Arca Novem

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Arca Novem
Female Human
Player: Reddnn
General Information
Full Name: Arca Novem, Reverand Daughter of the Ninth House
Nicknames: Bones, Skull Kid
Age: 19
Deity: ?
Occupation: Doctor (Anatomy specialist)
Faction/Rank: Fated, Namer
Place of Birth: A Prime of Mages and Necromancy
Physical Attributes
Height: 4'11
Weight: 123lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Ashy blonde, darker towards the ends.
Complexion: Dark Olive
Physical Build: Deceptively thin for her strength
Physical Features: Bone earrings. Dry skin.
Studied doctor in traditional medicine. Exceptionally well read on Lore. Accomplished Necromancer.
Equipment and Items
A wicked longsword of darker make, and a mask made from a human skull.

A child prodigy in her necromantic art, Arca is a woman who continues to push herself to great lengths to build herself a foundation from which she can ensure growth long after her lifespan comes to a close.


She had ashy blonde hair that dulled in colour towards the ends curled just above her shoulders. She had darker olive skin and calculating hazel eyes. Her skin seemed to be a bit dryer than most, though it did not seem to crack due to such. While her outfit was dignified, the only jewelry she seemed to wear were a set of small white pieces in her ears, which upon closer inspection could be discerned as bone. Clasped to her collar was the immaculately kempt badge of the Fated.

She held herself with a high posture, and her words often were slung together in a practiced tone. She had a slight accent of unknown origin, though someone from a prime whose language was similar to old Latin could potentially recognize some familiar sounds.


Arca Novem was born on a relatively small Prime in the Ninth of Nine Houses. At the age of six, as all children are from her Prime - she was tested for any signs of arcane ability. She showcased a surprising prowess for wizardry at her young age, picking up the means to cast extremely rudimentary spells fairly quickly. However, as is custom on their prime - each child that succeeds in their tests is then placed within a strict and regimented path to Necromancy. As a child of the Ninth, Arca was to specialize in the creation of skeletons with a lack of consciousness. By the age of eight, she had memorized the names and placements of every bone in the human body, and began the process of raising her first skeleton. This was a rousing success, and over the years as she grew and improved, her overseers took notice, deigning her to be the next head of her house, to be trained to take on the responsibilities of keeping the Ninth House alive.

The most promising and powerful Necromancers of each house were to be trained within extremely specific perimeters decreed by the ruling force over this Prime - an entity that had named and decreed himself “Emperor, the Undying, the Necrolord Prime, God.” The dark of this Prime was that centuries ago, what was originally meant to be a Mageocracy of grand design, was overtaken when the Necromantic Head Wizard “removed” the other head Mages from their stations, using them as focuses to attain Lichdom. He wiped any memory of them and the former plans from the minds of his subjects, and as each new generation was born he indoctrinated them with a religion entirely focused around Himself, and the Necromantic arts. He banned the study of soul and life extending magics, citing their dangers - but it was truly for selfish reasons as to keep his true nature secret.

As the years passed and Arca had been placed upon a pedestal within her House - which had been struggling for years, the placement of which upon their Prime had been poor. The air above ground was sulfurous and toxic, and thus they had been forced to live underground. Arca followed the ways of her predecessors, raising skeletons using the bones of their dead in order to cultivate the few plants that could grow and remained edible to their people. After so many generations of this, the House had been gradually dwindling in number, many more dying of malnutrition and disease. Unhappy with her place in this grand plan, but simultaneously wanting to see a better potential future for her people, she set to visit the First House - the House of the Emperor in order to exchange her services under his direct rule for resources her people could use to hopefully better their situation.

This was successful, for a time. In exchange for her more intensive studies and work under His decree, her House was supplied with additional supplies and migrants from other Houses. Arca continued the work she had been so diligent in, but the increasing workload had begun to take a toll on her both mentally and physically. Where she was always so careful with the ancient tomes she read from in the Emperor’s own library, after one particularly long week of very little sleep she simply let one fall from her hand. It landed and skid under a desk, which she crouched to retrieve it from under. When she rose once more, however - she was no longer in a library, but in a cobweb infested shed. This chance portal was what began her ventures within Sigil.