Kaith Hisrissa

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Kaithe Hisrissa
Female Tiefling
Player: Gallant
General Information
Full Name: Kaithe Hisrissa
Nicknames: Kat, Kitten, Kitty
Age: 19
Deity: None
Occupation: Assassin
Faction/Rank: Doomguard
Place of Birth: Lower Ward, Sigil
Physical Attributes
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 157lbs
Eyes: Black (Completely)
Hair: Ink Black
Complexion: Dark
Physical Build: Lithe, Athletic
Physical Features: Full-black eyes, small demonic horns on forehead.
Kaith is a passable engineer, a trapspringer, a locksmith - a dabbler - and she's particularly very good at stealth. If you see her, it's usually because she wants you to.
Equipment and Items
Kaith usually wears dark and nondescript clothing, but she has a mild exebitionist streak and clearly isn't too shy with it.


One of the two chaos twins, the other being Kathus Hisrissa, her brother.

KAIT and KAT are twin tieflings, native residents of Sigil. Their origins are dubious at best.

Of the twins, Kait is usually the smarter of the two, if no more wise. Where her brother is the brawn, she tends to be the brains of the outfit.


Kitty usually presents in dark clothing, or somber-toned clothing, and as little of it as she can reasonably manage without going completely naked. She is remarkably comfortable in her own dark skin; doubtless, it's paradoxically easier for her to blend in that way, as she's roughly shadow-colored to begin with. She doesn't wear jewelery to jangle, or carry too many errant items.

She is tall. At 6'2", she is probably one of the tallest tiefling women you're going to see on a street. She's lithe like a panther, smooth and hairless, except for the long, heavy mass of her black hair - which reaches her rear, unbound, past her waist. She has a few tattoos, including a dragon on her left arm, and one above her rear, covering over the scar where her tail might once have been.


Kaithe is an asshole. She is greedy, selfish, prideful, and generally hard to get along with if you tick her off - and that can be very easy to do. She's rude, brash, impatient, and every bit the jerk. She does have her saliant moments sometimes, but those are reserved for her close associates, or people that she thinks she can get things from, or who stroke her ego a little bit. It's just a hard-knock world, and she's figured out growing up beneath the shadow of the Armory and only a step or two away from the Hive that she's got to take care of herself, first, and then everybody else can shift later.


Kathus Hisrissa is her Brother, and they have a difficult, if symbiotic relationship. She used to bully him incessantly when they were children; when they hit puberty, that switched. The two are close, but only out of familial necessity.

Doomlord Nullus is her direct superior in regards to engineering, and she is scared to death of pissing him off too much, for good reasons.

She has hit-or-miss relationships with the rest of the Doomguard she knows.


She was runner up one month for the Tailed Tailor chainmail bikini centerfold. She is still bitter about losing to 'that idiot winged bitch'.


Kaithe eventually wants to become powerful enough to kick the shit out of her brother, and then anyone standing between her and whatever it is she wants on a casual basis.

Her professional goals are the creation of engines of great destruction; as a Doomguard, she's interested in the wheels, the cogs, and the machinery that rips armies, walls, and planeswalkers to bits.

Although she is not a sorcerer, she is passively in search of some way to utilize her demonic heritage in such a way that she can become, vain as it sounds, stronger or more beautiful - not the most forward thinking, but the world's given her shit to work with, and she might as well try to turn all the scorn into some strength, somewhere.

Plot-Hook Ideas

Are you a demon in need of a servator, promising increasing and gradiated levels of power for the murder of random people?

This is your girl.
