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Pantheon: Orcish
AoC: War, territory
Symbol: Single unwinking eye
Alignment: LE
Worshiper Alignment: LE
Home P/L/R: Acheron/Avalas/
Know Proxies: Makrete Ironskull, Orog Male; Arderott of the Rotting Throne, Orc Male

Gruumsh, leader of the pantheon, is a god of war who loves fighting for its own sake. He revels in strife and pain, pushing his people to expand their territories by driving other races from prime-material lands. The orcs have developed the ability to survive anywhere, even in the most hostile environments, simply because they need to be. Of course, if they can strike at beautiful, serene land, they'll do so - but because of Gruumsh, they'll likely raze the place and return to the austere beauty of their homes.

Gruumsh is a harsh ruler; he constantly demands the most from his people, weeding out the weak and sending horrifying omens to those who don't live up to his expectations. If a batch of berks just can't push themselves to excel, Gruumsh usually destroys them by fire or the aggression of rival orc clans.

He has an eternal enmity for both dwarves and elves, especially Moradin and Corellon Larethian. Legends say the leader of the elven pantheon put out Gruumsh's eye in battle, and now the orcish deity searches the cosmos over for it. He plans to find whoever's foolish enough to keep the eye hidden from him, and tear the sod apart.