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'''The Rise of Spell-Star, Part: I (currently in possession of Tija)'''  
'''The Rise of Spell-Star: A journal in Planar Study (currently in possession of Tija)'''  


'''The Rise of Spell-Star, Part: II - The fall (currently in possession of Tija)'''
'''The Rise of Spell-Star: A dragons diary - The fall (currently in possession of Tija)'''


Revision as of 13:02, 15 August 2015

Tijaisk Lasau
Female Radiant Half-dragon
Player: EtherealVanity
General Information
Full Name: Summoning Spell-star (Translation)
Nicknames: Tij, Tija, Glow-babe, Titi
Age: 19
Deity: N/A
Occupation: Scholar of the Arcane and the Planes
Faction/Rank: Doomguard
Place of Birth: Mount Celestia
Physical Attributes
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 200+~
Eyes: Draconic, gold
Hair: Bright gold
Complexion: Glossy, fair
Physical Build: Lithe with light curves.
Physical Features: Golden wings, draconic tail, scales.
Knowledge: Planar, Arcane, Decipher, arcane warrior
Equipment and Items
While she seems to own several weapons, she favors the Radiant Greatsword


The young half-dragoness stands at about 5’8” with light curves to her otherwise lithe build. Most visible skin that shows is covered in faintly shining golden scales, including some miniscule scaling on her cheeks and elongated ears.

Her wings are usually folded closely to herself, but when expanded easily amount to 12 feet of wingspan. A massive tail sprouts from her back, easily reaching the ground and thicker than her thigh at the base- often shifting with her movements and when otherwise still.

Sharp fangs bulge slightly past her lips, and mixed with the intensity of her golden draconic eyes, she certainly has a presence that hints at power above the common basher. She is usually seen in a chainmail of clearly elven make and with a radiant greatsword.


Tija was born in Excelsior, the Outlands, to a wizard planewalker by the name of Alandra.

Due to complications, Alandra didn’t survive the child-birth and wished for her to not be raised so she could join the plane in spirit.

As such, Tija was left with her dragon father, Thurirlaltiui, who is a servant of Bahamut and member of the Guardians.

Struck by grief and the burden of responsibility, Tija and her father spent her first eighteen years in Venya – Celestia, among other dragons and wyrmlings.

The magical blood of her draconic father and her human eagerness to learn served her well as she began studying magic.

She always felt burdened after finding out about her mother, feeling guilty over her death.

As such, it only encouraged her to further seek escape in books of lore and magic and lead to her reclusive behavior.

Eventually Tija turned eighteen, ready to face the dangers of Excelsior.

At one point Tija was missing, soon after her father was reportedly found dead outside of Excelsior with Tija still nowhere to be seen.

Rumor is that she escaped to the City of Doors and is sought after by the Guardians for questioning.

She has since been seen in the Archives above all places, together with the planeswalking wizard Craugh.

Going by the name of Alandra.

She has adapted fairly fast to her life in the Cage, now usually seen with a greatsword on her back.

It was not long before Tijaisk displayed power, able to will spells of the 9th circle.

Tija's path from there became a rocky one. Completing her Doomguard trials and attending a meeting in the Barracks. She was arrested and thrown into prison, not many know how she really escaped, but rumours are somebody - or something, springed her.

With her newfound freedom, she spent a time covering her tracks and then began really looking for clues about her father's and mother's past. It lead her to many places and several planes planes. The scope of things constantly expanding, enough to make her own play in it seem tiny in comparison.

She eventually found out most things about her mother, and her dark past. And of how both she and her mother both were machinations in a devious scheme. Angry but not discouraged, Tija vowed to destroy those responsible and continued her search.

With the help of someone or something, Tija went to a location of infernal forces that were likely responsible for her father's death. A castle full of cambions and an unnamed succubus that admitted to the plotting. While the succubus was destroyed right there and then, it is presumed to be alive still.

Tija once again turns to Sigil, hoping to learn more dark about the Alliance and in turn find the succubus. None the less have the triad of law off her back by helping in the fight against Ventrax.


- "The riots in the market ward? The one that got all them pikin' planeswalkers kicked out? Aye, I remember it, was the barmiest thing ever! Two draconic lasses walk up an' start making a fuss. Then throw magical loot about. 'Fore you know it, the whole square were fighting over it!" - market ward enforcer

- "The black slaad? Aye, some believe she's working with it." - random basher

- "Where is she now? Well, the chant's she got arrested by harmonium and is rotting away in the Prison. What a berk!" - random lady's ward basher

- "What was she even doin' at the Gatehouse meetin'? She sure likes making bods paranoid. Speaking this and that about the pikin' black slaad." - random bleaker


- Pursue the succubus responsible for her father's death.

- Help fight Ventrax and the Alliance of Change.

- Build a sanctuary around his remains.


- Investigating who murdered her father.

- Settling things with the Harmonium.

Physical journals

The Rise of Spell-Star: A journal in Planar Study (currently in possession of Tija)


The Rise of Spell-Star: A dragons diary - The fall (currently in possession of Tija)
