Divine Champion

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Divine Champions are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to their deity's cause, defending holy or unholy ground, destroying enemies of the church, and slaying mythical beasts.


Base Attack Bonus: +7

Feats: Weapon Focus in a melee weapon

DM Approval: This Prestige Class requires DM approval. Characters with levels in this prestige class must be faithful servants to their Power.

Hit Die: d10

Proficiencies: Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapons (Simple, Martial)

Skill Points: 2 + INT

Class Skills: Craft (all), Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Lore, Parry, Profession (all), Ride, Spot, Taunt

Level progression

Level BAB Saves Feats HP range   Save bonus Divine wrath
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 lay on hands 5-10 +0 -
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 bonus feat, sacred defense (+1) 10-20 +1 -
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 smite evil 15-30 +1 -
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 bonus feat, sacred defense (+1) 20-40 +2 -
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 divine wrath 25-50 +2 +3 5/+1
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 bonus feat, sacred defense (+1) 30-60 +3 +3 5/+1
7th +7 +5 +5 +2 35-70 +3 +3 5/+1
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 bonus feat, sacred defense (+1) 40-80 +4 +3 5/+1
9th +9 +6 +6 +3 45-90 +4 +3 5/+1
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 bonus feat, sacred defense (+1), divine wrath (+2) 50-100 +5 +5 5/+1

Lay on Hands: Damages the living and heals the undead, when the user is of an evil alignment. Furthermore, if you have blackguard levels, the damage is increased by three plus blackguard levels.

Tips: Becoming a Divine Champion

  • Paladins gain some of the fighter's combat abilities by choosing to become a divine champion.
  • Conversely, fighters gain paladin-like abilities by playing this prestige class.
  • Militant clerics may also find this prestige class appealing.
  • This class should also be very interesting for rogues because it gives increased saving throws, fighter-like abilities like bonus feats, increased base attack bonus and hit points while continuing a high reflex save.
  • Sorcerers have a synergy with this class as a high charisma improves many divine champion abilities.

Epic Divine Champion

A deity guides the epic divine champion on her life journey. She has ascended through the ranks of holy warriors to become a symbol of her deity's might.

Hit die: d10

Skill points: 2 + int modifier

Bonus feats: The epic divine champion gains a bonus feat every four levels. In other words, at levels 14 and 18.

Available Epic bonus feats: armor skin, automatic quicken spell, automatic silent spell, automatic still spell, devastating critical, epic damage reduction, epic prowess, epic spell focus, epic spell penetration, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, epic weapon specialization, great smiting, great wisdom, improved combat casting, improved stunning fist, improved whirlwind attack, overwhelming critical, planar turning, superior initiative

Epic divine champion level progression

 Lvl  Feats HP range   Save bonus Divine wrath
11th 55-110 +5 +5 5/+1
12th sacred defense (+1) 60-120 +6 +5 5/+1
13th 65-130 +6 +5 5/+1
14th bonus feat, sacred defense (+1) 70-140 +7 +5 5/+1
15th divine wrath (+2) 75-150 +7 +7 10/+2
16th sacred defense (+1) 80-160 +8 +7 10/+2
17th 85-170 +8 +7 10/+2
18th bonus feat, sacred defense (+1) 90-180 +9 +7 10/+2
19th 95-190 +9 +7 10/+2
20th sacred defense (+1), divine wrath (+2) 100-200 +10 +9 15/+3


Sacred defense: Saving throws continue to improve by +1 for every 2 epic levels.

Divine wrath: Every five epic levels the attack, damage, and saving throw bonuses increase by a further +2.


  • This class replaces the original Champion of Torm class.