Niki Abraxas

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Niki Abraxas
Female Human
Player: -LucidDream- (lucid on forum)
General Information
Full Name: Niki Abraxas
Nicknames: dingbat, “girl”
Age: 25
Deity: Whoever has the books
Occupation: Maker, Shaker, Breaker
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Some prime somewhere
Physical Attributes
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120ish
Eyes: brown
Hair: copper
Complexion: autumn
Physical Build: nerd
Physical Features: A birthmark on her forehead, several long, thin, twisty shapes poking out of her hairline
Researcher, inventor, collector of unusual knowledge
Equipment and Items
Mage stuff…books, staff, robe, little bits of crap…mage stuff Tinker, gears, glowing stones...tinker stuff


…is this Niki person?

A strange little magic chit wit’ a habit of either solvin’ problems, or makin’ them, often both at once. Quite a few rumors around that’n, and not all of ‘em pleasant. They’re probably all true. Oh yeah…all of it, cutter. The stuff what contradicts itself…the stuff what makes no sense…all of it. She’s a genius, and a moron. Clever, yet oblivious. She can answer questions about math and cosmology most berks can’t even ask, build things that would shock Oghma’s eyebrows off his head, but in everyday society she’s utterly useless.

…knows about her?

Lots of berks know a little. Ask around. For more, look to them who’s got names she remembers. Might try the roamin’ bleaker, that big green bloke, the slim green winged girl wit’ the weird powers…drop her name, see what happens. Have a care how ya ask, though, berk. Some might get touchy if they question yer motives. Ask them she's done work for, an angel with a porcelain hand, or maybe the Tailed Tailor. Might also try a certain winged demon…chant is, the Herald himself has roped her into a deal of some sort.

…does she like?

A motley bunch of misfits. There’s no rhyme or reason to who she latches onto. She gets on well with most anyone, or gets on amiably at least. She tends to say stuff that raises eyebrows and brings conversations to sudden, metal-rending halts. But kindred spirits, mages and researchers and explorers and engineers, them she’ll always chat up.

…does she hate?

Law-pushers. Bean-counters. Organizers. Angels. People who tell her what to do in general. But there’s exceptions aplenty.

…is she dating?

Chant is she had a boyfriend. But get this… Mean Joe, pit fighter and pimp, and now self-admitted assassin, he cut his ties and turned himself in to the Mercykillers. Some says he was that anxious to be away from her...some say she tired of him and used her magic to MAKE him do it. Me, I don' assume nothin' about that relationship could ever be explained in a single sentence. Ask 'er, if you want the dark. But fact is she's single, now.

…is her mother?

Elianes, the necromom. Don’t look at me like that. Of course she didn’t pop out of that flower-wilting undead elf. But the old bat adopted her, and they’re both just happy as clams about it. Question the sanity of it if you must, but don’t call me a liar, I couldn’t make this up. Birth mother? No idea.


…does she do?

She makes things.

…kind of things?

See, askin’ the question that way, it’s clear you’ve missed the point. She don’t make any kind of thing. To hear her tell it, she “solves problems”. She’ll be walkin’ along all distracted like, thinkin’ about math, and somethin’ will spark an idea. A week, a month, maybe a year later, she emerges from her basement, pulls the sheet off whatever twisted physical form she’s given that idea, and turns it on. Better stand back a bit when she does, if ya like yer limbs all attached as they are.

…has she made before?

Plenty you won’t hear about. Of the rest? Everything from some hideous machine that spewed blobbies all over the market, to prosthetics for paladins, to piles of research tables and results that only a mage would get excited over. All of it’s gonna be weird, though, you can count on that. And it’ll all get results…even the ones you asked for…just maybe not the ones you expected.

…does she like?

The weirder the better. New magic, new planes, she went a little loopy over a new kind of insect once.

…does she hate?

Not much. Dancing, for sure. Mirrors, modrons, and the mundane. She’s none too fond of Slaad either, for whatever reason. And she don’t react too well to being called ‘crazy’, which hardly helps her case.

…languages does she speak?

