Aoife Pyremane

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Female Azerblood
Player: Reddnn
General Information
Full Name: Aoife Pyremane
Age: 39
Deity: Concept of Magnitude
Occupation: Engineer
Place of Birth: The Crucible - Plane of Fire
Physical Attributes
Height: 4'10
Weight: 150lbs
Eyes: Vermillion
Hair: Red
Complexion: Metallic Gold
Physical Build: Incredibly hench
Physical Features: Two scars that cross her right brow and chin
Architectural and Machine engineering
Equipment and Items
A fucking massive bat

As the vessel of guardians
I follow along
With the words of the wise
In the way of the strong

A woman whose size cannot compete with her boundless personality, Aoife Pyremane is a war cleric that throws herself wholly into whatever task she sets herself to. An avid drinker and never one to turn down celebration, her boisterous attitude and loud bellowing laugh can be jarring for some, but she might just be one of the friendliest berks around.


Born and raised within a small community of Azerblood that shared space with their Azer kin in the Crucible, Aoife and her twin sister Nessa were incredibly close as siblings of their nature tended to be. Neither had much interest in the forge work that drew the attention of many of their blood, but that did not mean they were not crafty. Aoife was enchanted by the structures that the Azer designed and built across their home plane, the towers that marked their territory and served as havens in the harsh environment for their allies. Nessa’s interest was in the rougher aspects of engineering and worked to help build the war machines that were used to deal with the threats that presented themselves. They dreamed of one day walking the planes, a duo beyond compare that would explore the ‘verse around them.

Both sisters were blossoming masters in their own rights, but just as skilled in battle. Warriors that fought both with both flung flails and flung spells, together they often led small parties of fellow fighters against Efreet patrols. They both had their share of overconfidence, leading to one fateful cycle and a terrible accident.

A simple raid on an Efreet patrol went sour, as after multiple lost skirmishes the Efreet had brokered a trade deal of Baatorian nature. Armed with ensorcelled Greensteel weapons, the sisters lost several men in the madness. Aoife escaped with a few minor scars that would forever mar her face, but Nessa was not so lucky. She had taken a blow to her spine, and while she’d live - she was crippled and lost the ability to walk.

Unable to continue the work she was so passionate about without serious aid, Nessa fell into a deep depression. Aoife could not bear to see her sister in such a state and began to take up the mantle of splitting her expertise to compensate for her sister. She learned about the intricacies of designing and building war machines so that she could be the body that brought some of her sister’s ideas to life. They worked in tandem, and Nessa’s disability gradually came to work its way into Aoife’s own architectural designs so that they were accessible to her wheelchair-bound twin.

Aoife carried the weight of two then onwards, the strength of a second soul that was so closely attached to her own. It was a difficult decision, but Nessa was the one to convince Aoife to seek their once shared dreams outside of their own Plane, rather than holding herself back to care for her twin. Thus, Aoife made a promise to her sibling she would not allow anything to limit her. She would be the one who stepped out into the planes for the both of them and carry back the victories, failures, and stories they once dreamed about having together.



MacLasiar Steelarm

These two quickly became friends upon their first meeting, having both sensed a kinship in each other. Both creative and impassioned minds for their crafts, they've spent a decent amount of time fighting at each other's sides and drinking as all good dwarven folk do.


Histories hewn in the crypts of my mind
And I'm finding the source of it all

Rodeo'd a Greater Magma Paraelemental whilst drunk because someone said she couldn't.

Made it a standard in all of her current tower designs to be accessible by wheelchair, as well as implemented ways for current towers to be updated.

Has fought not one, but two separate Demiliches.

After killing an Abyssal Wyrm in the Outlands, Aoife performed a mass funeral and cremated the remaining corpses of the slaughtered village.

Successfully piloted a Planartransporterinator (a knock-off Spelljammer) across the planes, repaired it multiple times, and returned it to its owner. Oh, and helped kill a remnant of Bhaal's realm in the same cycle.