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''"I cannot say whose designs brought me here, only that it is here that I am."''
''"I cannot say whose designs brought me here, only that it is here that I am."''
''"I have endured worse."''
Indithrael was born to an elven male and human female, both former adventurers. He was raised in the township of Highmoon in Deepingdale. He readily relates that his father died while he was a young boy and that his mother died several years after. After this time he relocated to Amn and recieved the remainder of his upbringing and education as her ward.
He relates his aunt being a giving woman, if a bit harsh. As her charge she saw to his continued education in matters of arithmetic, literature, and the various other aspects of academia. He rarely mentions such things, but it was while in her care that he also began to learn his way about a blade as well as many of the other skills he possesses at present.
He left his aunt's stewardship at age eighteen. In the time bridging that day and his arrival in Sigil he has worked many jobs: attendant, scribe, courier, and seeker to name a few. That he does not often give any chronology to when he held what positions suggests he may well have done all interchangably under the all-encompassing mantle of 'adventurer'.
The whole story is, understandably, more detailed than he is generally wont to share.
((And still in the process of being written.))

Revision as of 09:37, 1 April 2013

"We are each given a path to find and to follow"

Male Half-Elf (Chondathan/Moon Elf)
Player: Blank Expression
General Information
Full Name: Indithrael Harpenfold Arvandellar
Nicknames: Indy, 'Thrael
Age: 34
Deity: Selûne
Occupation: Adventurer/Specialist
Faction/Rank: None
Place of Birth: Highmoon, Deepingdale, Aber-Toril
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'2"
Weight: ~160 lbs
Eyes: Deep Blue
Hair: Dark Auburn-Brown
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Slender
Physical Features: Pallid complection. One massive, intricate tattoo about his upper back.
Prying locks, disarming traps, finding things hidden, being unseen and unheard
Equipment and Items
Leather armor, repeating crossbow, shortblades of various styles

The Basics

Appearance & Demeanor

Indithrael cuts a gaunt figure. His features blend the smoother shapes of the Chondathan people with the harsher angles found amongst the fair folk. Perhaps in cruel mockery of his attempts at appearing somewhat dignified in comportment, biology has conspired to grace him with an anemic complexion to compound his angular features. A firm, yet somewhat narrow jawline sets the foundation of his face, an aquiline nose setting its center. His thin lips appear ever drawn into a faint grimace, and his angular brows seem similarly weighted at their outer edges. Beneath his gentle brow lie eyes of deep blue that examine his environs by their near perpetual shifting. All this is framed by his mop of stringy hair, dark brown in coloration, which hangs limply about his head, typically covering the mildly pointed ears that further hint at his mixed heritage.

His typically simple attire is usually well-cared for, despite its generally being well-worn. Much of his daily clothing is made of rougher, more-durable fabrics and show the signs of heavy use. The colors of choice in his attire are deep browns and blues.His body is kept generally clean, save when adventuring, and his hair generally is left to hang loose, again with the exception of having it tied back for travel. His armor, when he chooses to wear it, is impeccably cared for, the leather well-oiled and thinned patches and sites of damage meticulously mended. Similarly, the weapons he carries when geared for adventure are maintained to a high standard of care.

Personality & Philosophy

Indithrael's general demeanor is a withdrawn one. He tends to speak softly, gesture subtly, and shy away from larger crowds. He is not aloof, however, willing to hold conversation with any who initiate it. His manner of speech is unobtrusive, preferring going unheard to speaking out, and his voice has a gravelly hoarseness to it as though words perhaps come with physical difficulty. The manner in which he carries himself varies from a regimented sort of rigid when still to something more akin to grace when in motion. In general company his mannerisms are to remain generally motionless and to allow others and himself a respectable area of personal space.In company he trends between wary and reserved, favoring an unobtrusive observation to hearty participation in the revels of adventuring companions. Indeed, it is not uncommon to find him more comfortable in his own company than that of others.

Religion and spirituality play a large part in Indithrael's day to day. He oft mentions the workings of higher powers in discussions of his personal history, and he has a taste for discussing and learning of religious thought. He might be caught uttering a soft prayer before adventures or when out of the company of others. He favors working alongside others of deep faith, and is, at least ostensibly, respectful to the followers of most ethoses. Often, despite whether or not he has strong opinions regarding any situation, he will defer to the judgement of anyone he perceives as a spiritual superior. When asked of his faith he tends to be paradoxically guarded, less prone to a straight answer than something more circumlocutory.

"I cannot say whose designs brought me here, only that it is here that I am."


"I have endured worse."

Indithrael was born to an elven male and human female, both former adventurers. He was raised in the township of Highmoon in Deepingdale. He readily relates that his father died while he was a young boy and that his mother died several years after. After this time he relocated to Amn and recieved the remainder of his upbringing and education as her ward.

He relates his aunt being a giving woman, if a bit harsh. As her charge she saw to his continued education in matters of arithmetic, literature, and the various other aspects of academia. He rarely mentions such things, but it was while in her care that he also began to learn his way about a blade as well as many of the other skills he possesses at present.

He left his aunt's stewardship at age eighteen. In the time bridging that day and his arrival in Sigil he has worked many jobs: attendant, scribe, courier, and seeker to name a few. That he does not often give any chronology to when he held what positions suggests he may well have done all interchangably under the all-encompassing mantle of 'adventurer'.

The whole story is, understandably, more detailed than he is generally wont to share. ((And still in the process of being written.))