Well that’s a bit puzzling. Without magical help? Common. That’s it. Mages usually collect languages as avidly as books. Not her. She can mimic almost anyone, though, it’s eerie how well she does it at times. Odd to hear, when she does someone like Mack.


…did she come to the Cage?

Popped out a door some few years ago, as the Clueless measure ‘em. Running hard and skittish as a cat in a city of dogs. Found herself a spot in the Archives, dug in, and ain’t moved since, beyond forays to gather her little bits of weird garbage.

…does she sleep?

Yeah we’re not sure. Doesn’t seem to have any kind of schedule at all, and holes up pretty good when she conks out.

…can I meet her?

Heh, good huntin' to ya. She don’t keep schedules, though she does do meetings. Drop a note at the Archive. Make findin’ you a project, and it’ll happen.

…is a good time for Science?

It is ALWAYS a good time for Science! damn now she’s even got ME sayin’ it.


…does she live?

Kips in the Archives, keepin’ the place up while the owner’s away.

…does she work?

Wherever the work takes her. Chant is she’s got a lab down in the bottom of the Archives, but she’s also known to skip off to Lower Ward and disappear into the warehouse district for hours, sometimes days, and she comes out all greasy and worn...seems certain she’s got a workshop in there somewhere, but she’s pretty keen on it not being seen.

…did she learn magic?

Some reckon she had a book with her in the womb. Guess that’d make her its twin! But those with a keener eye can see the influence of her former mentor, and it never came from anywhere pleasant. Occasionally she’ll do that parrot thing and quote somethin’ in the old witch’s voice. That’s good fer a chill, you’ll see. She don’t say much about her old job, but it’s fair clear that she didn’t quit…she escaped.

…is she from?

Don’t know. And neither does she. Chant is she’s hired a few mages to try to sort out her past. Chant is she’s still lookin’ so you can guess how that went. They say she’s from some prime somewhere, but left real young and didn’t exactly bring a map. After that, she’s mentioned Xaos, gatetown to Limbo. Could explain a bit, that, but it’s even odds she was like that before she got there.


…is she like that?

Born that way. Touch o’ Chaos. Seen too much too early, got her brainbox rattled in a lab explosion, take your pick. But the fact is she don’t think like you and me, or anybody else. And she don’t act like us neither.

…doesn’t she remember my name?

Don’t take it personal, berk. She knows maybe ten names. She can’t even remember her boyfriend’s name. She’ll spit out the names of things quick as ya like. Materials, theories, species, techniques, she’ll quote them all…then have to look your name up in her book. And funny enough, planar types…exemplars, and gods…them, she recalls. Maybe she considers ‘em things.

…has nobody noticed her name?

Oh some have. But how do ya bring up a thing like that? It’s said she only recently learned of it, herself. You know enough to ask the question? Look at it again, then, and ask yerself if that’s really a place ya want yer nose in.


…does she look?

Cute young human girl with wacky red hair and a squiggly mark on her forehead. Golden spectacles, white dress with purple trim, purple cloak. Yeah, always…she don’t wear nothin’ else. Generally going to have grease or ink smeared on her somewhere. Probably has a staff, or a book. She’s pretty easy to pick out.

…powerful is she, really?

Well, she’ll call herself an apprentice, but she’s adlecoved. She can cast any wizard spell, and a few more besides. She can use any scroll, any device, and if she ain’t got what she needs, she’ll bloody well invent it. Flighty git, but she can surprise ya right off the hip.

…does she do that stuff?

She’s mad, that’s how. Numbers and such, they dance for her. Designs, schematics, they’s like a street illusionist’s show floatin’ in her head. Gettin’ her to talk about numbers is easy…it’s gettin’ her to shut up that’s the trick. Seems the girl’s always taken aback that everyone doesn’t think like her. But that’s madness for ya.

…is she not dead yet?

One good answer is the amount of magic she can toss about. It ain’t many cutters who’s eager to fight a wizard that strong, and she’s made examples of some of the dumber ones. But how has she managed to not kill herself? Yeah berk…we all wonderin’ that.