romantic relationship is unclear, because she will sometimes treat him near equally and other times he'll follow her orders.

Seluil Whether or not Seluil is actually a part of her "hunting crew" is hard to say, he is however certainly one of the people she speaks to most often, and she will hunt with him with some relative frequency.

Alea While Alea most certainly is not one of her hunting partners, she does speak to Alea with enough frequency to show the two are allies. She does have an obvious respect for Alea's skill.


She seems to have an alliance with Aria, however, as the loud tiefling has been seen traveling and hunting with Gre'vyll and her traveling companions. Gre'vyll will even speak with the woman on occasion, but the alliance seems to be based around hunting and hunting alone for now.

She no longer invites Shi'Naynee hunting with her group, and she will generally try to avoid the woman or keep an eye on her if she sees her. Occasionally she will whisper with Shi'Naynee, but usually during these conversations Gre'vyll's expression is stiff and her face takes on a slightly paler hue.

She does not speak much with Cay'Norn, and will sometimes refer to him as the "tall drow". Her opinion on him is unclear, except for one thing. She does not trust him. She even makes some small attempts to keep her male traveling companions from speaking with him.


She has a house of her own.

She actually really likes elves.

She and Godan killed Zakhal.

She's working to become undead.